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1...Called Ed Scannel who spoke at the PMA event in Arizona at ref SDS 1
PMI events, Nov Event Planning, Speakers
0603 - ..
0604 - Summary/Summary
0605 -
060501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 2 line 687. Need speakers for Nov and Feb
060502 - event.
060503 -
060504 -
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Progress
0609 -
060901 - Called Ed Scannel who spoke at the PMA event in Arizona at ref SDS 1
060902 - line 53.
060903 -
060904 - We are thinking of using Ed as introductory speaker per ref SDS 3 line
060905 - 61, and at ref SDS 3 line 137.
060906 -
060907 - His voice mail said he is in Austrailia until 950705. I left voice
060908 - mail for him that we would like to talk to him about doing the PMI
060909 - event in SF, per ref SDS 2 line 217.
060910 -
060911 - [See follow up at ref SDS 4 line 31.]
060912 -
060913 -
060914 -
0610 -