440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 14, 1995 01:32 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received from Bill DeHart sales materials on Info Select.
2...Knowledge v. Information
3...Feature Set
.....Info Select SDS POIMS Criteria
4...Evolutionary Step
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Marketing, Research Application to Existing Market
Notepad, replace, 910425
Info Select, Micro Logic Corp.
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 199. Received advertisement in the
050702 - mail from Bill via his letter, ref DRT 1 line 19.
050703 -
050704 - Reviewed these materials for scope and marketing ideas. Submitted
050705 - this to Bill via internet.
050706 -
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0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Analysis
0511 -
051101 - Bill feels the material offers ideas on a Windows version of SDS, ref
051102 - DRT 1 line 20. Info Select was reviewed previously at ref SDS 3 line
051103 - 199.
051104 -
051105 - One thing that strikes me is that there seems to be no evolution
051106 - in the product since 1992.
051107 -
051108 - This tends to show how fundamental the intellectual breakthrough
051109 - is of integrating information and time, or schedule and diary.
051110 - Everyone is chasing information instead of knowledge. The
051111 - relationship between time and information is unique to SDS.
051112 -
051113 -
051114 - I scanned in these new materials at ref OF 3 line 16.
051115 -
051116 - The vendors materials present ideas for marketing SDS.
051117 -
051118 - It is interesting that Mat Henrickson with Individual Software, Inc,
051119 - mentioned Info Select in our meeting on Wednesday, as offering some
051120 - SDS functionality, ref SDS 4 line 79.
051121 -
051122 - A few initial distinctions in the marketing area. Info Select says
051123 - at ref OF 1 line 18:
051124 -
051125 - It's not a word processor
051126 - It's not a spreadsheet
051127 - It's not a database
051128 -
051129 - POIMS says you need to integrate formal correspondence with what Info
051130 - Select calls "random information." So, for example, Bill prepared his
051131 - transmittal letter on this event with a wordprocessor; he could have
051132 - used the SDS tools, and then the letter would be placed in its context
051133 - with surrounding events, and analysis.
051134 -
051135 - The issue for managers who want to improve earnings, is whether it
051136 - is more important to earnings to place information in their
051137 - context and have information instantly availabel without having to
051138 - remember it is relevant, or whether it is more important to
051139 - produce a document with a popular wordprocessing program that
051140 - requires a few hours of additional learning?
051141 -
051142 - What contributes more to earnings knowledge and timliness or
051143 - following the herd?
051144 -
051145 - The selling challenge is that people cannot how valuable it is to
051146 - have knowledge and timliness, until it is too late.
051147 -
051148 -
051149 - Second, unlike Info Select, POIMS says automation should provide a:
051150 -
051151 - spreadsheet for knowledge
051152 -
051153 - database to share knowledge and ideas
051154 -
051155 - ...sharing improves the synergy of an organization,
051156 - i.e., sharing is the essence of organizing.
051157 -
051158 -
051159 -
051160 - Knowledge v. Information
051161 -
051162 - SDS integrates the Info Select domain of "random information," with
051163 - all other information, and in doing so SDS provides natural and
051164 - custom, direct links, resulting in an electronic environment that
051165 - emulates human thinking.
051166 -
051167 -
051168 -
051169 - Feature Set
051170 -
051171 - Info Select sets out its scope at ref OF 3 line 55.
051172 -
051173 -
051174 - Info Select SDS POIMS Criteria
051175 - ------------- ----------------
051176 - To-do list Schedule Time
051177 - Notes/Random Information Diary Information
051178 - Addresses & Phone numbers Contacts People
051179 - Correspondence Documents
051180 - Files
051181 - Publications
051182 - Integration
051183 - Linking Knowledge
051184 - Shared data base
051185 - Subjects Objectives
051186 - Time card Control
051187 - Expenses
051188 - Cost Control
051189 - Schedule Control
051190 - Keyword retrieval Keyword
051191 -
051192 -
051193 - Evolutionary Step
051194 -
051195 - What is more striking to me is the prospect of using Info Select to
051196 - introduce people to the idea of communication metrics by starting them
051197 - out with something new users can begin applying in 15 minutes to
051198 - generate "information." In the beginning the data base is small and
051199 - so the key word type of retrieval described by Info Select is
051200 - adequate.
051201 -
051202 - Get people used to writing a little more so they can experience the
051203 - benefits of having information available to them. Gradually, they
051204 - will come to see that the writing itself is a source of incite that
051205 - exposes errors in understanding before they impact performance, so the
051206 - POIMS idea of investing intellectual capital can be experienced.
051207 -
051208 - At the same time the new user is learning the narrow feature set of
051209 - Info Select, a communication engineer is using SDS to raise
051210 - performance of the organization, as at PG&E, so the information the
051211 - new User creates, can be turned into something of real value.
051212 -
051213 - Looks like Info Select produces ASCII text, so it would be easy to
051214 - pass information between a tool someone can use with little training,
051215 - and the SDS tool that takes a lot of training.
051216 -
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