440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 20, 1995 10:47 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Frank at Pac Bell; Doug and John at Raychem.
2...Communication Theme Support
3...Raychem Case Study Presentation
4...ISO 10006 & PMBOK
5...ISO 10006 on Communications
6...Meeting to Develop Presentation Scope/Ideas
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0201 - Raychem Corporation 415 361 5478 fax 5090
020101 - Mr. John Kahl; Corporate Real Estate and Construction
020102 - Mr. C. Douglas Ballon, A.I.A.; Project Manager
020103 - Corporate Real Estate and Construction
0202 - Pacific Bell Network Svcs 510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020201 - Mr. Frank Casazza; General Manager =510 901 9094
PMI events, Technology Event in July
SDS Marketing, Send product information, requesting give
Locate Decision Maker
Contractors, Bechtal
Owners/Stakeholders, Pacific Bell
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 57 and PMI event at ref SDS 6
080902 - line 46.
080903 -
080904 - Frank has not yet received letters sent the other day, but expressed
080905 - interest in speaking to PMI Event program. He asked about getting
080906 - "ISO 10000"; called Raychem and they offered to supply a copy.
080907 - Scheduled meeting for next Wednesday 1130.
080908 -
080909 -
080910 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Discussion
0813 -
081301 - Advised Frank of letter following up his comments at the PMI Panel
081302 - discussion on starting a PM program at Pac Bell, ref SDS 6 line 86. I
081303 - recommended he talk to Bill DeHart, per ref DIP 1 line 24.
081304 -
081305 - Frank said he has not received this yet, but will be interested in
081306 - hearing about Bill.
081307 -
081308 -
081309 -
081310 -
0814 -
PMI events, Technology Event in July
PMI Event Program, Planning, Speakers
Sep Event, Content, Theme
TQM, Re-Engineering PM
Quality Control
Modern Project Management (MPM)
ISO 10006 - Project Management Standards
1310 - Summary/Summary
1311 -
131101 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 59, sending letter ref DIP 2 line
131102 - 33.
131103 -
131104 - Developed ideas for speakers and conent of Feb event to present
131105 - Raychem as a case study in "successful" communications, i.e., what's
131106 - working, ref SDS 3 line 110.
131107 -
131108 - Prepared ref DIT 1 line 30 to Raychem submitting notes of PMI panel
131109 - discussion, ref SDS 6 line 56, confirming meeting, and that we can get
131110 - an ISO 10006 standard at the meeting, submitted composit explanation
131111 - of event program, ref DIP 2 line 102. Included analysis of internal
131112 - v. external management, ref SDS 5 line 72.
131113 -
131114 -
131115 -
131116 -
1312 -
1313 -
1314 - Progress
1315 -
131501 - Frank said he has not received this letter yet.
131502 -
131503 - I explained I would like to meet with him to explain PMI's Event
131504 - Program and discuss where he might fit in.
131505 -
131506 - Frank asked if I have a copy of ISO 10000? I reminded him that the
131507 - Raychem people who cited it at the PMI event, said it is not yet
131508 - published, ref SDS 6 line 159, but that it was developed in
131509 - collaboration with PMI's PMBOK.
131510 -
131511 - [See follow up at ref SDS 10 line 73.]
131512 -
131513 - Comment
131514 -
131515 - The resulting work in this record offers information on the
131516 - relationship between TQM, Quality, Re-engineering management.
131517 -
131518 -
131519 - I offered to submit a copy of the yet to be released PMBOK.
131520 - Frank said that would be helpful.
131521 -
131522 -
131523 -
1316 -
1317 -
1318 - 1059 called Doug Ballon at Raychem 415 361 5478
1319 -
131901 - Left message for Doug following up his remarks on ISO 10000 at ref SDS
131902 - 6 line 159. Asked him to let me know how we can get a copy.
131903 -
131904 -
1320 -
1321 -
1322 - 1438 called Doug back
1323 -
132301 - I explained Frank's interest in getting a copy of ISO 10006 following
132302 - John Kahl's explanation at the PMI Panel discussion on Tuesday,
132303 -
132304 - Doug said they have a copy of ISO 10006 (which evidently is the
132305 - correct section for project management standards).
132306 -
132307 -
132308 - Communication Theme Support
132309 -
132310 - I explained PMI's Event Program to carefully consider Communications
132311 - ref SDS 3 line 238, and the impact on other project management issues:
132312 - time, cost, quality, scope, risk, and so on. John and Doug feel this
132313 - is a good subject because communications is about 90% of a Project
132314 - Managers work. They feel that if communication fails, nothing else
132315 - can work.
132316 -
132317 - Raychem Case Study Presentation
132318 -
132319 - I suggested the idea of Raychem presenting its project honored as
132320 - "Project of the Year" at ref SDS 1 line 140. This could be a case
132321 - study of what constitutes sound management communication, ref SDS 4
132322 - line 297, including lessons learned which might contribute to
132323 - improvements in the PMBOK, ref SDS 2 line 132.
132324 -
132325 - Doug indicated Raychem might be interested in supporting this
132326 - objective. He asked John Kahl to join our discussion. He explained
132327 - the idea to John.
132328 -
132329 -
132330 - ISO 10006 & PMBOK
132331 -
132332 - I asked if the ISO 10006 standard which John recommended at the PMI
132333 - Panel discussion, ref SDS 6 line 186, correlates well with the PMBOK,
132334 - as might be expected, if there has been collabortion/coordination
132335 - between the respective groups working on these standards, as expressed
132336 - by Cathy Tonne, ref SDS 6 line 190.
132337 -
132338 - John said there is strong correlation on subjects and recommended
132339 - guidance to manage projects, between the PMBOK and ISO 10006.
132340 -
132341 - [See follow up on this point at ref SDS 11 line 79.]
132342 -
132343 - He cited a major difference is that IS0 10006 does not have a separate
132344 - section on quality, whereas PMBOK chapter 8 of the Exposure Draft -
132345 - August 1994, is on "Quality." Since ISO 10006 is a quality standard,
132346 - it would be redundant to have a section on quality.
132347 -
132348 - [See follow up on this point at ref SDS 11 line 52.]
132349 -
132350 -
132351 - ISO 10006 on Communications
132352 -
132353 - John read a portion dealing with Communications. It appears to support
132354 - PMBOK areas in Chapter 10, in calling for developing lines of
132355 - communication between various organizational structures.
132356 -
132357 -
132358 - Meeting to Develop Presentation Scope/Ideas
132359 -
132360 - We decided to meet next Wednesday 1130 at their office to demonstrate
132361 - communication metrics as a base to formulate presentation ideas on
132362 - Raychem's communication methods on its project.
132363 -
132364 - Their office is at 165 Jefferson, a block past Constitution where
132365 - there main office is located.
132366 -
132367 - John said they have video overhead equipment we can use to view the
132368 - communication metrics ideas.
132369 -
132370 - Prepared ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming these understandings.
132371 -
132372 -
132373 -
1324 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"