440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 17, 1995 07:11 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Visit Disneyland: Vist Mother in San Juan Cap.
4...Bob - New Computer
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Personal, General
Vacation, San Diego, 950615
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Went to Disnyland by picking up rain check tickets, as a result of not
040604 - being able to use the tickets yesterday due to rain. ref SDS 7 0001
040605 -
040606 - The best events we saw were a children's choir sponsored by Carnation.
040607 - They sang patriotic and other uplifting songs. We also attended an
040608 - inside performance by a Western trio that was fun and energetic.
040609 -
040610 - [On 950703 analysed aligment with POIMS technology. ref SDS 8
040611 - 0030]
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0409 - 1327 visit Mother and Bob
0410 -
041001 - Mother said she has to fly to Phoenix tomorrow to support her Aunt in
041002 - an arbitration next week against her brother in-law to recover
041003 - approximately $300K she believes was improperly extracted from her
041004 - estate. Mother said her aunt is somewhat infirm in that she has
041005 - trouble hearing, but in other respects she seems to be competent to
041006 - manage her own affairs. Mother understands that her Uncle removed
041007 - documents from her Aunt Verna's home in order to prevent her from
041008 - managing her own affairs, and to show by manipulating the record that
041009 - she was broke. Mother said that within the past few years her Aunt's
041010 - family had her committed to a mental institution in Texas. She was
041011 - able to demonstrate her competence and was released. Mother's Aunt
041012 - wants Mother to be with her in the arbitration, because her former
041013 - husband's family is supporting her brother in-law.
041014 -
041015 - The gist of the claim is that Mother's Aunt Verna and her deceased
041016 - Uncle loaed his brother money for a business deal. The deal did not
041017 - succeed. They later took a mortgage to loan more money on another
041018 - business deal and this deal succeeded. Bob said the Family recovered
041019 - its second loan and first loan. When Verna's husband died, the
041020 - brother-in law told her the family would take care of her, but she
041021 - later learned he took over her bank accounts.
041022 -
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041024 - Stephanie
041025 -
041026 - Mother said Stehpanie is doing better. She has lost 70#, but has
041027 - gained some back and is having difficulty with asthma.
041028 -
041029 -
041030 - Kathleen
041031 -
041032 - We read some letters Kathleen has sent to Mother. They deal large
041033 - part with worries about being mad at something and what to about it.
041034 -
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041036 - Bob - New Computer
041037 -
041038 - Bob's computer is a 286. People he has consulted about upgrading
041039 - have recommended he get a new computer.
041040 -
041041 - We discussed the opportunity of using Internet he has heard about. I
041042 - mentioned being able to access Prodigy.
041043 -
041044 - Bob said he has looked at computers from $1,500 to $2,500. I offered
041045 - to go with him to do some shopping. We drove to a store called
041046 - "Best". Looked at Packard Bell, Compaq and Acer. The best buy seems
041047 - to be the Acer. I may just be prejudiced against the Packard Bell
041048 - units because of the experience with Amy and Pat Welch.
041049 -
041050 - We printed a specification for a 15" monitor and a Pentium 75 Mhz 8 MB
041051 - system. Looks like the cost would be about $2,400. It would cost
041052 - about $350 for another 8 MB of RAM, which I recommend. The sales rep
041053 - confirmed that Windows and other programs run under 8 MB, but that 16
041054 - MB is much better.
041055 -
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