440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 21, 1995 11:43 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Complete tax return for 1994.

2...03 00050 E

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Personal, Finance, Taxes, 94

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Completed work on tax report, ref OF 4 0000.  Submitted ref DIT 1
040504 - 0000 transmitting this record along with the tax report and support
040505 - data.  Included disk with Welch Co., check register, ref OF 1 0000,
040506 - and the obligations spreadsheet, ref OF 2 0000
040507 -
040508 -
040509 - Included Anne's letter, ref DRP 1 0000, received at ref SDS 15 0000.
040510 - Requested Ed submit a report to KHLS, per Anne's notice.
040511 -
040512 -           [See follow up at ref SDS 21 0000.]
040513 -
040514 -
040515 -      [Follow up on review/approval of check register spreadsheet was
040516 -      received at ref SDS 23 0000.]
040517 -
040518 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Check Register
0409 -
040901 - Encountered more invoice posting errors.  Found corrections in SDS.
040902 -
040903 - Completed formatting the check register ref OF 4 line 10, report on
040904 - income and expenses.  Used format for 1993 report, ref OF 3 line 14.
040905 -
040906 - This year, included the report on loans and payments to Millie.
040907 -
040908 -
040909 - 03 00050 E
040910 -
040911 - This year about $3,500 in expenses were incurred for SDS developement
040912 - and marketing, ref OF 4 line 261, however, there is no reported
040913 - income.
040914 -
040915 - Costs to acquire business in connection with SDS, including travel to
040916 - events, are charged to the SDS account.  So it is a general effort
040917 - account.  When a sale occurs, it is generally in connection with my
040918 - doing a consulting assignment, and so is charged to that assignment
040919 - account.  This year PG&E SDS evaluatiion was given the account, 04
040920 - 00062, per ref OF 4 line 267.  Once an assignment is acquired,
040921 - certain costs may arise to support it, and so are charged
040922 - accordingly, rather than made to the SDS sales account.
040923 -
040924 -
040925 -
040926 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Obligations
0413 -
041301 - See prior work at ref SD* 1 0000.  Modified spreadsheet, ref OF 2 0000
041302 - by adding amounts for the transfers from, and to, Millie shown in the
041303 - check register at ref OF 4 0000.
041304 -
041305 -                     g: 08 03 02 01 0202
041306 -
041307 - the bottom for 1994.
041308 -
041309 - I adjusted the formulas from the 1993 portion, to update the
041310 - calculation for 1994.  Just replicated the formulas from the 1992 to
041311 - 1993 period, to create the segment for 1994.
041312 -
041313 - Created a new segment of all obligations for 1994, and posted the
041314 - links to Millie's obligations.
041315 -
041316 - Extracted only the portion for 1993, and 1994, plus the new activity
041317 - for Millie in 1994.  I opened ref OF 4 line 290, and appended the
041318 - extract from the obligations file.
041319 -
041320 -
041321 -  ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - Welch Co Review
0417 -
041701 - See analysis for 1993 at ref SDS 1 6399.  1994 was devoted to
041702 - marketing and performing assignments to develop evidence of value
041703 - added by SDS.  This is necessary because, unlike the encyclopedia
041704 - which has a commonly recognized value, people have not yet sensed the
041705 - value of their own knowledge and ideas presented in SDS, ref SDS 2
041706 - 8403.  We have to explain how SDS converts information into knowledge,
041707 - and show examples where this improves performance. Progress was made
041708 - in 1994 on both points.
041709 -
041710 - Marketing was performed by attending professional conferences, and
041711 - technical trade shows. These efforts yielded leads for demonstrating
041712 - SDS toward making sales.  In April, I wrote an article for publica-
041713 - tion to explain changes in technology (popularly called the
041714 - "Information Highway") that decrease management productivity, under
041715 - the rubric of "Murphy's Law."  Was unsuccessful in getting this piece
041716 - published or reviewed by friends and associates.  This is part of
041717 - marketing to educate about the growing demand for SDS capability.
041718 - There is a sense of community denial about the growing quandry of
041719 - increased information flow causing reduced understanding, and the
041720 - solution of automated integration to lift the capacity to think,
041721 - remember and communicate.  Most executives in 1994 were still seeking
041722 - more information (e.g., a cellular phone, a TQM meeting), rather than
041723 - more knowledge provided by SDS.
041724 -
041725 - In April, I gave demonstrations (following a year of solicitation) and
041726 - submitted proposals to Dinwiddi and Turner Construction.  They
041727 - determined SDS would not improve their management, ref SDS 5 0000.
041728 - Turner and Dinwiddi perform complex competitive bid contracts, which
041729 - is the environment from which SDS was forged.  One manager said he had
041730 - too many TQM meetings to attend to learn SDS, another said he had too
041731 - many documents and phone calls to learn SDS, compare ref SDS 3 0000
041732 - and ref SDS 4 0000.
041733 -
041734 - In July, the marketing effort at professional conferences resulted
041735 - in a contract with PG&E to provide:
041736 -
041737 -                 Automated Management Support with
041738 -                     SDS & POIMS Technology.
041739 -
041740 - Work was mainly performed at PG&E offices 525 Market Street, in SF.
041741 - The assignment was similar to prior work with the State of Montana,
041742 - where I provided project management support (I have since identified
041743 - this role as a "communication engineer").  The period and amount of
041744 - the contract was extended three times, from initially a 30 day trial
