440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 27, 1995 07:44 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Develop definition of "communications metrics."

...................Communication and Community
2...Communication is the foundation of successful communities that drives
...........Communication the biggest risk in enterprise!
3...Traditional training in "communication" focuses on leadership and
..............Technology has compressed time and distance!
4...Projects and organizations comprise a "community" of skills, interests
5..."Devil in the Details" High Risk Business Environment
6...Truth is a Moving Target - New Reality of Information Highway
7...More information harms communication due to complexity unless new
8...Avoid Second Guessing by Improving First Guess
9...Limited Span of Attention Overwhelmed by Information Overload
...................managing by hunch and hope
........................guess and gossip
10...Information Entropy Makes Management Comedy of Errors, Bumbling
11...Examples management impacted by limited span of attention...
12...Knowledge Space Solves Information Overload
13...Power of Microcosm to Create Useful "Intelligence"
14...Accuracy Communication Metric Alignment with Original Sources
15...Feedback Metrics Essential to Understanding Communication
16...Writing Things Down, Linking Things Up, Asking Questions
17...Communication Metrics - Quality Control "Debugs" Management
18...Quality control of "management" automates and integrates key practices
19...Communication Metrics is a process of creating "intelligence" that
......Concurrent Discovery Uses Microscope to Find Critical Details
......Empowerment to learn and apply the truth was developed from
......Structure & Summary
......[Summary linked to detail is explained in a meeting with Intel on
......Automated Experience = Operating System for People
......ISO Quality Standards
20...Communication Analyst Creates Intelligence, Details Linked to Summary
.....................There isn't enough time
......Vernon Walters "Leadership Aide" was developed in discussions
21...Traditional Communication & Writing
22...Command and Control of Knowledge Space Empowers Leadership
23...Risk Management: Be Proactive, Not Reactive, Prepare to Succeed
24...SDS Makes Being Prepared Faster, Easier, and More Effective
..........................Be prepared!
.................If you want peace, prepare for war
25...Management Imploding
...................There isn't enough time to think
................"For want of a nail a show was lost..."
26...Knowledge is Power
27...Management Productivity

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SDS Marketing, POIMS Definition, Communication Metrics
Communication Engineer
Management productivity & Teamwork
Correlates all MI - who, what, when, where
Discovery, Strategic Resource
Murphy's Law, avoiding mistakes
Re-Engineer Project Management, Risk Management
Mistakes, Impact on Meeting Objectives
Knowledge v. Information, Communications & Communication Metrics
Theory of Communication
Communication Biggest Risk of Enterprise Paradigm Shift of Millennium
Organizational Memory Intelligence Organization Analysis Alignment Su
Communication Metrics Makes Meetings Productive Add Intelligence to I
Accuracy Shown by Alignment Communication Metrics Extend Cost and Sch

4616 -
4616 -    ..
4617 - Summary/Objective
4618 -
461801 - Follow up ref SDS 37 2123.
461802 -
461803 - SDS is a software program to increase earnings by adding a system of
461804 - controls, or "business metrics" to discussions, meetings, calls and
461805 - correspondence, including email.  Communication Metrics summarizes the
461806 - idea of adding alignment to verify accuracy, commonly called an audit
461807 - trail. ref SDS 0 6007  Since communication is a predicate to action,
461808 - and is the primary activity of management, based on Cal Tech seminar
461809 - on 921021, ref SDS 10 4390, this makes communication the biggest risk
461810 - in enterprise, because stream-of-concscous communication is highly
461811 - conducive to error due to misunderstanding and failure to follow up,
461812 - commonly called "listening," explained on 890809. ref SDS 2 CJ9J see
461813 - also POIMS. ref OF 1 3773  As a result, improving communication offers
461814 - the biggest opportunity to save time and money.
461816 -  ..
461817 - SDS increases earnings more than traditional business metrics, because
461818 - it strengthens accuracy of understanding and follow up, which solves
461819 - the problem that people won't listen, reported on 890809. ref SDS 2
461820 - 9Y5I On 950309 explained the need for a new role due to changes in the
461821 - work environment that increase complexity by technology that increases
461822 - the amount of information people encounter. ref SDS 37 8900  On 941228
461823 - experience at PG&E revealed the need for a simple way to explain the
461824 - goals of POIMS technology. ref SDS 31 2126.
461825 -
461826 -      [On 990419 supplements cost, schedule control. ref SDS D3  2635]
461827 -
461828 -
461830 -  ..
4619 -
4620 -
4621 - Progress
4622 -
462201 - On 931130 Drucker says people have given up on improving communication
462202 - because the task is too complex. ref SDS 17 3851  He suggests starting
462203 - by defining an end product. ref SDS 17 EJ8J  On 950202 a conference on
462204 - management controls yielded an idea for developing communication
462205 - metrics to complement traditional cost and schedule control, because
462206 - communication has the biggest impact on results. ref SDS 34 8402
462208 -  ..
462209 - Let's begin with a simple concept of...
462210 -
462211 -
462212 -                   Communication and Community
462213 -
462215 -  ..
462216 - Communication is the foundation of successful communities that drives
462217 - the rise of civilization, and comprises 80% - 90% of management time,
462218 - reported on 890809.
462219 -
462220 -            [On 040621 history of management has been tracked to the
462221 -            Sumerians in 5000 BC. ref SDS H5 FU6J
462223 -  ..
462224 - It has three main parts:
462225 -
462226 -                     •  leadership
462227 -                     •  understanding      ref SDS 92 8201
462228 -                     •  follow up          ref SDS 92 0022
462229 -
462230 -     1.  "Leadership" includes entertainment, attractive pictures and
462231 -         appearance, and association with important people that gain
462232 -         attention, receptiveness, credibility, and faith that
462233 -         motivates, inspires, and persuades people to say "yes," common
462234 -         to salesmanship.
462236 -               ..
462237 -              [On 991108 oral communication tradition emphasizes
462238 -              leadership to entertain and persuade toward normative
462239 -              views with comity and cordiality emphasized over accuracy
462240 -              and factual expression of history. ref SDS E2 0593
462242 -          ..
