440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 20, 1995 05:00 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Attend PMI meeting at Gabbiano's.
2...Two Events
3...Event Planning Team
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0201 - Taspinar Management Consulting 510 569 4636
020101 - Mr. Ahmet Taspinar, PMP
PMI Monthly meetings
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 10 line 42.
040502 -
040503 - I decided not to attend for the reasons at ref SDS 11 line 72.
040504 -
040505 -
040506 - The PM Forum will be:
040507 -
040508 - Computerized Project Management and its Impact on the
040509 - Construction Industry
040510 -
040511 - ...presented by:
040512 -
040513 - Kenji P. Hoshino
040514 -
040515 - ...who is founder and principal of
040516 -
040517 - Construction Management Resources
040518 -
040519 - ...based in Santa Rosa.
040520 -
040521 - Kenji has qualified in many jurisdictions as an expert witness in
040522 - the area of CPM schedule analysis.
040523 -
040524 - Kenji will discuss the latest developments in computerized project
040525 - management and their impact on professional project managers.
040526 -
040527 - Attendees are encouraged to participate by expressing their "wish
040528 - lists" and complaints regarding the computerization of their
040529 - profession.
040530 -
040531 - Questions
040532 -
040533 - How do computers solve the communication problems explained by
040534 - Joel Koppleman, president and CEO of Primavera, in his talk on
040535 - Magic Dates, per ref SDS 1 line 237.
040536 -
040537 -
040538 -
040539 -
040540 -
040541 -
040542 -
0406 -
Communication Metrics workshop
Asilomar Annual Meetings
Strategies, Purpose/Justification, Concepts
0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 32 and discussion with Bill DeHart
090702 - at ref SDS 9 line 60.
090703 -
090704 - The Newsletter says on p. 3 under "Executive Committee News" that...
090705 -
090706 - A theme was chosen for this year's programs, the:
090707 -
090708 - Evolution of Project Management
090709 -
090710 - It is not clear if this is the theme of the monthly programs, and/or
090711 - whether it is an alternate theme for the event programs.
090712 -
090713 - What is the objective of the theme - where does it lead?
090714 -
090715 - What professional benefit will attendees draw from this theme? Is
090716 - there a subtheme, such as support or improvement of the PMBOK?
090717 -
090718 - Does evolution mean the changes in project management over the past
090719 - 5,000 years, 50 years, or the future from today into the next 10,
090720 - 20, 50 years.
090721 -
090722 -
090723 -
090724 - Two Events
090725 -
090726 - The Newsletter also says in para 5 under "President's Message" that
090727 - PMI is planning a second Regional conference for the early part of
090728 - next year.
090729 -
090730 - This seems to reflect the discussion with Ahmet in Oakland during
090731 - July, per ref SDS 7 line 83.
090732 -
090733 -
090734 - Event Planning Team
090735 -
090736 - The President's Message calls for volunteers to help Ahmet plan the
090737 - events.
090738 -
090739 -
090740 -
090741 -
090742 -
0908 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"