440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 29, 1995 01:05 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received call from IBM Advantis re Internet mail.
2...Mail Program Options
3...Obtaining PM Mail
Click here to comment!
0201 - IBM Internet 800 821 4612 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Rodger NLN; Technical Support =Telephone/fax
Concord Apartment,
SDS, Update Diary
Transferring Computer Data
105404 Message to Millie Not Received, Zip
111906 Message to Bill Not Received, Zip
Failed SDS transmission to Millie
Transfer Binary Directly
Receiving Files
Modem Performance
E-Mail Applications
Mail is Not Delivered
1313 - ..
1314 - Summary/Objective
1315 -
131501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 10 line 42. Confirmed prior ideas on
131502 - using Internet mail.
131503 -
131504 -
131505 -
1316 -
1317 -
1318 - Discussion
1319 -
131901 - Rodger is returning call from one the many problems we have had
131902 - transferring data via e-mail to Millie. Problems transferring to Bill
131903 - DeHart are at ref SDS 6 line 54, and ref SDS 5 line 43.
131904 -
131905 - He confirmed the understandings with respect to sending smaller
131906 - attached files via internet, per ref SDS 10 line 141.
131907 -
131908 - Rodger said there is nothing users can do to influence whether a
131909 - transmission will complete successfully. Therefore, the best
131910 - strategy at this time is to send large zip files in smaller blocks.
131911 -
131912 - He said IBM and other providers do not disclose these well known
131913 - difficulties because they want to sell the service and they are afraid
131914 - that if they tell prospective buyers that using the Internet is hit or
131915 - miss, then fewer people will buy the service.
131916 -
131917 - Rodger said that if Internet used z-modem protocal, it would be able
131918 - to recognize the status of a prior dropped transmission, and simply
131919 - send the rest of what has already been sent. Rodger said he expects
131920 - Internet will use z-modem in the future, but he knows of no intended
131921 - date for this to occur. He has no information that efforts are
131922 - underway to use z-modem.
131923 -
131924 -
131925 - Mail Program Options
131926 -
131927 - Rodger said there is a lot of dialog on the Internet on which
131928 - Internet mail program to use. Ultimail Light is not highly regarded.
131929 - He uses a Windows program:
131930 -
131931 - Free Agent
131932 -
131933 - I asked Rodger how it improves on Ultimail. Rodger said he feels
131934 - it has more flexibility in some respects, but he could not say in
131935 - what manner.
131936 -
131937 - Rodger said the OS2 program:
131938 -
131939 - PM Mail
131940 -
131941 - ...may be a better e-mail program for OS2 than Ultimail Light. He
131942 - said he used PM Mail before when he was using os2.
131943 -
131944 - I asked how Users find out what mail programs will accomplish their
131945 - objectives of using the Internet efficiently?
131946 -
131947 - Rodger said the Internet dialog on forums and news groups are good
131948 - sources of information.
131949 -
131950 -
131951 - Obtaining PM Mail
131952 -
131953 - He said we can this program from the followig FTP site:
131954 -
131955 -
131956 -
131957 -
131958 - Log in under User ID: annonomous
131959 -
131960 - Password: you e-mail address
131961 -
131962 -
131963 - Rodger thinks the name of the program I want is:
131964 -
131965 -
131966 -
131967 - If this is not apparent at the ftp site, try the directory:
131968 -
131969 - os2, incoming
131970 -
131971 - ...and download index00.txp
131972 -
131973 - Download it. It is an ascii file that lists file descriptions, so
131974 - we can see which one is for pm mail.
131975 -
131976 -
131977 -
131978 -
1320 -
1321 -
1322 - 2055 Failed Connection
1323 -
132301 - I tried logging onto the ftp site Rodger suggested. There was not
132302 - connection following Rodger's instructions.
132303 -
132304 - Tried changing password to annonomous and using my internet address
132305 - for User ID. This got a response that the location was not accepting
132306 - the connection. Indicated the User ID might be entered incorrectly,
132307 - or the site might not have any open channels.
132308 -
132309 - So we don't know if we did somethng correctly or whether the site is
132310 - too busy, and if it is too busy, we don't have any way of knowing
132311 - when to try to connect again.
132312 -
132313 - This is a good example of Tom Landauer's point about what is
132314 - wrong with computers.
132315 -
132316 -
132317 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"