462243 -     2.  "Understanding" is a component of listening that correlates
462244 -         communication and events with support from relevant history,
462245 -         and aligment with objectives, requirements, and commitments,
462246 -         as set out in NWO. ref OF 15 5361
462248 -          ..
462249 -     3.  "Follow up" is the second component of listening for planning,
462250 -         scheduling, and performing actual work that flows from
462251 -         accurate understanding leadership's vision, objectives, goals,
462252 -         strategy, policies, instructions, and so on, also, set out in
462253 -         NWO. ref OF 14 6156
462255 -  ..
462256 - Accuracy of understanding and timely follow up to get things done
462257 - correctly on time and within budget are the end products of
462258 - "listening," cited on 890809 as the weak link in communication.
462259 - ref SDS 2 CJ9J  On 921205 Covey explained that "understanding" is the
462260 - predicate to follow up. ref SDS 11 2229
462261 -
462262 -      [...below, accuracy and alignment are discussed. ref SDS 0 6007
462264 -       ..
462265 -      [On 021118 reality monitoring innate mental metrics trace
462266 -      understadings to original sources that verify accuracy of
462267 -      perceptions. ref SDS H2 QS8H
462269 -       ..
462270 -      [On 021219 Typical Scenario presents analysis showing accuracy is
462271 -      a powerful metric of communication. ref SDS H3 ZI4O
462273 -       ..
462274 -      [On 050317 KMI sponsors experiment to test technology and methods
462275 -      for argument. ref SDS H6 7L5J
462277 -  ..
462278 - Accuracy is a good "metric" of communication for reasons in the record
462279 - on 950204, ref SDS 35 8A4G, that is aided by links to create an audit
462280 - trail to original sources. This can be measured simply by counting the
462281 - number of links required to enaure accuracy. Since organic structure
462282 - also aids accurate understanding of context, and since people have
462283 - limited memory of context, the number of subjects in a record is
462284 - another important metric of communication.  Action items are a 3rd
462285 - part of communication that triangulates accuracy of understanding and
462286 - ability to follow up.
462287 -
462288 -      [On 020820 accuracy less important in email and speech emphasize
462289 -      continuity expressing issues, ideas, and feelings; authenticating
462290 -      conversation with links to accurate factual history seems to
462291 -      detract from communication in these modes, per Murray Altheim.
462292 -      ref SDS G9 V66I
462294 -  ..
462295 - The fragility of understanding, explained on 950204, ref SDS 35 0550,
462296 - and in the New World Order... paper, ref OF 2 2247, coupled with
462297 - resistance to follow up due to fear of feedback and accountability,
462298 - also, set out in the New World Order... paper, ref OF 2 2670, make...
462300 -            ..
462301 -           Communication the biggest risk in enterprise!
462302 -
462304 -  ..
462305 - Traditional training in "communication" focuses on leadership and
462306 - sales, i.e., talking people into things, giving orders, telling others
462307 - what we want them to know, ref OF 1 2143, winning them over, getting
462308 - them to say "yes" with persuasive dialog, reviewed on 950523,
462309 - ref SDS 44 2130, and illustrated by infamous Pied Piper, cited on
462310 - 921205 reviewing Covey's work. ref SDS 11 5940
462312 -  ..
462313 - Managers spend a large part of their time in meetings, calls and
462314 - working with documents.  On 890809 Morris said he spends 80% of his
462315 - time in meetings and making calls. ref SDS 2 8812
462316 -
462317 -          [On 970829 text book says management is 90% communication.
462318 -          ref SDS A8  6666
462320 -           ..
462321 -          [On 960919 contracting officer at USACE reports communication
462322 -          is 90% of the work. ref SDS 95 9834
462324 -           ..
462325 -          [On 970910 PMI event "Winning People Over." ref SDS B0  3095]
462327 -           ..
462328 -          [On 991108 oral communication is mainly entertainment to hold
462329 -          attention and pursuade. ref SDS E2  7426]
462331 -       ..
462332 -      Traditional focus on dialog and listening must be broadened to
462333 -      meet the demands of a business environment where information
462334 -      flows faster.
462336 -       ..
462337 -      Alignment of information and the range of subjects that impact
462338 -      performance, exceed span of attention due to limitations of human
462339 -      mental machinery because....
462340 -
462341 -
462342 -              Technology has compressed time and distance!
462343 -
462344 -          [On 970829 management text explains "limited span of
462345 -          attention" ref SDS A8  4476.]
462346 -
462347 -          [On 971229 executive training video. ref SDS B5  3462]
462349 -       ..
462350 -      This new reality has increased the concentration of people in
462351 -      management or knowledge work which leads to a change in the ratio
462352 -      of communication time to production time, so that people have
462353 -      less "time to think."
462354 -
462355 -          [On 970920 PMI event reported executives have no time to
462356 -          think. ref SDS B0  3479.]
462358 -       ..
462359 -      New curriculum for "Communication Metrics" is at ref SDS 44 1674,
462360 -      which is cited in the course proposal to Wharton ref SDS 54 0000.
462361 -
462363 -  ..
462364 - Projects and organizations comprise a "community" of skills, interests
462365 - and perspectives.  Communication integrates and focuses this diversity
462366 - on common objectives so that synergy of "teamwork" produces more than
462367 - each member working separately, (ref SDS 34 2200, and at ref SDS 67
462368 - 2202).  Communication must build and maintain shared meaning over
462369 - time, so that people can work together effectively, i.e., cooperate,
462370 - ref SDS 21 2205.
462372 -  ..
462373 - Managers are appointed mainly on "leadership" skills, and so feel they
462374 - are good "communicators" because they have been successful at talking
462375 - people into doing things.  Managers try to improve "understanding" and
462376 - follow-up by having more meetings, discussions, calls, memos, email,
462377 - fax and TQM, ref OF 1 line 314.  However, in the fast paced world of
462378 - today traditional leadership practice simply produces more talking and
462379 - documents; and, as Peter Drucker notes, reviewed on 931130, more
462380 - information does not improve "communication." ref SDS 17 1855, and
462381 - ref SDS 16 5567  The leader races ahead, but the team cannot keep up.
