440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 5, 1995 07:16 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Ralph Holloway re studies of human thinking and SDS.
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SDS Theory, Knowledge
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 14 line 48, ref SDS 13 line 56, at ref DIP 2 line 27.
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0509 - Ralph L. Holloway, Ph.D.
0510 - Evolution of Brain and Behavior 212 854 4570
0511 -
051101 - Left another message for Ralph to call back. He may be in classes,
051102 - since he indicated another semester has started, ref SDS 13 line 56.
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0514 - 0716 Ralph called back
0515 -
051501 - Do the papers in explaining how the mind functions, seem consistent
051502 - with his work?
051503 -
051504 - Ralph said he has looked at the papers. He feels it is outside
051505 - his area of interest. He said he cuts up and measures brains.
051506 -
051507 - Ralph said he disagrees in some respects with my point that
051508 - evolution is slow. He feels it can be "fast" then nothing occurs
051509 - for a long time. He seemed to agree with my point though that
051510 - change in the human brain has not been rapid in the past five
051511 - thousand years or so.
051512 -
051513 - He feels I may be correct in the thesis that the human mind has
051514 - created an environment that is much different from the environment
051515 - that shaped the functioning of the brain.
051516 -
051517 - Comment
051518 -
051519 - I did not ask what "fast" means. 10K years instead of
051520 - millions?
051521 -
051522 - I wonder if his work suggests that the brain may be due for an
051523 - evolutionary jump.
051524 -
051525 - He liked the passage that describes POIMS as paying homage to poetry
051526 - which evolved to help people remember through rhyme and meter, ref OF
051527 - 2 line 552. He said he underlined this, and mentioned that only a
051528 - gifted few can make a living from singing and poetry. He seemed to
051529 - indicate he has made some comments in the margin of the document.
051530 -
051531 - Ralph said he has a sick family member and he has four technical
051532 - journals to edit.
051533 -
051534 - I asked if he would send his comments. Simply run it through the copy
051535 - machine and mail it. He said he will do this, but maybe not for
051536 - awhile because he is so busy.
051537 -
051538 - Ralph suggested I contact William (Bill) Calvin in at the University
051539 - of Washington in Seattle. He said Bill has written on this subject
051540 - and so may be interested in reading my material.
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0516 -
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0518 - 1324 called Bill Calvin
0519 -
051901 - I called UW in 1990 about an article in the SF Examiner that cited an
051902 - experiment at UW English class on critical writing, per ref SDS 1 line
051903 - 59.
051904 -
051905 - University of Washington
051906 - English Department
051907 - 206 543 2100 general
051908 -
051909 - Bill Calvin's office: 206 543 1648
051910 -
051911 - Receptionist said this is his wife's number. She works out of the
051912 - University lab. She said that Bill works solely from his home:
051913 -
051914 - 206 328 1192
051915 -
051916 - Called Bill at home.
051917 -
051918 - He said he is not interested in these ideas any more.
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