440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 9, 1995 10:41 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Tracey at SCU re studies on knowledge creep and culture shock.
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0201 - Santa Clara University 408 554 4521 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Tracey Kahan, Ph.D.; Professor, Room 200G =408 554 4812
020102 - Psychology Department =Telephone
Not Enough Time to Read
0703 - ..
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 48 and work at ref SDS 6 line 30
070502 - and ref DIP 2 line 30 to Tracey for consideration of doing a study on
070503 - "knowledge Creep," per ref SDS 6 line 158.
070504 -
070505 - Tracey is too busy to investigate Communication Metrics.
070506 -
070507 -
0706 -
0707 -
0708 - Discussion
0709 -
070901 - Tracey said her work is not involved with "connectionist theory." I
070902 - asked if improving the ability to think, remember and communicate,
070903 - understanding and reducing "knowledge creep" and "culture shock" from
070904 - advances in peforming knowledge work are of interest to her?
070905 -
070906 - Tracy said these issues relate to her work, but not directly enough to
070907 - investigate improvements.
070908 -
070909 - She has received my letter, ref SDS 7 line 57, but feels she will not
070910 - have time to read it, similar to Jane at WSB, per ref SDS 3 line 108.
070911 -
070912 - I mentioned my work is aimed at reducing the tension between the rate
070913 - of information flow so people have more time to think about serious
070914 - issues. Tracey feels strongly that there is not enough time to think
070915 - about how to save time and improve her work practice.
070916 -
070917 -
070918 -
0710 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"