462382 -
462383 -     [Applied in NWO paper at ref SDS 51 0000, supported by published
462384 -     article by AP, ref SDS 71 5222, and report on Chips meetings with
462385 -     Intel, Lockheed/Martin, ref SDS 93 08961.]
462387 -      ..
462388 -     [On 970418 US Army Corp of Engineers reported that "intelligence"
462389 -     processes information to create the knowledge people need,
462390 -     ref SDS A0 3053.]
462392 -      ..
462393 -     [On 970619 proposal to Intel on integrating PCs and NCs to bridge
462394 -     the gap between individual with community, ref SDS A1 6005.]
462396 -      ..
462397 -     [On 970908 CEO of PG&E reports communication critical to survival,
462398 -     ref SDS A9  8572.]
462399 -
462401 -  ..
462402 - "Devil in the Details" High Risk Business Environment
462403 - Truth is a Moving Target - New Reality of Information Highway
462404 -
462405 - Today, diversity and an exploding number and type of daily details
462406 - comprise a more complex and therefore high risk business world that
462407 - compounds the challenge of managing, ref SDS 10 6565, ref SDS 13 4830,
462408 - (see for example ref SDS 12 6891).
462410 -  ..
462411 - This is a New World Order... ref OF 2 9449
462413 -  ..
462414 - Proactive risk management is therefore essential. ref SDS 0 4828
462416 -  ..
462417 - Drucker observes the need to change the structure of management in
462418 - order to meet these new realities. ref SDS 17 1855
462419 -
462420 -     [On 951212 article reports study showing that communication is
462421 -     biggest risk factor in success of a business. ref SDS 68 0000]
462422 -
462423 -     [On 960307 defined "new realities in meeting on Asilomar
462424 -     Conference with Dave Bounchristiani. ref SDS 77 1594]
462426 -  ..
462427 - Organizations feel the need to change, and so reach out for automation
462428 - to get more information in hopes that it will enable fewer people to
462429 - do more work, thus improving productivity and earnings.
462431 -  ..
462432 - This solution is popularly called the "Information Highway."
462434 -  ..
462435 - However, more information creates a disconnect between leadership and
462436 - team performance because there is less time to think.  Since thinking,
462437 - is the intelligence process that adds organization and analysis
462438 - connecting cause and effect among management details (see Cal Tech
462439 - seminar ref SDS 10 7512), less thinking means more mistakes absent a
462440 - dedicated process to convert information into "knowledge" by linking
462441 - back to original sources. ref SDS 15 9995
462442 -
462443 -     On 921020 Cal Tech seminar developed example of good management
462444 -     from history of work on SF Bay Bridge project, ref SDS 9 4365.
462445 -
462446 -     ...on need for Communication Metrics, ref SDS 10 1661, ref SDS 12
462447 -     6891.
462449 -      ..
462450 -     [Research on "meaning drift" ref SDS 89 3734.]
462452 -      ..
462453 -     [See COE report saying "intelligence" converts information into
462454 -     knowledge, ref SDS A0 3053.]
462456 -      ..
462457 -     [On 971202 HQ USACE staff were unaware of "new realities" ref SDS
462458 -     B2  3231]
462460 -      ..
462461 -     [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" shows
462462 -     that time invested in "thinking" through writing, saves time and
462463 -     improves earnings. ref SDS B8  3668]
462464 -
462466 -  ..
462467 - More information harms communication due to complexity unless new
462468 - information can be effectively analysed, summarized and accurately
462469 - connected to relevant details of prior understandings, commitments,
462470 - objectives, documents, people and scheduled tasks, ref SDS 37 8887.
462471 -
462472 -      [On 980405 Morris noted this phenomenon. ref SDS C1  2532]
462474 -       ..
462475 -      [On 980815 foreign policy "intelligence" failures caused by too
462476 -      much information, not enough understanding. ref SDS C5  1173]
462478 -  ..
462479 - Adding analysis and connections provide a "metric" of human
462480 - understanding, to test correlations of information patterns for
462481 - conflicts.  Once tested and established, these connections are the
462482 - "knowledge" that people really need.  Without adequate knowledge
462483 - (i.e., when information is not connected up), mistakes occur and
462484 - opportunity is lost, ref SDS 40 2355 and ref SDS 40 5933.  This is
462485 - called "Murphy's Law" ref SDS 35 line 140, where critical, but
462486 - overlooked details explode into losses, coverups, downsizing,
462487 - reengineering, and understandable frustration (see Cal Tech seminar,
462488 - ref SDS 10 4390), where management blames others for not telling the
462489 - truth. ref SDS 40 3920.
462490 -
462491 -      [On 950608 Dave Packark build HP using a method he called MBA -
462492 -      Management by Walking Around, rather than trust the information
462493 -      systems, he followed up to remind, clarify and provide help to
462494 -      ensure things get done correctly, on time and within budget.
462495 -      ref SDS 46 4376
462496 -
462497 -
462499 -  ..
462500 - Avoid Second Guessing by Improving First Guess
462501 - Limited Span of Attention Overwhelmed by Information Overload
462502 -
462503 - People cannot remember correctly because limited span of attention is
462504 - overwhelmed by the constant flow of information.  The human mind
462505 - cannot think fast enough to create the intelligence (organization and
462506 - links to cause and effect) that converts information into useful
462507 - knowledge and ideas.
462509 -  ..
462510 - Managers are forced to "wing it" working by summary based on cursory
462511 - considerations because there is not enough time to think, which
462512 - results in...
462513 -
462514 -                   managing by hunch and hope
462515 -
462516 -                        guess and gossip
462517 -
462518 - ...and ensuing mistakes reduce earnings, cause frustration, anger,
462519 - (see Cal Tech seminar, ref SDS 10 4390), fear and denial under the
462520 - aversion to "second guessers," because managers are ignorant that
462521 - their first guess can be improved by adding intelligence that
462522 - overcomes limited span of attention.
