440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 14, 1995 06:15 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Develop daily scenario of how SDS is used.
2...Scenario Shows How SDS is Applied, Improves Conventional Practice
3...Stephen Covey - Time Management, Better Habits
4...Bumbling Continual Process of Correcting Corrections
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SDS Replaces Conventional Methods
Daily Scenario using SDS
7 Habits Highly Effective People
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Prepared ref OF 1 0000 to submit under ref DIT 1 0000 via Internet an
060704 - explanation of how office workers use SDS.
060705 -
060706 - [On 950516 did more work on this. ref SDS 8 0000]
060707 -
060708 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Background
0611 -
061101 - The other day, I got a request on the Internet SF Chronicle BB from
061102 - Mathew Wilson for an explanation of what SDS replaces and how it is
061103 - used by an office worker.
061104 - ..
061105 - Mat's Internet:
061106 -
061107 - This indicates he may be with the Chronicle. I am not sure he can
061108 - really help us, but it is worth the exercise to show how SDS is
061109 - applied.
061110 -
061111 -
061112 - ..
061113 - Scenario Shows How SDS is Applied, Improves Conventional Practice
061114 -
061115 - After I submitted ref DIT 1 0000 to Mat, transmitting ref OF 1 0000, I
061116 - did more editing to expand on scenario.
061117 -
061118 - This is a narrative that explains advantages of SDS relative to
061119 - conventional management practice, including manual methods of handling
061120 - information, as shown at ref SDS 6 0000.
061121 -
061122 - Included fictional discussion with Jane at Wharton School of Business.
061123 - ref OF 1 8096
061124 -
061125 - Did not submit to Mat the explanation of manual tools SDS replaces
061126 - which is explained at ref SDS 6 0000.
061127 -
061128 -
061129 - ..
061130 - Stephen Covey - Time Management, Better Habits
061131 -
061132 - Explain the purpose of SDS to enable using good work habits
061133 - consistently, ref OF 1 0000, per analysis at ref SDS 2 5883, and at
061134 - ref SDS 2 4803.
061135 -
061136 -
061137 -
0612 -
Bumbling Solution Needed.
Bumbling Email Constant Mistakes
Communication Biggest Risk of Mistakes
Continual Learning
Continual Mistakes Caused by Complexity, Limited Time, Span of Attent
Complexity Causes Information Entropy Limited Span of Attention
Complexity Requires Reliability Truth for Decision Support
Mistakes Cause Re-work
Attention, Limited Span
Microsoft Scenario on Technical Support
1413 -
141301 - ..
141302 - Bumbling Continual Process of Correcting Corrections
141303 -
141304 - From examples in the record on 950327 listing real-life problems,
141305 - ref SDS 7 0200, developed scenarios illustraing how information
141306 - overload and the complexity of daily life makes management a process
141307 - of continual bumbling rather than learning, called out in management
141308 - standards.
141309 -
141310 - 1. Bank loan interpreted incorrectly. ref OF 1 V13L
141311 -
141312 - 2. Schedule omits requirements for public input. ref OF 1 N38N
141313 -
141314 - 3. Microsoft example. ref OF 1 3120
141315 -
141316 - [On 020606 example from actual support by Microsoft
141317 - commenting favorable on using SDS records on the Internet.
141318 - ref SDS 10 L99K
141319 - ..
141320 - Correcting corrections, changes to fix mistakes, cause
141321 - more mistakes. ref OF 1 H68J
141322 -
141323 - [On 000826 example on Internet servers. ref SDS 9 G58J
141324 -
141325 - 4. Accounting mistakes. ref OF 1 I48L
141326 -
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141329 -
141330 -
141331 -
141332 -
141333 -
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