440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 7, 1995 09:31 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Developed correlation between SDS and project management.
2..."Command and Control of the Record" is another way to describe how SDS
.....Avoiding Feel Good Management
..........Emotional power of Feel Good management founded in biology is
.....Ignorance, Fear and Denial
........This was discussed with Jeff Ghilardi on the Broadwater project
........How SDS is Used
3...Use of tape recorders, where parties feel the SDS record is harmful to
4...Explanation of Communication Manager is on 920501, covering the idea
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Communication Metrics
Command & Control of the Record
Feel Good Management
Communication Engineer/Manager
ISO Registration & Compliance
Risk Management, Dispute Resolution
Conflict resolution in management
Contract Disputes
1410 - ..
1411 - Summary/Objective
1412 -
141201 - This follows up work at ref SDS 13 line 73.
141202 -
141203 - It ties together analysis and examples showing how SDS is used for
141204 - Risk Management on contract work, especially command and control of
141205 - the record. The ISO and PMBOK are published standards that call for
141206 - Risk Management.
141207 -
141208 - This evening I applied some subject and record links to make these
141209 - relationships easier to grasp.
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141213 - ..
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1415 - Progress
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141601 - "Command and Control of the Record" is another way to describe how SDS
141602 - is used for Risk Management, as set out in the POIMS paper at
141603 - ref OF 1 line 539, and defined under Communication Metrics at
141604 - ref SDS 13 line 261.
141605 -
141606 - Example of need is at ref SDS 11 line 43.
141607 -
141608 -
141609 - Avoiding Feel Good Management
141610 -
141611 - This method relates daily activity to contract requirements and
141612 - other criteria of established objectives like Action Items, laws,
141613 - regulations, mission statements, goals, CPM activities, budgets,
141614 - in order to ensure these objectives are carried out, as opposed to
141615 - applying "Feel Good" management practice, ref OF 1 line 626, ref
141616 - OF 1 line 676 which first appeared in the record from the Cal Tech
141617 - seminar, at, ref SDS 10 line 387, the effects of which can be seen
141618 - at ref SDS 7 line 33.
141619 -
141620 - Published material on "Feel Good Management" is mentioned at
141621 - ref SDS 7 3481.
141622 -
141623 - A manifestation of "Feel Good" management is seen from loss
141624 - of confidence in Project Managers at ref SDS 14 2165, and at
141625 - ref SDS 14 2955.
141626 -
141627 - Emotional power of Feel Good management founded in biology is
141628 - explained at ref SDS 8 5903, and at ref SDS 15 4992.
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141630 -
141631 - Command and Control of the record applies Morris' idea of SDS as
141632 - keeping the "arrow" of an assignment on target, ref SDS 12 3497.
141633 -
141634 - As well, when contracting parties fall short, then if litigation
141635 - results, SDS provides a record that guides a fact finder toward a
141636 - decision, ref SDS 5 2295.
141637 -
141638 - Thus, SDS supports boths sides of the equation:
141639 -
141640 - It helps avoid disputes by ensuring the work is done correctly,
141641 - and if a dispute results anyway, the record showing the work
141642 - was done correctly, improves the chances of a favorable
141643 - decision.
141644 -
141645 -
141646 - Ignorance, Fear and Denial
141647 -
141648 - Resistance to Command and Control of the Record arises from "Feel
141649 - Good" management, aspects of which are political and biological in
141650 - reflecting drives for safety and the avoidance of emotional pain.
141651 - An example is explained at ref SDS 15 1116.
141652 -
141653 - This was discussed with Jeff Ghilardi on the Broadwater project
141654 - in 1988 when Jeff objected to using the Diary to control the
141655 - record, ref SDS 1 4920. It was considered at the Cal Tech
141656 - seminar at ref SDS 10 5692.
141657 -
141658 - How SDS is Used
141659 -
141660 - I made a formal explanation to Jeff via ref DIP 1 line 42 which
141661 - together with the analysis at ref SDS 2 line 67 treats the
141662 - resistance to using SDS and the concept of command and control
141663 - of the record.
141664 -
141665 -
141666 - Command and Control of the record as part of "records management" was
141667 - discussed with Morris at ref SDS 6 line 167.
141668 -
141669 - Use of tape recorders, where parties feel the SDS record is harmful to
141670 - their interests, is discussed on 880925. ref SDS 2 7742
141671 -
141672 - Explanation of Communication Manager is on 920501, covering the idea
141673 - of SDS to discover gaps in understanding and correlations and
141674 - implications to avoid mistakes, ref SDS 9 0005, mentioned in the
141675 - record on 950327 that defines Com Metrics. ref SDS 13 0023
141676 -
141677 - Executive work practices that gives rise to the need for Communication
141678 - Metrics, is discussed 890809. ref SDS 4 8812
141679 -
141680 - Conflict of using SDS for internal management and the advantages for
141681 - doing so is explained, also, on 890809. ref SDS 4 0880 and ref SDS 4
141682 - 8492
141683 -
141684 -
141685 - [On 950830 correlation of "Command and Control of the Record" to
141686 - "Case Studies," traceability, continual learning and religion at
141687 - ref SDS 16 0001
141688 -
141689 - [On 951212 correlation with Communication Metrics and Risk
141690 - Management at ref SDS 17 JK5F
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