462523 -
462524 -     [See explanation of "knowledge creep" and solution, ref SDS 53
462525 -     3950]
462527 -      ..
462528 -     [See article on information entropy. ref SDS A3 0108]
462530 -      ..
462531 -     [Reviewed book on management productivity covering limited span of
462532 -     attention. ref SDS A8  7721]
462534 -  ..
462535 - Information Entropy Makes Management Comedy of Errors, Bumbling
462536 - Examples management impacted by limited span of attention...
462537 -
462538 -       [On 960920 Meetings, communication need support. ref SDS 96 G16O
462539 -
462540 -  Leadership feels "listening" key to success, 890809. ref SDS 2 CJ9J
462541 -  Listening cheaper than SDS, but nobody listens. ref SDS 2 SL6J
462542 -  DNRC communication spreads error like virus, 911009, ref SDS 7 3333
462543 -  DNRC communication biggest risk of error, 920122, ref SDS 8 4476
462544 -  Secretary needs help at IBM. 931229. ref SDS 18 9463
462545 -  IBM needs management, everything hectic, 940920. ref SDS 20 0980
462546 -  IBM LIFO management, can't track anything, 950120. ref SDS 32 0059
462547 -  Ship sinks, arduous journey. 940611, ref SDS 25 8239
462548 -  Primavera Windows program on 950412, ref SDS 40 3920
462549 -  US involvement in Vietnam on 950417, ref SDS 41 8830
462550 -  Screaming at "details" at 0300a on 940510, ref SDS 22 9482
462551 -  PG&E debug computers, not management, 940820, ref SDS 27 7404
462552 -  PG&E on 941209, ref SDS 29 7777
462553 -  PG&E on 941211, ref SDS 30 7388
462554 -  Chips on 950303, ref SDS 36 3333
462555 -  S&C Ford car service on 950407, ref SDS 39 7777,
462556 -  Chips on 950705,  ref SDS 47 2955, ref SDS 47 7995
462557 -  Cal Tech, JPL on 921021, ref SDS 10 5692
462558 -  NASA "O" Ring failure Space Shuttle on 921021, ref SDS 10 4499
462559 -  City of San Francisco on 930428, ref SDS 12 6891
462560 -  IBM on 950120, ref SDS 32 0969
462561 -  San Francisco Int. Air Port on 950126, ref SDS 33
462562 -  Pac Bell on 950710, ref SDS 48 2662
462563 -  S&C Ford car service on 951006, ref SDS 60 8766
462564 -  S&C Ford car service on 951031, ref SDS 66 8530
462565 -  S&C For car service on 990507, ref SDS D4
462566 -  S&C Ford car service on 990603, ref SDS D5  1444
462567 -  Dentist on 960821, ref SDS 94 2476
462568 -  Dentist on 961210, ref SDS 97 2378
462569 -  ISO traceability not implemented on 951026, ref SDS 65 3245
462570 -  ISO accountability stressed on 971202, ref SDS B3  7453
462571 -  ISO accountability feared on 980403, ref SDS B9  6581
462572 -  Accountability feared on 980405. ref SDS C0  5065
462573 -  PMI Asilomar Conference on 960223, ref SDS 72 2326
462574 -  Intel cannot set meeting, 960223, ref SDS 73 4992, ref SDS 73 1429
462575 -  PMI Comm on 960326, ref SDS 81 8534
462576 -  PMI Comm bumbling on 960430, ref SDS 84 7008,
462577 -  Chips lost agenda for Asilomar, 960224, ref SDS 74 7400
462578 -  Chips/Intel/Lockheed on 960721, ref SDS 93 0896
462579 -  Executives no time to think on 970910, ref SDS B0  3479
462580 -  Sprint, Bechtel on 970626. ref SDS A3 8211
462581 -  USACE on 970110, ref SDS 98 2487
462582 -  USACE on 970624, ref SDS A2 8445
462583 -  USACE on 970405, ref SDS 99 0000
462584 -  USACE on 970926, ref SDS B1  9539
462585 -  USACE on 990126, ref SDS C7  4368,
462586 -  USACE on 990224, ref SDS C8  1718
462587 -  Email mistakes off by 2 years, on 980214. ref SDS B6  0923
462588 -  Skiing trip failed on 980808. ref SDS C3  1125
462589 -  Cost Savings a miracle on 981027, ref SDS C6  7315
462590 -  $35M Saved on $42M job 981027, ref SDS C6  9152
462591 -  Cost Savings a miracle on 990316, ref SDS D1  4752
462592 -  San Francisco Intl Airport on 990325, ref SDS D2  9482
462593 -  Medical Practice on 990625, ref SDS D6  7040
462594 -  High cost of medical mistakes on 990912. ref SDS D8  0001
462595 -  Intel chip set delayed again, 990926. ref SDS D9  0001
462596 -  Small error compounded into $125M loss, 991001. ref SDS E0  0001
462597 -  Meaning drift explained on 991101. ref SDS E1  0857
462598 -  Medical mistakes, National initiative, 991207. ref SDS E3  0001
462599 -  Luck needs boost on Information Highway, 991208. ref SDS E4  0001
462600 -  Information missing 90% communication, 991221. ref SDS E5  0001
462601 -  TQM bumbling dooms NASA's Mars program.
