440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 27, 1995 01:53 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Encountered possible problem with car.
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0201 - S & C Ford 415 553 4400 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Barbara Stone; Service Representative
020102 - Service Department =Telephone/fax
Millie's Mercury Sable, 940423
Service after trip to San Diego, Warranty
Change Oil, Rotate Tires, Fix back door
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Experience today indicates may have wheel alignment or some other
050704 - problem that causes vibration and car to drive off line.
050705 -
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050707 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Progress
0511 -
051101 - I drove Millie's car to the meeting with Intel. ref SDS 10
051102 -
051103 - This is a trip of about 50 miles, or 100 miles round trip, mostly
051104 - using US 101 from San Francisco to Santa Clara at Montague Road.
051105 -
051106 - Millie asked me to see if one of the tires needs air. She said it
051107 - seemed like it to her and she had it serviced recently. She is
051108 - concerned it may have a slow leak.
051109 -
051110 - I checked the tires before leaving, when I arrived at Intel, and when
051111 - I returned to San Francisco. None of the tires seemed less or under
051112 - inflated after the trip.
051113 - ..
051114 - I did notice however a strong pull to the right on the steering
051115 - wheel, while driving. When the car reach speeds of 65 to 75 MPH,
051116 - dashboard seemed to vibrate considerably near the passenger side.
051117 - Either or both of these conditions could reflect a condition where one
051118 - tire is not adequately inflated. It could also be caused by improper
051119 - wheel alignment which was reported by S&C on 950920. ref SDS 9 4461
051120 -
051121 - It is curious these problems seem to be occurring after the car was
051122 - serviced. Problems did not exist before the service.
051123 -
051124 - [On 991006 warranty for Firestone replacement tires says vibration
051125 - is indication of failed tires that can cause injury and death.
051126 - ref SDS 14 1980]
051127 -
051128 -
051129 - Was something done during the service that caused the misalignment?
051130 -
051131 - Called Barbara Stone to ask why we were not notified on 950906 when
051132 - S&C serviced the car, about the wheel alignment problem reported in
051133 - S&C's invoice which we did not receive until 950920? ref SDS 9 4461
051134 -
051135 - However, she did not respond.
051136 -
051137 - [On 950928 See follow up at ref SDS 11 0077]
051138 -
051139 - [On 951006 service manager offers guidance. ref SDS 12 4561]
051140 -
051141 - [On 951009 S&C reports tire failure. ref SDS 13 9653]
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051146 -
0512 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"