440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 27, 1995 10:00 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Meeting Frank at Pacific Bell re PM program, ISO 10006; PMI Events.
2...Follow up
3...PMBOK & ISO 10006
4...Pacific Bell's PM Program
5...POIMS Technology
............New World Order Needs Old Time Religion
6...Integrated Management Processes
7...SDS Demonstration
.....Continual Learning
8...Project Management Training
...PMI Advantages
9...Risk Management
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0201 - Pacific Bell Network Svcs 510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020101 - Mr. Frank Casazza; General Manager =510 901 9094
SDS Marketing, Contacts with Customers, Demonstrations
Owners/Stakeholders, Pacific Bell
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Met about the letter to Frank on Communication Metrics, ref DIP 1 and
050604 - letter on ISO 10006. ref DIP 2
050605 -
050606 - Submitted and reviewed PMBOK and ISO 10006. Frank explained progress
050607 - in developing Pacific Bell's Project Management program. Discussed
050608 - using Welch to introduce Communication Metrics at Pacific Bell. Did a
050609 - quick demonstration of SDS to show how it applies POIMS technology to
050610 - accomplish Communication Metrics, and meets the requirements of PMBOK
050611 - and ISO 10006.
050612 -
050613 - Looked at three options for Frank to present remarks to PMI's
050614 - Professional Development event program in 1996.
050615 -
050616 - Follow up
050617 -
050618 - Frank wants another meeting on these issues with the new manager for
050619 - the PM program.
050620 -
050621 - [Followed up at ref SDS 10 line 51.]
050622 -
050623 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion
0510 -
051001 - Initially I submitted the review of ISO 10006 and PMBOK, ref SDS 8
051002 - line 44, per our Jul 24 telecon, ref SDS 9 line 62, and my letter ref
051003 - DIP 2 line 31. Frank had a copy of the Jul 24 letter.
051004 -
051005 - The shortness of time prevented detailed review. Frank asked if he
051006 - could keep the copy of the PMBOK which I brought to support our
051007 - discussion. I agreed and left it for him (these materials are on-line
051008 - at ref OF 4 line 3, and ref OF 1 line 7.
051009 -
051010 -
051011 -
051012 - PMBOK & ISO 10006
051013 -
051014 - We took a few minutes to look at the organization and conclusions from
051015 - the review of these standards, discussed further below.
051016 -
051017 -
051018 -
051019 - Pacific Bell's PM Program
051020 -
051021 - Frank said he has interviewed the developer of the CASE project
051022 - management methodology, and expects to hire this person to manage
051023 - Pacific Bell's Project Management program. He asked about my interest
051024 - in supporting the program.
051025 -
051026 - I explained my objective to introduce Communication Metrics using
051027 - POIMS technology and SDS software for implementation support, at
051028 - Pacific Bell.
051029 -
051030 - Frank asked if I am seeking an employment position at Pacific Bell or
051031 - to provide consulting services?
051032 -
051033 - I said a consulting assignment offers the best opportunity for Pacific
051034 - Bell to develop its own internal procedures and resources for using
051035 - Communication Metrics. My contribution would be to transition the
051036 - Company using SDS to implement POIMS and Communication Metrics. Frank
051037 - feels this would institutionalize the technology.
051038 -
051039 - I agreed -- that is my goal.
051040 -
051041 -
051042 -
051043 - POIMS Technology
051044 -
051045 - Frank asked to see the technology explained in the POIMS paper, ref OF
051046 - 5 line 10, submitted in the Jul 18 letter, ref DIP 1 line 34.
051047 -
051048 - I explained the three (3) steps to better management in the modern
051049 - era, as set out in the paper at ref OF 6 line 540:
051050 -
051051 - New World Order Needs Old Time Religion
051052 -
051053 -
051054 - It shows we need a new:
051055 -
051056 - Management Science............... Communication Metrics
051057 - Information Technology........... POIMS
051058 - Software implementation.......... Schedule Diary System (SDS)
051059 -
051060 -
051061 -
051062 - Integrated Management Processes
051063 - ..
