440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 12, 1995 03:44 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Meeting Rosanne Sykes re SDS demonstration.
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0201 - Topflight Technology 415 312 8444 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Roseanne Sykes
PMI events
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 58 and my letter ref DIP 1
060602 - line 29 submitted at ref SDS 6 line 93.
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0609 - Discussion
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061001 - Main objective today
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061003 - We cannot show SDS in an hour and it cannot be absorbed in a day,
061004 - or even a week.
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061006 - We want to introduce a new way of working and how it is faster and
061007 - more accurate, relative to using other automated tools or manual
061008 - methods, per our discussion this morning, ref SDS 8 line 61.
061009 -
061010 - ..
061011 - Used discussion with IBM to explain SDS, ref SDS 3 line 93.
061012 -
061013 - Did not use meeting with Ahmet, Bob and Bill to illustrate how SDS is
061014 - applied, ref SDS 7 line 46, because we have very limited time.
061015 -
061016 - In the 15 minutes or so we looked at SDS, Roseanne said there are
061017 - applications of Lotus notes that integrate time and information in a
061018 - comparable manner to SDS. She said the Lotus Notes tool requires
061019 - applications to be created for it, but 3rd party vendors have done
061020 - this. She asked about the structure of SDS, indicating she had not
061021 - had time to review the materials submitted that explain the design
061022 - which distinguishes SDS from other solutions, ref DIP 1 line 29.
061023 - ..
061024 - Roseanne determined that the SDS methodology of thinking through
061025 - writing and linking is not as efficient as current methods or using
061026 - other automated tools. While she was here, she took a call on a
061027 - celluar phone. I offered her some paper to capture what was said in
061028 - her discussion, but she said it was not necessary.
061029 - ..
061030 - Roseanne said SDS is only valuable if someone writes everything
061031 - down. She said this does not improve management productivity because
061032 - nobody has enough time to do this. We reviewed briefly Morris Jone's
061033 - experience on 910520 when he discovered that SDS saves time and money
061034 - without writing everything down, ref SDS 2 XR5H, even though, Like
061035 - Rosanne today, he had earlier believed this would be necessary,
061036 - reported on 890809. ref SDS 1 N44I
061037 -
061038 - Rosanne advised that Interleaf is a program used at Cheveron and at
061039 - the California Legislature. She believes Interleaf is a better POIMS
061040 - program than SDS. She asked if Morris has tried Interleaf?
061041 -
061042 - Roseanne said Hewlett Packard has a strong automated management tool
061043 - that improves productivity and earnings more than what she saw of SDS
061044 - today.
061045 - ..
061046 - Roseanne believes Interleaf and other solutions can open files
061047 - from other programs, like a letter or spreadsheet; she said this
061048 - feature would improve executive management more than the SDS
061049 - implementation of POIMS. She is aware of document management programs
061050 - at large companies that are superior to SDS.
061051 - ..
061052 - Roseanne feels ACT has comparable speed in finding contacts,
061053 - that I showed today using SDS. She the difficulty getting my address
061054 - from her data base this morning was not typical. ref SDS 8 OF8I She
061055 - said that normally, it is fast and easy to use ACT, like SDS.
061056 - ..
061057 - She feels PG&E has older management tools and so is not a good
061058 - barometer to evaluate the usefulness of SDS relative to other modern
061059 - solutions she has seen and heard about in seminars in magazines and on
061060 - television.
061061 -
061062 - Roseanne said executives are using computers more for their daily
061063 - work. She said this conclusion follows from her experience calling
061064 - executives and getting their voice mail more often than in past years.
061065 - ..
061066 - She feels the way to sell SDS is to associate it with other
061067 - products that are popular in the market place.
061068 -
061069 - Roseanne said executives are looking for solutions that take away the
061070 - pain, and this means they have a Windows interface rather than
061071 - function keys.
061072 - ..
061073 - I asked Roseanne to consider our discussion today and review the
061074 - material submitted on POIMS and communication metrics in the period
061075 - ahead. We can schedule another demonstration when she has more time
061076 - to see more of SDS. Possibly we can do a comparison with the tools
061077 - Roseanne feels are helpful to managers.
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0611 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"