440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 25, 1995 02:09 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Submitted notes of meeting with PG&E to Bill DeHart.
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0202 - PG&E, Power Gen Services 415 973 2633 fax 0466 O-00000592 0101
020201 - Mr. Terry A. Morford; Manager =415 973 2633
020202 - Room 1203, Mail Code P12A =Telephone/fax
PG&E Assignment, General, Objectives/scope
PG&E, Power Generation Services
Sales discussions
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Submitted notes of meeting with Terry Morford on 950425, ref SDS 26
060704 - 0001, via ref DIT 1 0001 and Internet, so Bill can comment on sending
060705 - to Terry.
060706 -
060707 - He concurred.
060708 -
060709 - Hand delivered notes to Terry via ref DIT 2 0001. Included Bill's
060710 - memo to Chris Snyder on 941230. ref DRP 1 8444
060711 -
060712 - [On 950504 received letter from Terry. ref SDS 27 0001
060713 -
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060715 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - 0937 called Bill
0611 -
061101 - Advised he has the report. He will review and let me know of any
061102 - comments.
061103 -
061104 - Bill gave me Stan [Standish] Watson's number who is the PG&E rep
061105 - trying to put the Asilomar Conference together.
061106 -
061107 - 415 973 1766
061108 -
061109 - I will call him with a recommended speaker from the PMA conference
061110 - in Arizona on 950419. ref SDS 24 0001
061111 -
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061113 -
0612 -
0613 -
0614 - 1036 Bill called back
0615 -
061501 - Bill said the notes for the meeting with Terry Morford at PG&E on
061502 - 950425, ref SDS 26 0001, are adequate.
061503 -
061504 - I mentioned the idea of testing SDS at PG&E using him as a project
061505 - manager. We need to find out if we can transition a PM. To do this
061506 - we need to start with someone who is committed to it.
061507 -
061508 - Bill said Terry will likely feel the place to start is with a staff
061509 - Project Analyst.
061510 -
061511 - [On 950504 received letter from Terry saying that PG&E does not
061512 - want to use DOS and a Communication Manager to improve earnings.
061513 - ref SDS 27 0001
061514 -
061515 - I noted the challenge of testing new methods, like SDS, is greatly
061516 - compounded when we start off using people who are not aware of its
061517 - advantages, as with Tom Marky and Tito. However, Bill knows why it is
061518 - a good idea to struggle to use SDS, so the chances of success are
061519 - enhanced. When we successfully transition a PG&E "regular" to apply
061520 - SDS within the PG&E culture, this will increase the confidence of PG&E
061521 - management, because at the same time we are turning out valuable work
061522 - for PG&E that cannot be accomplished by any other means. When PG&E
061523 - people see one of their own, someone who has their skill set and
061524 - organizational perspective, is able to lift the productivity of the
061525 - organization using SDS, it will build confidence and desire to acquire
061526 - this new power. Then we can work on the Analyst to create a new
061527 - relationship and skill level for PMs and Analysts alike.
061528 -
061529 - This is a project, like any other project PG&E undertakes to improve
061530 - its productivity and earnings.
061531 -
061532 - Bill said this idea comports with what PG&E has done in the past.
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