440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 21, 1995 08:18 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Bill re PMI Event Program.
2...PG&E Management Seminar
3...Rationale, Concept
4...I asked Bill how he is doing using SDS. He feels he is making steady
....Help - Ctrl F10
.....Pending Question
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PMI Event Program, Planning
Speakers, Feb Event, Jul Event, Sep Event
0704 - ..
0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 18 line 48. Discussed plan for
070602 - transitioning new PMI event planning team. Considered contacting PG&E
070603 - about sponsoring seminar on Communication Metrics. Plan to visit next
070604 - week for SDS training.
070605 -
070606 - Submitted this to Bill as an SDS update, and an Internet note
070607 - alerting of this record.
070608 -
070609 -
0707 -
0708 -
0709 - Discussion
0710 -
071001 - Bill said he talked to Ahmet this evening. He told Ahmet of on going
071002 - contacts with various potential speakers. Ahmet indicated he wants
071003 - this background submitted to him for follow up.
071004 -
071005 - Comment
071006 -
071007 - Actually, Ahmet has already been notified of contacts with speakers
071008 - per ref DIP 1 line 295, ref DIP 2 line 353, and at ref DIP 2 line
071009 - 375.
071010 -
071011 - Bill has the entire record of contacts, and all other work that
071012 - has been done on this project.
071013 -
071014 -
071015 - I asked about the direction and status of Event Planning.
071016 -
071017 - Bill indicated he gathered from Ahmet that a planning meeting will
071018 - be held in October. He does not know the members or the new
071019 - agenda, theme, etc. Ahmet asked Bill to participate. Bill said he
071020 - is willing to help; he expressed concern about decision making
071021 - procedures based on history of prior work.
071022 -
071023 -
071024 - We discussed the need to conclude understandings with respect to scope
071025 - and coordination of speakers who have been contacted so far. My sense
071026 - is to proceed with planned meetings and submit the results to PMI for
071027 - disposition. Bill advise Ahmet of this approach.
071028 -
071029 - [See follow up at ref SDS 19 line 63.]
071030 -
071031 -
071032 -
071033 - PG&E Management Seminar
071034 -
071035 - I asked Bill about the viability of presenting the series of seminars
071036 - planned for PMI, to PG&E, Bechtel, AT&T. We would aiming for an
071037 - audience of executives on the need for positive change to meet the new
071038 - realities, opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.
071039 -
071040 - Bill said he has attended such events sponsored by PG&E. He will be
071041 - in town next week, and will visit at PG&E about considering this idea.
071042 -
071043 - [See follow up at ref SDS 20 line 109.]
071044 -
071045 -
071046 - Rationale, Concept
071047 -
071048 - This could be a single or a series of lectures that report on the
071049 - results of the evaluation contract PG&E performed last year on SDS.
071050 -
071051 - One result is Bill's evaluation, ref SDS 2 line 59. Another is
071052 - the development of a new management science: Communication
071053 - Metrics, ref SDS 3 line 75. Another is the paper to be published
071054 - by PMI: New World Order Needs Old Time Religion, ref SDS 16 line
071055 - 53. Still another is the class on Communication Metrics at George
071056 - Washington University, ref SDS 17 line 60.
071057 -
071058 - We could submit the proposal to George Washington University on
071059 - Communication Metrics, as a sample agenda.
071060 -
071061 - This is on Bill's computer at ref SDS 17 line 60.
071062 -
071063 -
071064 -
0711 -
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - I asked Bill how he is doing using SDS. He feels he is making steady
080502 - progress. He finds function key assignments are hard to remember,
080503 - using the F1 key that scrolls the profile.
080504 -
080505 - He has encountered the "Action Item" function in the SDS record
080506 - "Diary/Reports" menu, and was evidently able to use it.
080507 -
080508 - Help - Ctrl F10
080509 -
080510 - I forgot to ask if he was able to get Help on menu choices using
080511 - Ctrl F10 with the cursor on a menu choice?
080512 -
080513 -
080514 - I asked if he is able to use the citations in SDS records to follow
080515 - the history of understandings. Not sure Bill directly indicated his
080516 - progress on this. I think he has worked on it.
080517 -
080518 - Pending Question
080519 -
080520 - Did not ask for his general assessment of how well SDS works as a
080521 - general communication and research tool, where Bill is using my
080522 - records.
080523 -
080524 - One thing we really need to do is test out the Pending Action
080525 - Items system created a few months ago.
080526 -
080527 -
080528 - We will try to get together next week for some SDS training.
080529 -
080530 - He has jury duty next week, but only for one day unless he is actually
080531 - seated as a juror.
080532 -
080533 -
080534 -