051064 - We looked at the definition of Communication Metrics ref SDS 2
051065 - line 71, and the curriculum for courses at Wharton, ref SDS 3 line
051066 - 214, and George Washington University on this new management science,
051067 - which accomplish the requirements in PMBOK and ISO 10006 for
051068 - "integration of management processes," ref SDS 8 line 316, discussing:
051069 -
051070 - Power of Micorcosm
051071 - Converting Information into Knowledge
051072 -
051073 - The key concept is that "management" is 90% communication, so
051074 - better management requires better communications. This requires
051075 - a way to discover misunderstandings caused by an explosion of
051076 - daily details from the Information Highway, in advance of taking
051077 - action and then maintaining shared meaning for the period of time
051078 - such understandings influence earnings.
051079 -
051080 - This is hard to do and so calls for new tools and people who can
051081 - use them.
051082 -
051083 -
051084 -
051085 - SDS Demonstration
051086 -
051087 - We examined SDS using the notebook computer, CPU #7. The demonstration
051088 - started with the meeting today, based on my letters to Frank, ref DIP
051089 - 1 line 34, and on ISO 1006, ref DIP 2 line 31.
051090 -
051091 - I showed how SDS associates all of the events, work, analysis and
051092 - documents that led up to our meeting, so they are linked into an
051093 - agenda for our meeting. I showed how the agenda is instantly
051094 - converted into a report of what actually happens, emulating the
051095 - mental faculty of assigning alternate forms to a single resource
051096 - that conserves time and energy.
051097 -
051098 -
051099 - Frank summarized SDS as a personal schedule tool integrated with a
051100 - diary notetaking tool that links what is scheduled with what has
051101 - already been done, emulating the human faculty of relying on personal
051102 - experience. Automation makes the system faster and more accurate.
051103 -
051104 - I offered the clarification that there is no manual analog for giving
051105 - information resources alternate forms. Only a unique design to apply
051106 - automation permits this feature.
051107 -
051108 -
051109 - Traceability
051110 -
051111 - Frank commented that the SDS citation feature implements the ISO
051112 - 10006 requirement to trace original sources, cause and effect in
051113 - management decisions and analysis, ref SDS 8 line 553. This
051114 - makes it practical to routinely rely on the record rather than
051115 - resort to personal recall, thus reducing mistakes.
051116 -
051117 -
051118 - Continual Learning
051119 -
051120 - Frank noted that the Diary provides the environment for continual
051121 - learning we saw is specified in ISO 10006 section 5.5, ref SDS 8
051122 - line 470.
051123 -
051124 - This is a critical aspect of "Investing Intellectual Capital"
051125 - discussed in the POIMS paper, ref OF 5 line 140. It supports
051126 - discovering nuance and implications that are not apparent at
051127 - inception, but which the fullness of time offers opportunities to
051128 - reap rewards from the initial investment, over and over again.
051129 -
051130 -
051131 - I concurred, and will submit an explanation that more fully develops
051132 - this concept.
051133 -
051134 - Comment
051135 -
051136 - The POIMS and New World Order... papers explain SDS. Here are
051137 - other summaries of SDS:
051138 -
051139 - Spreadsheet for knowledge to implement Communication
051140 - Metrics
051141 -
051142 - Converts information into knowledge using automated
051143 - integration of time, information, people, documents
051144 - subjects, cost and schedule commitments (e.g., CPM) to
051145 - create a web of related events and understandings.
051146 -
051147 - Operating System for people and organizations.
051148 -
051149 - ... like DOS, Windows, OS2, Unix are "Operating Systems"
051150 - for computers.
051151 -
051152 - POIMS - automate the process of ...
051153 -
051154 - Plan, Organize, Integrate and Measure
051155 -
051156 - Replaces conventional manual and computerized information
051157 - and organization systems like filing cabinets, staples,
051158 - file folders, wordprocessing, doc log; programs like Lotus
051159 - Notes, Organizer, Agenda, Current, Echo.
051160 -
051161 -
051162 -
051163 -
051164 - Project Management Training
051165 -
051166 - Frank indicated at the PMI seminar on Jul 18, that Pacific Bell is
051167 - seeking support to train the cadre of project managers needed to
051168 - compete in the newly de-regulated market of today and into the 21st
051169 - century, ref SDS 6 line 97, and ref SDS 6 line 125.
051170 -
051171 - PMI is certainly a viable source. Others include:
051172 -
051173 - University of California, Berkeley, UCB
051174 - Golden Gate University, GGU (San Francisco)
051175 - Wharton School of Business, WSB, Philadelphia
051176 - George Washington University, GWU, Washington D.C.
