440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 19, 1995 10:21 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Bill re Pac Bell interest project management program.

2...Bechtal Rep on Event Program Team
3...PG&E Had Formal Asisgnment Process for PMs

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PMI events, Technology Event in July
SDS Marketing, Send product information, requesting give
Locate Decision Maker
Contractors, Bechtal
Owners/Stakeholders, Pacific Bell

0807 -
0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
080902 -
080903 -
080904 -
080906 -  ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Discussion
0813 -
081301 - Advised Bill of ref DIP 3 line 30 to Frank at Pac Bell, recommending
081302 - he talk to Bill about starting a project management program.  I read
081303 - the letter over the phone, and Bill was agreeable to me submitting it
081304 - to Frank.
081305 -
081307 -  ..
081308 - Bill gave me Stan Watson's phone at PG&E:
081309 -
081310 -                      415 973 1766
081311 -
081312 -
081314 -  ..
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 1205 called Stat Watson      415 973 1766
0817 -
081701 - I left message for Stan to let me know his address so I can submit the
081702 - notes of the meeting last night, ref DIP 5 line 29.
081703 -
081704 -
081706 -  ..
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 1206 Stan called back
0821 -
082101 -
082102 -
082103 -
082104 -
082105 -
082106 -
082107 -
0822 -

PMI Event Program, 1996, Computers, Projects/Teams
PM, Trends, Changes, Innovations
Internal management, External management
Aug Event, Theme, Content, Project Manager:  Dinasauer or Beacon
Feel Good Management - Social Constraints

2007 -
2008 - Summary/Objective
200901 -  ..
200902 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 149.  Bill said he received the
200903 - second letter I sent which replicates the stuff transmitted via moden
200904 - the other day, ref SDS 3 line 99.
200905 -
200907 -  ..
200908 - Bechtal Rep on Event Program Team
200909 -
200910 - I mentioned the concerns Ahmet has expressed about the role of Project
200911 - Manager and that people at Bechtal have mentioned this.  I asked if
200912 - thinks it would be helpful to submit the analysis of the role of
200913 - project manager, ref SDS 1 line 140, to Ahmet's contacts at Bechtal
200914 - per ref SDS 2 line 174.  This would encourage Bechtal's participation
200915 - on the Event Program Team, giving it prestige and inertia.
200917 -  ..
200918 - Bill agrees.  He feels we should coordinate with Ahmet.  We can do
200919 - this today.
200920 -
200922 -  ..
200923 - PG&E Had Formal Asisgnment Process for PMs
200924 -
200925 - I mentioned comment by Frank yesterday, that Aerospace company used a procedure
200926 - of issuing a written charter for Project Managers. ref SDS 5 0390
200927 -
200928 - Bill said PG&E used a similar procedure for years where a PG&E VP
200929 - would issue a letter defining the project, assigning the Project
200930 - Manager and setting out authority and resonsibiity.  Bill felt this
200931 - procedure was very helpful for the same reasons cited by Frank.  Bill
200932 - said PG&E discontinued the practice following a PG&E re-engineering
200933 - effort.  Project Management was given a departmental role.  The
200934 - Manager of Transmission System, felt assignment letters were no longer
200935 - necessary, because everyone the department "knew what a Project
200936 - Manager was."
200938 -      ..
200939 -     This shows the evolutionary ebb and flow that occurs in
200940 -     implementing sound management practice.  When things that work
200941 -     come to seem unnecessary by inexperienced people, precisely
200942 -     because they are working so well, the pendulum swings back.
200944 -      ..
200945 -     Emmy Randol said Bechtal is moving away from project management
200946 -     and back toward a functional matrix method of carrying out project
200947 -     assignments, ref SDS 5 line 98, although I think in Bechtal's
200948 -     case, this is just applying sound economics.
200949 -
200950 -
200951 -
200952 -
2010 -

Senior Council
Future of Project Management
Project Manager:  Dinosaur or Beacon

2305 -
2306 - Summary/Objective
230701 -  ..
230702 - Follow up work at ref SDS 1 line 526.  Bill sees merit in the idea of
230703 - identifying levels of acreditation, rather than simply having a PMP or
230704 - not.  However, he sees logistical challenges in making the system
230705 - more complex.
230707 -  ..
230708 - Bill feels it is difficult to manage even a single type of
230709 - acreditation because there is no way to investigate experience
230710 - criteria offered by PMP candidates.  He said no one has ever been
230711 - denied a PMP because the experience resume submitted was found to be
230712 - in error.
230714 -  ..
230715 - We considered the possibility that a PMP candidate could submit
230716 - samples of contracts and subcontracts he has signed.  Claims that have
230717 - been determined and contract notices to cure that have been issued on
230718 - behalf of clients, contractors and so on.  This would constitute
230719 - evidenec of having exercised Project Management authority.
230720 -
230721 -
230722 -
2308 -