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1...Roseanne indicated she plans to investigate and review operations
2...Elia suggested that the new PMI Board give consideration to providing
3...There was a suggestion that the survey be done at the next monthly
4...The details on when and where the panel discussion will be held, will
5...Rosanne said PMI NCC is planning to have a social pic nic in July.
0201 - Taspinar Management Consulting 510 569 4636
PMI NCC Board Meeting 950612
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 2 5928.
040502 -
040503 - New board members were sworn in. Ahmet submitted proposed event
040504 - program. It will be voted on next month.
040505 -
040506 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Ahmet which includes notes of our
040507 - discussion last week, ref SDS 2 0001. Did not submit this record.
040508 -
040509 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 to Bill, transmitting the stuff sent to
040510 - Ahmet, plus these notes.
040511 -
040512 - Proposed meeting at Bill's on 950626 after we get back from
040513 - vacation.
040514 -
040515 - Scheduled call to Bill 950615 to confirm understandings.
040516 -
040517 - Confirmed all this stuff to Bill via internet, but mailed
040518 - because the Information Highway is not that reliable.
040519 -
040520 -
040521 -
0406 -
Year End VP Reports
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Elia asked each VP to report on their are of responsibility. Each
060502 - gave an explanation of various difficulities and procedures in
060503 - performing their assignment.
060504 -
060505 -
060506 - ..
060507 - PMI Administration Procedures
060508 -
060509 - I asked if there is a manual or set of procedures PMI uses to
060510 - capture this experience and pass it along to the incoming
060511 - officers.
060512 -
060513 - Ahmet said there is no manual. Everything is done word of mouth,
060514 - ad hoc.
060515 -
060516 - Roseanne indicated she plans to investigate and review operations
060517 - and procedures.
060518 -
060519 -
060520 -
0606 -
VP's Use Membership Support
General Support
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Sherrill suggested that VP's draw from the membership to support PMI
080602 - operations, so the burden is spread and we get the benefit of the wide
080603 - range of expertise in the Chapter. Paul Nelson and Roseanne both
080604 - noted that the pool of applicants to take the PMP exam are a good
080605 - source for volunteers. They seemed to indicate this group has some
080606 - kind of requirement to provide support to PMI activities, such as
080607 - Event Planning.
080608 -
080609 - [See follow up at ref SDS 3 line 147.]
080610 -
080611 -
0807 -
Chapter Rep at PMI National Events
0904 - Summary/Objective
0905 -
090501 - Elia suggested that the new PMI Board give consideration to providing
090502 - financial support to sending a designated member to the PMI National
090503 - meeting in New Orleans, in order to ensure PMI NCC has a presence
090504 - there. He said Bob Denmark usually attends, but the Board might want
090505 - to support a Board member, if the the member's company is unwilling to
090506 - pay for the trip.
090507 -
090508 - Comment
090509 -
090510 - A consideration that might be worthwhile would be for the PMI NCC
090511 - to send a rep that reports back on the results from a Chapter
090512 - perspective. If the Chapter pays for something, it should get a
090513 - deliverable that is recycled into the objectives and operations of
090514 - the Chapter.
090515 -
090516 -
090517 -
090518 -
0906 -
PMP Usefullness, PMBOK
Modern Project Management (MPM)
1205 - Summary/Objective
1206 -
120601 - Roseanne said she is not a PMP and does not intend to take the exam
120602 - because it does not apply to marketing, which is her area of interest.
120603 -
120604 - Rosanne advised she will apply project management methods to PMI
120605 - operations this year (discussed previously at ref SDS 1 line 85).
120606 - There was agreement that using the ideas and methods advocated by PMI
120607 - to run PMI NCC, is a positive step to evaluate and prove the efficacy
120608 - of the PMP.
120609 -
120610 - [See follow up at ref SDS 5 line 140, and ref SDS 5 line 161.]
120611 -
120612 -
120613 - Paul Nelson reported his experience that studying to take the exam and
120614 - now being involved with the exam training, has given him new incites
120615 - into the role and methods of project management. He feels the
120616 - benefits are difficult to anticipate prospectively, but it becomes
120617 - more clear in going through the process.
120618 - ..
120619 - This reflects the Event Program objectives per ref SDS 2 line
120620 - 363.
120621 -
120622 -
1207 -
Membership, Survey
1404 - Summary/Objective
1405 -
140501 - Sherrill reported that he met his goal for the year of increasing the
140502 - membership to 500.
140503 -
140504 - Survey
140505 -
140506 - Sherril said PMI has received only about 30 responses to the
140507 - survey that appeared in the Newsletter in March or April.
140508 -
140509 - There was a suggestion that the survey be done at the next monthly
140510 - meeting. It can be distributed at each table, and picked up after
140511 - dinner.
140512 -
140513 -
140514 -
140515 -
1406 -
1504 - Summary/Objective
1505 -
150501 - Initially, we heard from the outgoing Treasurer on expenses and
150502 - income. It appears the Chapter has reserves of approximately $5K -
150503 - $10K for the year.
150504 -
150505 - Christina, the new Treasurer, provided expense and other financial
150506 - forms to the board members. During the meeting, she was able to
150507 - excuse herself and prepare the forms on a disk in Lotus, and said it
150508 - can be converted to Excel. Elia said the Excel file has the PMI Logo.
150509 - Paul recalled having difficulty making the conversion from Lotus to
150510 - Excel. Christina ask anyone who has this difficulty to call her.