462602 -  S&C Ford remembering incorrectly, 000630. ref SDS E6  2025
462603 -  Intel bad management caused mistakes, 000822. ref SDS E7  019R
462604 -  Internet Servers Continual Mistakes, 000826. ref SDS E8  G58J
462605 -  Ford, Firstone mistakes cost $500M, 001011. ref SDS F0  0001
462606 -  Recession too many people too may problems, 001207. ref SDS F1  V54M
462607 -  SRI cannot meet to improve management, 010108, ref SDS F4  NI5F
462608 -  Entrepreneur overlooks information, rework, 010214. ref SDS F5  AX6G
462609 -  Secretary productivity reduced at SRI, 010521. ref SDS F7  JK8M
462610 -  PG&E bankrupt needs better communication, 010529. ref SDS F8  L2EM
462611 -  S&C Ford no time for analysis to save time, 010824. ref SDS F9 UC5I
462612 -  Information overload paralyze productivity, 011003, ref SDS G1 EC5N
462613 -  Hopeless quagmire giving up no clues, 011003, ref SDS G1 SP6G,
462614 -  Improvement hopeless in big organizations, 011006, ref SDS G2 MO6F
462615 -  Losing $40K per week poor communication, 011213, ref SDS G3 FK4M
462616 -  Space station project fouled up, 011006, ref SDS G2 O99K
462617 -  ISS software project ignores requirements, 020315, ref SDS G4 I95J
462618 -  KM experts fail to perform KM, 020608, ref SDS G6 YL8I
462619 -  KM expert reports KM has failed, 020608, ref SDS G6 QV5G
462620 -  KM experts giving up on KM, 020812, ref SDS G7 TV9K,
462621 -  KM experts giving up on linking, 020820, ref SDS G8 UV6G
462622 -  KM experts giving up on accuracy, 020820, ref SDS G9 V66I
462623 -  OHS/DKR project drifting in circles, 020820. ref SDS G8 J39G
462624 -  KM experts call for analysis, no analysis, 020820, ref SDS H0 NL9O
462625 -  KM experts giving up on organization, 021031, ref SDS H1 VX4J
462626 -
462627 -     [On 950514 SDS scenario shows how to avoid these problems.
462628 -     ref SDS 43 GS5J
462630 -      ..
462631 -     [On 960301 Pat Welch put on the coveralls. ref SDS 76 5069]
462633 -      ..
462634 -     [On 970811 brain needs time to learn. ref SDS A6  8899]
462636 -      ..
462637 -     [On 960518 Landauer's "meaning drift," ref SDS 89 3734.]
462639 -      ..
462640 -     [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" calls for
462641 -     diligence to commit thoughts to paper, take copious notes and ask
462642 -     questions for feedback metrics to clarify meaning. ref SDS B8
462643 -     3668]
462645 -      ..
462646 -     [On 980412 CBS News 60 Minutes broadcast a program segment on lack
462647 -     of understanding caused by faster information. ref SDS C2  2025]
462649 -      ..
462650 -     [On 990303 scientific paper on mental limitations that cause
462651 -     mistakes. ref SDS D0  6120]
462652 -
462654 -  ..
462655 - Knowledge Space Solves Information Overload
462656 - Power of Microcosm to Create Useful "Intelligence"
462657 -
462658 - The explosion of details on the "Information Highway" increases
462659 - the need to quickly create and accurately retrieve connections of
462660 - cause and effect that convert information into knowledge for effective
462661 - communication, ref SDS 10 5624. ref SDS 15 4757
462662 -
462663 -     [On 960620 paper on "Dialog, Documents and Human Memory," defined
462664 -     process of capturing daily management details and connecting the
462665 -     chronology of cause and effect, as "knowledge space." ref SDS 91
462666 -     3516]
462668 -      ..
462669 -     [On 980405 Morris noted this phenomenon. ref SDS C1  2532]
462670 - ..
462671 - Managers insist on creating "details" for tasks like
462672 - constructing a door and building a bridge, but not for the details of
462673 - managing a business or a project.
462674 -
462675 -     [See 960515 meeting with Turner ref SDS 88 4444.]
462677 -  ..
462678 - SDS accomplishes Gilder's point about exponential productivity gains
462679 - from gaining control over lower levels of organic structure, which he
462680 - calls the "Power of the Microcosm." ref SDS 49 3846 and ref SDS 58
462681 - 5412.  Applying this power to "knowledge space" that has connections
462682 - for "management details" yields better productivity.
462684 -  ..
462685 - Incorporated explanation of "Knowledge Space" in New World Order paper
462686 - at ref OF 2 4212.
462687 - ..
462688 - It is explained in POIMS technology at ref OF 1 1107.
462689 -
462690 -     [See Dave Packard's business practice, ref SDS 46 4376.]
462691 -
462692 -     [See ISO implementation at ref SDS 64 3355, ref SDS 50 2846]
462693 -
462694 -     [See converting "common sense" to "wisdom." ref SDS 75 7330.]
462696 -      ..
462697 -     [Linking summary to details at ref SDS 87 1114; and analysis at
462698 -     ref SDS 90 1111.]
462700 -      ..
462701 -     [USACE report Comm Metrics improves productivity, ref SDS B2
462702 -     2979.]
462704 -  ..
462705 - Accuracy Communication Metric Alignment with Original Sources
462706 - Feedback Metrics Essential to Understanding Communication
462707 - Writing Things Down, Linking Things Up, Asking Questions
462708 - Communication Metrics - Quality Control "Debugs" Management
462709 -
462710 - Follow up ref SDS 35 3994.
462711 -
462712 - "Communication" is the primary task of management, ref SDS A8  6666,
462713 - and can be supported like cost and schedule control, ref SDS 34 4302,
462714 - by integrating the three elements of management:
462715 -
462717 -                ..
462718 -               cost           time         communication
462720 -  ..
462721 - Industry experts (e.g., Cal Tech) strongly advocate business metrics
462722 - to improve management and ultimately earnings. ref SDS 10 8187
462724 -  ..
462725 - Since "communication" is primary activity of management, ref SDS A8
462726 - 6666, adding a business metric should yield the greatest reward by
462727 - improving the accuracy of understanding using alignment with links to
462728 - original sources, commonly called an audit trail.
462730 -  ..
462731 - Feedback loops are essential to establish common meaning that ensures
462732 - effective communication, per Cal Tech management book. ref SDS 19 4400
462733 -
462734 -      [On 971229 management film advocates feedback. ref SDS B5  2914]
462736 -  ..
462737 - The first step is writing things down.
462739 -  ..
462740 - SDS expedites writing by providing pointers to subjects that need to
462741 - be written up, and also by providing context from prior related events
462742 - that can be used in lieu of writing from scratch, and it reveals
462743 - pending questions that require clarification, as reviewed on 950204.
