440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 29, 1995 12:13 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Called Bill re various issues.


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PG&E Assignment, General, Objectives/scope
PG&E, Power Generation Services
Sales discussions

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 27 line 69, and work at ref SDS 30
060702 - line 61, and ref SDS 29 line 37.
060703 -
060704 -
060705 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Discussion
0611 -
061101 - Bill said he has not received the EM submitting a copy of the letter
061102 - to David McClure, ref DIP 5 line 28.
061103 -
061104 -     He said he cannot in any case join the meeting with David McClure
061105 -     on May 4, per ref SDS 30 line 61.
061106 -
061107 - He also did not receive the notes regarding the Asilomar Conference,
061108 - ref DIP 7 line 28, which included discussion with Stan and Rosanne,
061109 - ref SDS 28 line 61.
061110 -
061111 - Bill asked me to resubmit these documents.
061112 -
061113 - I did so at ref DIT 1 line 24.
061114 -
061115 - I also sent him the notes on the review of Bob MacMamera's interview,
061116 - at ref SDS 24 line 37.
061117 -
061118 -
061119 - Bill said he knows Gopal Kapur and has worked with him on Asilomar
061120 - conferences in past years.
061121 -
061122 -
061123 -
0612 -


0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Bill said he is saving the EM from me in a separate directory.  I
070502 - explained how he can use the SDS Doc Log (F1 F8) to organize
070503 - Documents Received, and then have them show up in the Doc Log.
070504 -
070505 - He can also link them up to the analysis in SDS records, and to other
070506 - documents.
070507 -
070508 - I offered to assist him in setting this.  Bill said he create a task
070509 - to call me to do this next week.
070510 -
070511 -
070512 -
0706 -