440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 16, 1995 06:04 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Travel to Anaheim; visit Disnyland, Wax Museum.


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Personal, General
Vacation, San Diego, 950615

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow work at ref SDS 6 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Arrived oa 1000a.  Signed up for a room, but was told we had to come
040604 - back to check in.
040605 -
040606 - Went to Disnyland.  Visited a new feature, Micky's Toontown.  The
040607 - design of the buildings is very complex.
040608 -
040609 - It began raining hard, so an outdoor entertainment program was
040610 - cancelled part way through.  We came back at 1230 and was able to
040611 - check in.
040612 -
040613 - Went to Wax Museum.
040614 -
040615 - Considered cancelling the Rancho Bernardo visit and instead going to
040616 - Las Vegas because of the rain.  The CNN weather report said the
040617 - weather should clear up by Monday, when we are scheduled to arrive,
040618 - so for now we will stick with our reservations.
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0409 - Disneyland Park Raincheck Request
0410 -
041001 - The day  started out rather dismissal.  We elected to visit
041002 - Disneyland with the hope that it would not rain.
041003 -
041004 - While we were watching at event at Tommorrowland, it started to rain
041005 - so we decided to leave the park at that time and visit the Wax Museum
041006 - in the early afternoon, with the idea that when the rain let up we
041007 - would return to Disneyland Park.  The rain did not ease, in fact, it
041008 - continued and sporatically rained so hard it was not fit for man nor
041009 - beast to be in it.
041010 -
041011 - When we returned to our room, we called to see if we could get a rain
041012 - check for the park in that we spent only 30-40 minutes in the park and
041013 - felt that spending $62 for 40 minutes was not a fair deal.  We spoke
041014 - first to someone in Information Services and she said that they not
041015 - offer refunds or rainchecks and suggested that the part is open till 1
041016 - a.m. as a result we  and we could get back into the park when the
041017 - rain stopped.
041018 -
041019 - Rod took over and explained the situation again and was transferred
041020 - to another person.  This person could not offer any other suggestions
041021 - and passed the call to another person.  Again this person passed Rod
041022 - on to Rebecca.  Rod had a difficult time convincing her of out plight
041023 - but she caved in offering us tickets for the following day.  We are
041024 - to bring in our tickets to Guest Relations to exchange for new
041025 - tickets.
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