440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 23, 1995 12:00 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Visited Denis re SDS management support, communication metrics.
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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
Sales discussions
Kwan Henmi, General
Workstations, PM
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 14 line 59. and ref DIP 8 line 30
080802 - transmitting the memo on the Kerzner lecture, which Denis said was
080803 - missing from ref DIP 7 line 127.
080804 -
080805 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Discussion
0812 -
081201 - They have nearly completed installation of their network. It was
081202 - scheduled for completion yesterday, but they have encountered several
081203 - defective hard disks that require replacement.
081204 -
081205 - Denis said KH is using MS Windows NT as their network OS, instead of
081206 - os2, as I recommended. I would like to see the analysis that led to
081207 - the adoption of Windows NT over os2.
081208 -
081209 - 1. Does it provide the additional RAM for DOS programs, as os2
081210 - does?
081211 -
081212 - 2. Presumably it runs DOS programs better than os2.
081213 -
081214 - 3. Is it more stable running programs in seamless multi-tasking
081215 - mode?
081216 -
081217 -
081218 - Denis has been promoting SDS in his sales presentations, as a means
081219 - to improve communications. Communication capability is an important
081220 - point their customers consider in selecting an architect. Denis said
081221 - they have enlarged an SDS record of one of the meetings I attended on
081222 - the Port of SF project last February, ref SDS 4 line 54. Their
081223 - customers have been unwilling so far however, to allocate budget for
081224 - this except in KH's regular fee structure.
081225 - ..
081226 - Denis said that people at Sedway Associates have said they liked
081227 - the work we did last year to demonstrate Communication Metrics on the
081228 - project for the Port of San Francisco. see for example the record on
081229 - 940206, ref SDS 3 0000
081230 -
081231 - [On 980917 Denis has another assignement. ref SDS 16 7665]
081232 -
081233 - They asked Denis how much I cost.
081234 -
081235 - I suggested that we present the SDS budget as a new skill
081236 - discipline, like a structural engineer, that is needed today,
081237 - because of the shift in the amount of information that flows on a
081238 - project, per ref SDS 9 0333. When new ideas are introduced, some
081239 - measure of joint budgeting is needed to share the risk of trying
081240 - new ideas. The experience at PG&E shows this would be cost
081241 - effective. ref SDS 9 5005
081242 -
081243 - We have to develop a simple explanation of Communication Metrics
081244 - that comprises additional service that warrants additional
081245 - payment.
081246 -
081247 -
081248 - Denis agrees that SDS is difficult to explain, and that experience is
081249 - best way for people to get the idea.
081250 -
081251 - Their clients typically feel the architect should perform all of the
081252 - communications necessary within their fee structure. I advised about
081253 - the Powerpoint presentation, and suggested that Denis let me attend
081254 - his sales meetings to explain SDS. Denis will try to arrange events
081255 - where I can make the SDS presentation.
081256 -
081257 - He wants to see the Powerpoint slideshow. We will try to do it next
081258 - Monday or Tuesday. He has to check his SDS Schedule, and will let
081259 - me know later today.
081260 -
081261 - [See follow up at ref SDS 15 line 71.]
081262 -
081263 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - 1607 called Denis back
0816 -
081601 -
081602 -
081603 -
0817 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"