440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 4, 1995 01:04 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Visit David McClure re SDS, communication metrics.
2...SDS Reports, Subjects
3...Business Opportunities
4...Education & Public Awareness
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0201 - McClure Management Corporation 415 543 3665 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. David McClure; President
PMI Projects, Internet
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University of California, Berkeley
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 21 line 50. at ref SDS 12 line 42, and at
060702 - ref SDS 9 line 67. and ref DIP 3 line 30. Review analysis of
060703 - management from PMI meeting at ref SDS 2 line 187, and about
060704 - "communication metrics," discussed at ref SDS 11 line 141.
060705 -
060706 - David will inquire about presenting SDS at Sun Micro Systems. He
060707 - will schedule a presentation on communication metrics at his PM class
060708 - in Berkeley.
060709 -
060710 -
060711 -
060712 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Discussion
0611 -
061101 - Gave the Powerpoint POIMS slide show that explains:
061102 -
061103 - POIMS Technology
061104 - SDS implements POIMS
061105 - Communication Metrics is what results from using SDS
061106 -
061107 -
061108 - Reviewed the hardcopy letter to Sackett Design ref DIP 6 line 30, and
061109 - attached memo, ref SDS 23 line 64.
061110 -
061111 - David asked about the structure of the attached SDS memo. I gave
061112 - an overview of the SDS record.
061113 -
061114 -
061115 - Explained SDS, showing the Schedule and how it is linked to the Diary
061116 - (hence: Schedule Diary System), and how every scheduled task is
061117 - linked to all of the prior chronology that lead up to it, together
061118 - with all applicable documents.
061119 -
061120 - We then examined the SDS record for the letter to Sackett. Showed how
061121 - the citations within the letter can be accessed on-line to provide
061122 - instant access to information that supports current perspective and
061123 - analysis. This is what is meant by "automated religion" in the
061124 - Powerpoint slideshow. The modern term is "automated integration."
061125 -
061126 -
061127 - SDS Reports, Subjects
061128 -
061129 - We did several chronological and keyword diary selections, finding
061130 - information in less than a second.
061131 -
061132 - Showed how the SDS Subject Index emulates a "knowledge Tree" to
061133 - reflect the way people naturally "think" about the world. David
061134 - asked to do a search for the subject:
061135 -
061136 - dispute resolution
061137 -
061138 - We examined about 70,000 records over the past 5 years, and in 5
061139 - seconds, found three records that included analysis or ideas, law,
061140 - etc., on dispute resolution.
061141 -
061142 -
061143 -
061144 - Business Opportunities
061145 -
061146 - Advised I would like present POIMS to Sun Micro Systems for
061147 - consideration as new executive "workstations" to apply Communication
061148 - Metrics, per ref SDS 17 line 65.
061149 -
061150 - David said our inquiry is timely because Sun is now undergoing a
061151 - "re-engineering" effort to improve their management. He feels
061152 - communication is a critical place to make improvements. David said
061153 - SMS may be too firmly committed to their program, and so not open
061154 - to new ideas. David advised Sun has a management consultant that
061155 - is supervising the entire effort.
061156 -
061157 - He will mention SDS, POIMS and communication metrics the next time
061158 - he talks to them, which expects will be in about 2 weeks.
061159 -
061160 -
061161 -
061162 - Education & Public Awareness
061163 -
061164 - I explained my objective to present Communication Metrics at Berkeley
061165 - UC PM program, business school, management science program, per
061166 - discussion with GWU, ref SDS 22 line 68.
061167 -
061168 - David thinks this is doable. He expects I could be invited to
061169 - give a lecture in the fall.
061170 -
061171 - I asked about introducing Communication Metrics in the curriculum.
061172 - He said the last curriculum change was about 7 years ago, so this
061173 - is not a strong prospect as a means to introduce new ideas at
061174 - Berkeley.
061175 -
061176 -
061177 - See also agenda for PG&E demo, ref SDS 19 line 255.
061178 -
061179 -
061180 - Review PMI workshop on estimating IT projects, ref SDS 24 line 77.
061181 -
061182 -
0612 -
0613 -
Communication Metrics workshop
Executive Work Practices
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Followed up discussions with Rosanne at ref SDS 25 line 58.
080602 -
080603 - David said he would support and participate in this event. His
080604 - expertise in communication and the method he explains, would work
080605 - well.
080606 -
080607 - He said he teaches his class to keep a diary data base of important
080608 - "issues." David demonstrates this by a computer system he developed
080609 - on a contruction project. It has a key word retrieval system.
080610 -
080611 - This would work well with the panel that could include Rosanne, Bill
080612 - DeHart.
080613 -
080614 - Sherrill McDonald might be another person to get who believes in the
080615 - benefit of a diary, ref SDS 1 line 135.
080616 -
080617 - Maybe we can Morris to demonstrate the method used at Chips to manage
080618 - their projects. He explained some kind of powerful system, which
080619 - seems not to be used very much, but it may have some useful features.
080620 -
080621 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"