041745 - for $11K, to a 5 month effort for approximately $48K.  In November,
041746 - PG&E and Welch agreed to a fourth extension, however, several weeks
041747 - later this was cancelled.  The Welch work ended on 951216.  [PG&E Law
041748 - Department is evaluating a separate SDS support contract, ref SDS 12
041749 - 0000.]
041750 -
041751 - In January, 1995, PG&E submitted a memo stating SDS had improved their
041752 - management better than any other method or means tried in the past 30
041753 - years, see ref DRP 2 8444.
041754 -
041755 - I was advised informally that a reduction in force at PG&E, and an
041756 - inability by senior management to explain what SDS does and why it
041757 - works, led to the change in using SDS, ref SDS 7 9954.
041758 -
041759 -     [On 950327, consideration of the abrupt reversal at PG&E, along
041760 -     with other settings where clients have difficulty explaining SDS
041761 -     and the person using it, showed a need for an easier way customers
041762 -     can grasp and explain the role of using SDS and the contribution
041763 -     it makes. ref SDS 22 0000]
041764 -
041765 - In October, I was invited to deliver a professional paper to the
041766 - Project Management Institute's annual conference, in Vancouver BC.
041767 - This resulted in a better explanation of POIMS technology, entitled:
041768 -
041769 -     POIMS, the Art of Automated Management for the 21st Century
041770 -
041771 - At the conference, there was a fair amount of interest in the paper,
041772 - following the presentation, that produced a number of marketing
041773 - leads. Thus, far, no business has resulted.
041774 -
041775 - In November, we were invited to show SDS and explain POIMS to IBM at
041776 - COMDEX in Las Vegas, in order to gain support for a project to create
041777 - and market a Windows and/or os2 based version of SDS.  A PG&E manager
041778 - attended this meeting to explain SDS use at PG&E.
041779 -
041780 - The product development executives who saw the demonstration said SDS
041781 - was unlike anything they had seen or considered because it integrates
041782 - capability from IBM's Information Technology, Workflow and
041783 - Communications development groups, ref SDS 6 2213.  Follow up meetings
041784 - were scheduled for December, then January.  In February of this year,
041785 - IBM dropped the effort, ref SDS 8 5833.  The rationale for this
041786 - decision is considered at ref SDS 9 5009.
041787 -
041788 - We are continuing to seek financial support to create a Windows
041789 - product and to market the program in the right way, ref SDS 20 3909.
041790 -
041791 - In sum, work in 1994 verified SDS provides a way to accomplish a much
041792 - better level of management, which is not available by any other means,
041793 - nor under consideration by any other organization.  The PG&E
041794 - assignment provided scenarios to educate customers about how SDS
041795 - works. In 1995, we are looking for strategic alliances to create a
041796 - Windows version of SDS, ref SDS 20 line 102, and marketing outlets,
041797 - ref SDS 19 line 65.  A major focus is on tapping the many highly
041798 - qualified executives who have taken early retirement, to use SDS as
041799 - Ambassadors of Change with the skill to provide the new service of
041800 - communication engineer.  The main impediment remains lack of funds to
041801 - advertise in the manner needed to create awareness and credibility in
041802 - POIMS and SDS.  To build credibility and pay the rent, I am seeking
041803 - individual assignments to build a record of successful implementation
041804 - such as at PG&E, ref DRP 2 8444.
041805 -
041806 - Currently we are seeking major assignments with Sandia Labs in
041807 - Livermore, and with the City of San Francisco on the SFO Airport
041808 - expansion program.  Marketing is aimed at the Cost and Schedule
041809 - "Engineer" model, where a customer hires a specialist who knows how to
041810 - use SDS to be the "communication engineer."  The selling point, is
041811 - that cost and schedule control are reactive, measuring after the fact
041812 - results of failed communications.  Communication Metrics is
041813 - pro-active, discovering mis-understandings in advance of expending
041814 - funds, and thus avoiding cost and schedule shortfalls. ref SDS 10 0333
041815 -
041816 - There remains the challenge that the market has minimial experience
041817 - with this methodology.  PG&E's memo is helpful on this point.  The
041818 - other point, however is deeper and psychological.  Often people in the
041819 - position to allocate funds for SDS assignments, believe their personal
041820 - management strength is "communication."  Bringing in Welch to perform
041821 - "Communication Metrics," challenges self-image, and seems redundant
041822 - since the executive's job is to "communicate."  There is disbelief,
041823 - even anger that a better job can be done with a computer. This
041824 - resistance is treated by pointing out that "communications" has two
041825 - parts:  doing and thinking, or what might be called "leadership" and
041826 - analysis, as explained in the discussion with the City of San
041827 - Francisco, ref SDS 11 8900, and at ref SDS 11 6060, citing work at
041828 - Montana DNRC.
041829 -
041830 - Of course the smooth integration of the management cycle with
041831 - subjects, people and documents is the reason SDS improves management.
041832 - But people have no experience with this, and so it has proven to be
041833 - more confusing and threatening than enlightening to customers.  The
041834 - power of these features has to be experienced to be comprehended.  We
041835 - are simply looking for a way to trick people into allowing themselves
041836 - to be helped.  Pointing to trends toward work measurement from the
041837 - TQM movement, and extending the benefits of cost and schedule
041838 - control, to "communications metrics," may be more successful in 1995.
041839 -
0419 -