440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 20, 1995 11:11 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received notice of PM seminar at University of Santa Clara.
....................Connectionist Theory
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0201 - Santa Clara University
020101 - Mr. John Blumenson;
020102 - Executive Development Center
020103 - Mr. Bob Newman, Ph.D.; Chairman
020104 - Psychology Department
020105 - Ms. Tracey Kahan, Ph.D.; Professor, Room 200G
020106 - Psychology Department
020107 - Ms. Patricia Simone, Ph.D.; Professor, Room 200C
020108 - Psychology Department
Attend seminars, and other product demos to
0504 -
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up
050602 -
050603 - Received invitation to attend seminar at University of Santa Clara on
050604 - Advanced Project Management. It costs $425.
050606 - ..
050607 - Investigated doing studies on SDS and got some new leads.
050608 -
050609 - [See follow up at ref SDS 4 line 46.]
050611 - ..
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Called 408 554 4521
0510 -
051001 - Left message.
051002 -
051004 - ..
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - 1145 University called back
0514 -
051401 - Talked to John Blumenson
051402 -
051403 - Santa Clara University
051404 - Kenna Hall Room 106
051405 - Santa Clara, CA 95053
051406 -
051408 - ..
051409 - He is part of the Executive Development Center.
051411 - ..
051412 - Asked about following:
051413 -
051414 - Whether the Risk Management material will cover the Information
051415 - Highway, and Communication Metrics?
051416 -
051417 - John said the person who will give the course is located in
051418 - Boston. USC does not have a Project Management department.
051420 - ..
051421 - Would the University be interested in a proposal to teach a course in
051422 - Communication Metrics?
051424 - ..
051425 - Does the University have a Department that would be interested in
051426 - investgating the biological phenomena of "knowledge creep" also
051427 - called "meaning drift," discussed in the NWO paper?
051429 - ..
051430 - John said they have a group at the University called
051431 -
051432 - Competitive Manufacturing Institute
051434 - ..
051435 - The professor is out of DIS department: Steve Nahmias, Ph. D.
051436 -
051437 - 408 554 4918
051439 - ..
051440 - John thinks Steve might be interested in these ideas.
051441 -
051443 - ..
051444 - I will send John a copy of the NWO paper. He will give it to his
051445 - boss:
051446 -
051447 - Barry Posner
051448 -
051449 - decide what distribution to make.
051451 - ..
051452 - [Followed up at ref SDS 4 line 50 and ref SDS 5 line 56.]
051453 -
051455 - ..
0515 -
0516 -
0517 - 1213 called Steve
0518 -
051801 - Left message for him to call back on studying "knowledge creep."
051802 -
051804 - ..
0519 -
0520 -
0521 - 1214 called Steve back
0522 -
052201 - He is an expert in mathamatical modeling of inventories. Steve feels
052202 - our work is outside his field. He suggests talking to Barry Posner
052203 - and to...
052205 - ..
052206 - Bob Newman Chair of Psychology Dep 554 4347
052207 -
052208 -
052210 - ..
0523 -
0524 -
0525 - 1355 called Bob Newman Chair of Psychological 408 554 4347
0526 -
052601 - Discussed interest in a study to evaluate how SDS models the human
052602 - memory capacity to link information into a web of "knowledge" and as a
052603 - result reveal the phenomena of:
052604 -
052605 - Knowledge Creep
052606 -
052607 - ...also called meaning drift.
052609 - ..
052610 - Bob asked if I have done any reading in the field. I mentioned Jeromy
052611 - Campbell's book at ref SDS 1 line 56, also ref SDS 3 line 84.
052613 - ..
052614 - Bob said the current buz word for studying the connections in the
052615 - human mind is:
052617 - ..
052618 - Connectionist Theory
052620 - ..
052621 - He was very helpful in suggesting I contact at SCU:
052622 -
052623 - Tracy Kahan She is a cognitive psychologist 554 4812
052625 - ..
052626 - Patty Simone She is a human nuero psychologist 554 4577
052628 - ..
052629 - He feels there is more work in this field in psychology departments at
052630 - following:
052631 -
052632 - MIT,
052633 - Cal Tech
052634 - Carniege Mellon University.
052636 - ..
052637 - Bob suggests just calling the Chair of these departments and
052638 - explaining opportunity to support their inquiries by using SDS.
052639 -
052641 - ..
0527 -
0528 -
0529 - 1401 called Tracey Kahan 408 554 4812
0530 -
053001 - Explained opporutnity per discussion with Bob above. Tracey said she
053002 - is not a big fan of connectionist theory, but she does work that uses
053003 - this material. She would like to receive information on the SDS
053004 - software. As a first step, she will review the paper on NWO, and then
053005 - decide about seeing a demonstration of the SDS software program.
053007 - ..
053008 - Tracey Kahan
053009 - Dep Psychology
053010 - Alumni Science, Room 200G
053011 - Santa Clara University
053012 - 500 El Camino Real
053013 - Santa Clara, CA 95053
053015 - ..
053016 - [On 950921 followed up with letter to Patty at SCU.
053017 - ref SDS 4 7S8N
053018 -
053019 -
053021 - ..
0531 -
0532 -
0533 - 1402 called Patty Simone, Ph.D. 408 554 4577
0534 -
053401 - Patty is very interested in this work. She wants to see the software
053402 - and evaluate the prospects of a study. I will send her the paper on
053403 - NWO.
053405 - ..
053406 - Dep Psychology
053407 - Alumni Science, Room 200C
053408 - Santa Clara University
053409 - 500 El Camino Real
053410 - Santa Clara, CA 95053
053412 - ..
053413 - [On 950921 followed up with letter to Patty at SCU.
053414 - ref SDS 4 7S93
053416 - ..
053417 - [On 951012 met with Patty at SCU. ref SDS 6 1940
053418 -
053419 -
053420 -
053422 - ..
0535 -
0536 -
0537 - 1435 called Ed McQuarrie 408 554 6960
0538 -
053801 - Left message for Ed to call. His voice mail says he is on sabatical
053802 - until the end of the year. He is in the office during the afternoons.
053803 -
053804 -
053805 -
053806 -
053807 -
0539 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"