051177 -
051178 - Actually, training in PM is being offered at many universities
051179 - around the country. The seminar circuit offers excellent training
051180 - by independents such as the Kerzner Lecture, ref SDS 1 line 116.
051181 -
051182 - There is no shortage of training resources for PM skills.
051183 -
051184 -
051185 - PMI Advantages
051186 -
051187 - PMI provides a social environment for networking, marketing and
051188 - recruiting, and a forum for exchange of ideas and methods through
051189 - monthly meetings, and local and national professional development
051190 - events that enable members to contribute and to grow their knowledge
051191 - throughout their careers. An example is the "Management
051192 - Communications" program, planned by PMI Northern California Chapter
051193 - for 1996, discussed below.
051194 -
051195 -
051196 -
051197 - Risk Management
051198 -
051199 - Training and networking do not solve the central challenge facing
051200 - Pacific Bell and other organizations approaching the 21st Century:
051201 -
051202 - How to apply sound management practices consistently in the age
051203 - of the Information Highway?
051204 -
051205 - Most management problems arise from mis-communication, rather than
051206 - lack of knowledge, skill or effort. The chance of error grows as the
051207 - volume of communication rises: more meetings, calls, documents,
051208 - e-mail. PM training cannot solve this problem because the pressure to
051209 - take short cuts become enormous, further increasing the chance of
051210 - error. Tom Landauer points out in his new book:
051211 -
051212 - The Trouble with Computers
051213 -
051214 - ...that this risk is compounded by reengineering schemes which
051215 - burden managers with computers in hopes of justifying staff cuts,
051216 - ref SDS 5 line 61, but do not support a manager's basic function,
051217 - to think, remember and communicate; echoing Tom Davenport's article
051218 - "Saving IT's Soul," Harvard Business Review Apr 1994 p. 119.
051219 -
051220 - These risks reflect difficulties using project management cited by an
051221 - industry leader, ref SDS 4 line 142. In our discussion on Jul 24, ref
051222 - SDS 9 line 70, Frank requested clarification of this issue submitted
051223 - as ref "d" in the letter of Jul 19, ref DIP 4 line 30. In sum, Project
051224 - Management cannot succeed in today's new environment unless there is a
051225 - way to create and maintain common understanding over time so people
051226 - can work together effectively (see also discussion of Risk Management
051227 - at ref SDS 2 line 204).
051228 -
051229 - Communication Metrics is a new management science to meet this new
051230 - challenge.
051231 -
051232 -
051233 -
0513 -
PMI events, Technology Event in July
PMI Event Program, Planning, Speakers
Sep Event, Content, Theme
1006 - Summary/Summary
1007 -
100701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 62 submitting letter ref DIP 4 line
100702 - 33, requesting Frank consider presentation to PMI Event program on
100703 - professional development.
100704 -
100705 - Frank asked about my idea for his presentation to PMI.
100706 -
100707 - Seems like there are three ways Frank can fit into the program:
100708 -
100709 - The February event on what's new, he could explain how a major
100710 - corporation is developing a communication process to apply
100711 - PMBOK and ISO 10006 requirements, discussed in my Jul 24
100712 - letter, at ref DIP 2 line 36.
100713 -
100714 - The July event on Taking the Quantum Leap, the same material
100715 - considered for the Feb event might fit, following
100716 - presentations by others that set up the issue.
100717 -
100718 - Representatives from Intel and Chips & Technologies can explain
100719 - leaps in technology that are coming along which will impact the
100720 - practice of management, ref SDS 4 line 83. Frank or another
100721 - Pacific Bell rep can explain the advantages expected from
100722 - re-wiring infrastructure. Management consultants and others can
100723 - present resistance to change inherent in organizational
100724 - structure, making it a Quantum Leap to apply new technology
100725 - effectively. Frank could explain how Pacific Bell is
100726 - overcoming this resistance.
100727 -
100728 - The September event on the role of the Project Manager is
100729 - opportunity where Frank could explain how Pacific Bell is
100730 - addressing the challenge of internal project management,
100731 - discussed in the dialog of Jul 5, 1995, submitted to Frank as
100732 - ref "d" in the Jul 19 letter, ref DIP 4 line 39.
100733 -
100734 -
100735 - Further planning will nail down a specific agenda. For example the
100736 - new manager for Pacific Bell's Project Management program might do one
100737 - of these events.
100738 -
100739 -
100740 -
100741 -
100742 -
1008 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"