462744 - ref SDS 35 4995
462745 -
462746 -     [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" supports
462747 -     writing thoughts, taking copious notes and asking questions to
462748 -     clarify meaning. ref SDS B8  3668]
462750 -  ..
462751 - The next step of linking things up is expedited by SDS because many
462752 - links are created automatically.  SDS functions make it fast and easy
462753 - to create custome links, and reporting methods make it easy to find
462754 - original sources that require alignment through linking.  This linking
462755 - process reveals further questions that need clarification.
462756 -
462757 -      [On 980815 foreign policy "intelligence" failures caused by too
462758 -      much information, not enough understanding. ref SDS C5  1173]
462759 -
462761 -  ..
462762 - Quality control of "management" automates and integrates key practices
462763 - to test personal understanding (i.e., "debug" our own views) and then
462764 - to link new information from calls, meetings and documents, with
462765 - personal analysis, into a web of knowledge related to time and
462766 - objectives (see Drucker at ref SDS 16 2134, ref SDS 16 4481 on the
462767 - importance of "knowledge" to improve productivity, and ref SDS 16 7911
462768 - and ref SDS 16 5567 on the role of communication, its distinction from
462769 - information).
462771 -  ..
462772 - This requires a routine proactive effort to "dig out of the system"
462773 - the inevitable conflicts that occur in understandings from daily
462774 - communications.
462775 -
462776 -      [See for example ref SDS 93 0999, ref SDS 93 0891.]
462777 -
462779 -  ..
462780 - Communication Metrics is a process of creating "intelligence" that
462781 - organizes, analyses and links cause and effect so that context,
462782 - correlations and implications of daily work are instantly available to
462783 - ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency with:
462784 -
462785 -          •  Objectives, plans, schedules
462786 -          •  Prior actions
462787 -          •  Commitments
462788 -          •  Contracts, Laws, Regulations
462789 -          •  Cost and Schedule objectives
462790 -          •  Prior understandings (has our perspective changed??)
462791 -          •  Documents (e.g., correspondence, submittals)
462793 -         ..
462794 -        [See on 951103 "What's a 'Metric'" ref SDS 67 7777.]
462796 -         ..
462797 -        [See meeting at Intel on 970728 ref SDS A5  3002.]
462799 -       ..
462800 -      Concurrent Discovery Uses Microscope to Find Critical Details
462801 -
462802 -      Another way to explain traceability to ensure accuracy is that it
462803 -      applies the legal process of correlating documentation and
462804 -      testimony to discover "truth," ref SDS 77 4492, ref SDS 77 3496,
462805 -      252, ref SDS 77 2231.
462807 -       ..
462808 -      "Truth is a moving target" was formulated as a strategic
462809 -      challenge of the modern era for management, from the meeting on
462810 -      950412. ref SDS 40 3920  It is derived from induction theory in
462811 -      cognitive science reviewed on 960506, ref SDS 86 2222; and is
462812 -      supported by Tom Landauer's work on 960518. ref SDS 89 4488 and
462813 -      ref SDS 89 3734.
462814 -
462816 -       ..
462817 -      Empowerment to learn and apply the truth was developed from
462818 -      discussions with Fluor Daniel on 960501. ref SDS 85 4488
462819 -
462821 -       ..
462822 -      Structure & Summary
462823 -
462824 -      Business writing in particular needs to be structured, organized
462825 -      and summarized by headings to enable busy people to quickly find
462826 -      the part of the record they need, per Cal Tech seminar on 921021.
462827 -      ref SDS 10 6555  The need for organization was discussed with
462828 -      General Hatch on 960410. ref SDS 83 7739.
462830 -       ..
462831 -      [Summary linked to detail is explained in a meeting with Intel on
462832 -      960326, ref SDS 82 9008; see analysis at ref SDS 90 0000.]
462833 -
462835 -       ..
462836 -      Automated Experience = Operating System for People
462837 -
462838 -      SDS links comprise an "automated experience" machine that might
462839 -      be called an "Operating System for People and Organizations, as
462840 -      explained at ref SDS 37 8888, ref SDS 28 2224.
462841 -
462842 -          [Developed this idea in contacts with Intel on 950927, see
462843 -          ref SDS 58 8400, and on 960410 meeting with Hank Hatch at
462844 -          Fluor Daniel at ref SDS 83 5588.]
462846 -           ..
462847 -          [See complexity of management at ref SDS 10 4719.
462849 -           ..
462850 -          [Example of "Executive" management, ref SDS 62 5902.]
462851 -          ..
462852 -          Explanation of "continual learning concept using SDS to
462853 -          2 capture the record is at ref SDS 14 3940.
462854 -       ..
462855 -      ISO Quality Standards
462856 -
462857 -      The value of routinely capturing personal and organizational
462858 -      experience is supported by the ISO 10006 requirements for
462859 -      continual learning, ref SDS 50 2846, and traceability, ref SDS 50
462860 -      1740.
462862 -  ..
462863 - This defines a new set of "communication skills" beyond being able to
462864 - talk people into doing things.
462865 -
462867 -  ..
462868 - Communication Analyst Creates Intelligence, Details Linked to Summary
462869 -
462870 - Communication analysts make leadership effective by ensuring common
462871 - understanding and timely follow up, so that shared meaning is created
462872 - and maintained through the period needed for success (days, weeks,
462873 - years)  This provides proactive intelligence that is more effective
462874 - than cost and schedule control, as developed at the Kerzner lecture on
462875 - 950202. ref SDS 34 0333
462877 -  ..
462878 - New World Order... paper explains need for a new role to use special
462879 - technology. ref OF 2 6369
462880 -
462881 -    [On 960313 explained analogy to accountant. ref SDS 78 1568]
462883 -  ..
462884 - Communication skills are in the record on 940219. ref SDS 21 4884 and
462885 - ref SDS 21 4338.
462887 -  ..
462888 - Communication analyst skills were explained on 950910. ref SDS 56 3392
462889 -
462890 -      [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" cites
462891 -      importance of building shared meaning, ref SDS B7  0348, taking
462892 -      copious notes and asking questions to clarify meaning.
