440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 24, 1995 12:30 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Lunch with Bill DeHart re meeting with PG&E, PMI Asilomar Conference.
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PG&E Assignment, General, Objectives/scope
PG&E Glenn & Pam
Bill DeHart
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 45, ref SDS 2 line 232.
060702 -
060703 - Met Bill in lobby of 201 Mission. We had lunch in the Rincon Annex
060704 - to discuss the pending meeting with Terry Morford.
060705 -
060706 -
060707 - Review ideas/agenda for meeting with Terry.
060708 -
060709 - Bill suggests not doing an SDS demo today. He wants to give Terry
060710 - a better explanation of SDS than was available when he was involved
060711 - with the Transmission System group last December.
060712 -
060713 - Bill also wants Terry to consider becoming an advocate within PMI
060714 - for incorporating the ideas of communication metrics and POIMS,
060715 - for the PMI PMBOK.
060716 -
060717 - I explained that Terry will not be able to grasp our explanation of
060718 - SDS linking until he sees it and then experiences it.
060719 -
060720 -
060721 - Consider Asilomar Conference, progress; do they need help?
060722 -
060723 - Bill said Stan is not having good luck finding speakers for the
060724 - Asilomar Conference. I mentioned the possibility of getting Ed
060725 - Scanlon who did the opening at the PMA conference last week, ref
060726 - SDS 5 line 45.
060727 -
060728 - The impression I got from Bill's remarks is that he is not actively
060729 - involved in supporting this effort.
060730 -
060731 -
060732 - Bill's comments on implications for communication metrics, of Joel
060733 - Koppleman's report on Primavera, ref SDS 2 line 289.
060734 -
060735 - He has not yet examined this material. Bill was out of town last
060736 - week and is still catching up with his backlog.
060737 -
060738 -
060739 -
060740 -
060741 -
0608 -