440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 5, 1995 08:46 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Received call from Bill re SDS update; PMI event program.


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SDS update on Bill's home computer

0704 -    ..
0705 - Summary/Summary
0706 -
070601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 14 line 38 and ref SDS 9 line 34, and at
070602 - ref SDS 7 line 46.
070603 -
070604 - Bill has still not received the SDS program update I sent on 950831,
070605 - so I sent another update.  He got a message from Ahmet, and will try
070606 - to talk to him today.  He has installed Windows 95.
070607 -
070608 -
070609 -
0707 -
0708 -
0709 - Discussion
0710 -
071001 - Bill said he did not get the SDS update I sent the other day via ref
071002 - DIP 1 line 26, which updates from 950817, per ref SDS 14 line 56.
071003 -
071004 - I submitted another update this evening.
071005 -
071006 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 16 line 39 and ref SDS 17 line 116.]
071007 -
071008 -
071009 - He has not talked to Ahmet.  He called him again and Mrs. Taspinar
071010 - said Ahmet would be leaving on his trip the next day; but, he did not
071011 - return Bill's call.
071012 -
071013 - Bill asked if I have received notice of the next PMI meeting which is
071014 - when Ahmet indicated the other day that he wants to discuss the Event
071015 - program, ref SDS 10 line 33.  I said I have not received anything yet
071016 - on it.
071017 -
071018 -    [See follow up ref SDS 15 line 44.]
071019 -
071020 -
071021 -