462893 -      ref SDS B8  3101]
462895 -  ..
462896 - Architects are specialists whose time is devoted to preparing critical
462897 - "construction details."   Communication analysts invest time preparing
462898 - comprehensive, accurate "management details," ref SDS 91 3516.
462900 -  ..
462901 - Need for specialist is explained at ref SDS 35 0550 and discussion
462902 - with Corps of Engineers ref SDS 69 2277 on worry that:
462903 -
462904 -                     There isn't enough time
462905 -
462906 -      ...which occurred when Morris tried to learn SDS, ref SDS 6 8404,
462907 -      was cited at Cal Tech seminar, ref SDS 10 4390, Intel, ref SDS 58
462908 -      5002, University of Santa Clara at ref SDS 63 4444, correlation
462909 -      to "farming" on the investment model of deferred rewards per the
462910 -      record on 950426, ref SDS 42 4404, and discussion at Stanford
462911 -      University re managers not doing enough analysis, ref SDS 4 1716.
462912 -
462914 -       ..
462915 -      Vernon Walters "Leadership Aide" was developed in discussions
462916 -      with General Hank Hatch, at ref SDS 83 3229.
462918 -       ..
462919 -      Hectic schedule crowds out review, analysis, metrics, ref SDS 73
462920 -      line 161, developed in NWO paper ref OF 2 line 264.
462921 -
462922 -          [Discussed later with Corps of Engineers at ref SDS 69 2277.]
462924 -  ..
462925 - Cultural shock on encountering the true complexity of communication
462926 - needs a specialist, explained at ref SDS 59 4498, meeting with Intel
462927 - at ref SDS 58 3095 discussing the Tofflers' ideas, and at ref SDS 58
462928 - 5849.
462929 -
462930 -      See need to be proactive in discovering (dig out of the system)
462931 -      conflict and errors at ref SDS 93 2885.
462933 -       ..
462934 -      See course curriculum at ref SDS 44 1674, which was later used
462935 -      for course proposal at GWU, per ref SDS 55 1111.
462936 -
462938 -  ..
462939 - Traditional Communication & Writing
462940 -
462941 - Correlation between Communication Metrics and traditional writing are
462942 - at ref SDS 44 3829 and with "communications" at ref SDS 44 2130.
462943 -
462945 -  ..
462946 - Command and Control of Knowledge Space Empowers Leadership
462947 - Risk Management:  Be Proactive, Not Reactive, Prepare to Succeed
462948 -
462949 - The business environment of today requires strong risk management,
462950 - explained above. ref SDS 0 0023
462952 -  ..
462953 - Popular risk management solutions like Cost and Schedule control are
462954 - reactive, see article at ref SDS 23 4821.  They disclose deviations in
462955 - budget and schedule targets which result from past mistakes, in hopes
462956 - that reported losses can be made up in the ensuing period.
462958 -  ..
462959 - Communication Metrics is proactive.  "Command and Control of the
462960 - Record" ref OF 1 line 540, is used to discover mistakes that will
462961 - cause cost and schedule problems, before money is expended. [ref SDS
462962 - 45 3922]  This permits action to avoid losses, ref SDS 34 0333, and on
462963 - ISO 10006 ref SDS 50 9402.
462965 -  ..
462966 - A major part of project feasibility is risk assessment.
462968 -  ..
462969 - Strategies to manage risk include raising the profit margin (or
462970 - "contingency" account), increase budgets for legal and insurance
462971 - expense, increase the management team (e.g., Assistant Project
462972 - Manager, Superintendent, Engineer, etc.,) subcontracting, better
462973 - management tools like CPM and automated cost control, or integrated
462974 - earned valued methods like C/SCSC.  Another aspect of risk management
462975 - is increased investment in planning and preparations, i.e., being
462976 - prepared (see below).
462977 -
462978 -     [Max Wideman described "front end investment" on 970818, ref SDS
462979 -     A7  1897.]
462981 -  ..
462982 - The amount and cost of management support depends on the level of
462983 - risk.  High risk projects warrant increased management.  More managers
462984 - cause more congestion from meetings, calls, documents, E-mail, i.e.
462985 - more information.  Communication Metrics makes a complex management
462986 - team an effective team by identifying alignment in an environment of
462987 - complexity that otherwise causes the team to drift off course due to
462988 - near term perceptions from daily activity under crisis management.
462989 - Stakeholders on the hook for high risk endeavors, can secure their
462990 - investment by budgeting for Communication Metrics, ref SDS 36 5555.
462991 -
462992 -     [See use in NWO paper, ref SDS 52 7555.]
462994 -      ..
462995 -     [See study on Risk Management at ref SDS 68 4333, and on Command
462996 -     and Control of the record at ref SDS 45 3922.]
462998 -      ..
462999 -     [See Corps of Engineers report on 970416, ref SDS A0 5883.]
463001 -      ..
463002 -     [See article on information entropy. ref SDS A4  0108,]
463004 -      ..
463005 -     [On 970818 Max Wideman cited need for discipline to overcome
463006 -     crisis management, ref SDS A7  1897.]
463007 -
463008 -
463009 -
4631 -

Be Prepared
Knowledge is Power
Management productivity & Teamwork
Meeting Support, Facilitator
Meltdown, Management Imploding on Itself
Nail, For Want of, A Shoe Was Lost...
Good Management Used Consistently Yields Good Luck Takes Less Time

5409 -
541001 -  ..
541002 - SDS Makes Being Prepared Faster, Easier, and More Effective
541003 -
541004 - Communication Metrics, ref SDS 0 8492, supports the leadership role to
541005 - be prepared, which is otherwise overlooked by the chaos of near term
541006 - events, due to limited time and span of attention. see the record on
541007 - 960317. ref SDS 80 6870.
541009 -  ..
541010 - POIMS explains "crisis management" - ref OF 1 0307
541012 -  ..
541013 - On 931130 Drucker urges managers to do their homework, which is
541014 - another way saying "be prepared." ref SDS 16 5520
541016 -  ..