150511 -
150512 - Christina reported current financial accounts of the Chapter are
150513 - approximately $5K above expenses, which is some $2.5K above the goal
150514 - for the year. Paul Nelson reported his PMP Exam group will be
150515 - submitting additional receipts of approximately $2K, and Roseanne said
150516 - she submitted receipts of about $700 today. This will improve the
150517 - Chapter's financial condition.
150518 -
150519 -
150520 -
1506 -
Technology Event in July
Pic Nic in July
1705 - Summary/Objective
1706 -
170601 - We heard there will be a PMI technology panel discussion next month
170602 - and also a pic nic.
170603 -
170604 - The details on when and where the panel discussion will be held, will
170605 - be issued through the next PMI Newsletter. Cheryl is putting this
170606 - out.
170607 -
170608 - Apparently this event will use a facilitator, as we are
170609 - considering for the Nov events.
170610 -
170611 - I would like to attend for the substance and to see how the
170612 - facilitator works out. Possibly he could be our guy in Nov, if
170613 - Russ cannot make it, per ref SDS 2 line 217.
170614 -
170615 - [Followed up at ref SDS 4 line 22.]
170616 -
170617 -
170618 - ..
170619 - Pic Nic in July
170620 -
170621 - Rosanne said PMI NCC is planning to have a social pic nic in July.
170622 - The location and date will be announced in an advertisement.
170623 -
170624 -
170625 -
170626 -
1707 -
Transfer Authority to New Board
Schedule July 12 Board Meeting
1905 - Summary/Objective
1906 -
190601 - After the reports from the VP's Elia formally transferred authority
190602 - to Rosanne as the new Chapter president.
190603 -
190604 - She scheduled the next PMI board meeting for 950712 at the Peterson
190605 - Consulting offices (where we met this evening).
190606 -
190607 - There was discussion about having another meeting so soon. Rosanne
190608 - said PMI needs to develop status of each VP program and review
190609 - management procedures of VP operations. (See also next record
190610 - segment, indicating need for approval of Event Planning Program in
190611 - time for advertising in Pmentwork on Nov event.)
190612 -
190613 -
190614 -
1907 -
Event Program 1996
Proposal, Objectives
Payment Asilomar Event
PMI Event Program on Communications
Proposal to Board
2809 -
280901 - ..
280902 - Asolimar Conference Planning Submitted and Recommended Approval
280903 -
280904 - Near the end of the meeting, after Roseanne had assumed control, Ahmet
280905 - reported he needed approval and a check to pay for the deposit on
280906 - Asilomar for next year. This was voted and approved. Christina wrote
280907 - a check for Ahmet to submit on this.
280908 -
280909 - At the end of the meeting, when it had nearly broken up, Ahmet
280910 - submitted a summary outline of the Event Program Plan he prepared. He
280911 - said it reflects the results of our planning meeting last Thursday,
280912 - ref SDS 2 line 212. Ahmet said that Bill and I have developed a
280913 - concept to coordinate the events around the theme of communications in
280914 - the PMBOK, ref SDS 2 line 74.
280915 -
280916 - [See discussion of modifying the theme at ref SDS 3 line 92.]
280917 -
280918 -
280919 - ..
280920 - Nov Event Plan Advertising
280921 -
280922 - I pointed out that Ahmet's schedule shows planning for the Nov event
280923 - must be started oa Jul 15, which is 3 days after the Jul 12 Board
280924 - meeting. This means...
280925 -
280926 - PMI Board needs to approve the Event Program Plan and authorize
280927 - planning for the Nov event, at the Jul 12 Board meeting.
280928 -
280929 -
280930 - ..
280931 - Planning Submission to PMI Board Meeting 950712
280932 -
280933 - After the meeting, Ahmet asked me to work with Bill DeHart on prepar-
280934 - ing a plan to submit to the Board next month for the Nov event at the
280935 - Sheraton Palace. He said we need not be bound by the specific
280936 - parameters considered at the 950608 meeting, including that the event
280937 - be at the Sheraton Palace hotel.
280938 -
280939 - The Event Program Team needs to meet within the next 2 weeks to
280940 - review an Event Program Plan for submission to the Board at the
280941 - July 12 meeting in San Francisco.
280942 -
280943 - Ahmet asked me to attend that meeting.
280944 -
280945 - Comment
280946 -
280947 - I need to submit to Ahmet my objectives with respect to being a
280948 - member of the Program Event Team.
280949 - ..
280950 - My aim is to develop the Event Program Plan and support
280951 - implementation through Project Managers.
280952 -
280953 - Did this in my letter at ref DIT 1 line 32.
280954 -
280955 -
280956 -
280957 -
2810 -
Guests from France
2904 -
290401 - ..
290402 - There were three guests from France at the meeting. Elia said they
290403 - are here meeting with major organizations to find the lastest advances
290404 - in Project Management automated tools. There were suggestions they
290405 - could contact Dan Ono at AT&T, and people at Chevron. They had
290406 - apparently visited Bechtal. After the meeting, I introduced myself
290407 - and indicated I would be available Thursday from 0800 to 1500 to
290408 - demonstrate SDS and POIMS technology. They indicated they will call
290409 - me to confirm a demonstration.
290410 -
290411 -
290412 -
290413 -
290414 -
290415 -
290416 -
290417 -
290418 -
2905 -