541017 - Benefit of being prepared using a football analogy was developed on
541018 - 901008. ref SDS 5 6993
541019 -
541020 -     [On 951010 Bill Walsh spoke on benefits of being prepared to be
541021 -     successful consistently. ref SDS 61 9558]
541022 -
541023 -     [On 960205 managers waste 70% of the day because they are not
541024 -     prepared for meetings. ref SDS 71 5222]
541026 -      ..
541027 -     [On 980813 article on U.S. foreign policy supports need for
541028 -     "intelligence" to prepare for being successful. ref SDS C4  1532]
541030 -      ..
541031 -     [On 991208 being prepared brings good luck more often. ref SDS E4
541032 -     0001]
541034 -      ..
541035 -     [On 000920 letter to project team sponsored by SRI explains
541036 -     difference between IT and KM is being prepared, listening and
541037 -     understanding. ref SDS E9  GQ5J
541039 -      ..
541040 -     [On 001219 letter to SDS customer makes same point. ref SDS F2
541041 -     BV8R
541043 -      ..
541044 -     [...also on 001219 explain technology is resisted because people
541045 -     do not want to give up comfortable ways using IT. ref SDS F3  0485
541046 -
541048 -  ..
541049 - The "intelligence" cycle of plan, perform, report supported by the SDS
541050 - design, ref OF 1 6649, supports the management practice to...
541052 -                           ..
541053 -                          Be prepared!
541054 -
541055 -
541056 - capturing organizational memory and assembling relevant history
541057 - in time to take effective action, including collaborate in meetings,
541058 - as called out by Covey, reviewed on 921205, ref SDS 11 2231, and
541059 - Drucker on 931130. ref SDS 16 5520
541060 -
541061 -     [On 990225 DOD program manager recognizes SDS advantage for
541062 -     enabling people to be prepared for meetings. ref SDS C9 6956
541064 -      ..
541065 -     [On 990813 Boy Scout analogy explains being prepared. ref SDS D7
541066 -     2660
541068 -      ..
541069 -     [On 010608 Microsoft striving to improve productivity; there is no
541070 -     specific solution for helping managers be prepared for productive
541071 -     meetings. ref SDS F6  0001
541073 -      ..
541074 -     [On 020522 weblogs using blogs expands capability for people to be
541075 -     prepared and to learn benefits of front end investment.
541076 -     ref SDS G5 9R5H
541078 -      ..
541079 -     [On 030207 Morris related that Intel adopted a new policy for
541080 -     distributing an agenda to attendees prior to attending a meeting.
541081 -     ref SDS H4 A092
541083 -  ..
541084 - This simple Boy Scout motto is the basic tennant of all successful
541085 - organizations, reflected in the age old concept:
541086 -
541087 -
541088 -                 If you want peace, prepare for war
541089 -
541091 -  ..
541092 - The value of investing time and resources to be prepared is supported
541093 - in the liturature reviewed on 940608. ref SDS 24 1188
541094 -
541095 -     [On 960205 managers waste 70% of the day, ref SDS 71 5222, because
541096 -     they are not prepared for meetings. ref SDS 71 5902
541098 -      ..
541099 -     [On 960317 developed examples of professional practices that focus
541100 -     on being prepared. ref SDS 80 6870]
541102 -      ..
541103 -     [On 010908 people do not care about productivity when times are
541104 -     good. ref SDS G0  YF5O
541105 -
541106 -
541107 -
541109 -  ..
541110 - Management Imploding
541111 -
541112 - Today, in the era of the Information Highway, the faster pace of
541113 - business life results in less time to prepare for meetings, phone
541114 - calls and decision making.  When time seems short, preparations
541115 - suffer.  When we do not prepare, performance suffers causing missed
541116 - opportunities and mistakes that take extra time to recover which in
541117 - turn causes less preparation, leading to a management implosion. This
541118 - cycle of failure results in the common plea:
541119 -
541121 -                    ..
541122 -                   There isn't enough time to think
541123 -
541124 -
541125 -    ...that underscores the need for faster tools to keep up, and
541126 -    dedicated support so the tools are used for preparations, so people
541127 -    don't spend half the time in meetings arguing about what was said
541128 -    last time, and so every communication is not an ad hoc encounter
541129 -    session of new and conflicting directions because nobody has read
541130 -    the record, i.e., nobody is prepared [ref SDS 75 3003, ref SDS 79
541131 -    6650.
541133 -  ..
541134 - A key dimension of Risk Management discussed above is that when the
541135 - stakes are high, the value of being prepared is more apparent.  Again,
541136 - the military exemplifies the value of preparedness by constantly
541137 - training for the next encounter.  Stores are stockpiled at strategic
541138 - locations, so they are available when needed.  Potential scenarios are
541139 - anticipated and trained for.  The classic example of the need to be
541140 - prepared is:
541142 -                 ..
541143 -                "For want of a nail a show was lost..."
541144 -
541145 -        ...per analysis at ref SDS 26 6442 and earlier presentation at
541146 -        Golden Gate University, ref SDS 3 8930.
541147 -
541148 -    [The value of communication training and dedicated communication
541149 -    support was reported by Raychem at ref SDS 70 7684.]
541150 -
541152 -  ..
541153 - Knowledge is Power
541154 -
541155 - Preparation is expedited by SDS which supports converting information
541156 - into knowledge.  The well recognized precept that knowledge is power
541157 - reflects, in part, the value of being prepared.  Creating knowledge by
541158 - connecting current events to history, requirements and objectives,
541159 - makes it is available later, when needed, so that it is fast and easy
541160 - to "be prepared."
541161 -
541163 -  ..
541164 - Management Productivity
541165 -
541166 - The productivity of knowledge work performed by managers is chiefly
541167 - derived from adequate preparations that avoid mistakes, ensure
541168 - everything that needs consideration is considered.
541169 -
541170 -
541171 -
541172 -
541173 -
541174 -
541175 -
541176 -
541177 -
541178 -
541179 -
541180 -
5412 -