440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 14, 1995 04:20 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Sue Hoffman at PG&E re SDS demonstration.
.....Transition Support by Communication Manager
2...Evaluation of SDS vis a vis POIMS
3...Document Management
4...Other SDS Features
6...Editing POIMS Paper
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0201 - PG&E Law Department 415 973 nnnn fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Sue Hoffman; =415 973 6682
SDS Marketing, PG&E, Law Department
Objectives/scope, PG&E Glenn & Pam
Communication Manager
Learning/Education, SDS is Complex, Hope
Pilot for Airplane Communication Manager
Communication Manager Provides Immediate Benefits without Learning
Communication Manager Needed Because SDS is Complex
Communication Manager Transitions Team to Automated Management
Com Manager Helps People Learn SDS on the Job Transitioning Build Fai
Easy Use Preferred More than Productivity of Function Keys
1612 - ..
1613 - Summary/Objective
1614 -
161401 - Follow up ref SDS 7 1409, ref SDS 6 2108.
161402 -
161403 - Per the request for review comments in my letter ref DIP 2 line 29,
161404 - the PG&E Law Department has determined SDS cannot help them at this
161405 - time. Sue will submit comments on the POIMS paper. I will follow up
161406 - in six (6) months or so on their progress with Glenn's information
161407 - organization objectives.
161408 -
161409 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 with cc to Glenn, ref DIT 2 line 30.
161410 -
161411 -
161412 -
1615 -
1616 -
1617 - Discussion
1618 - ..
161801 - Sue said she talked to Glenn today.
161802 -
161803 - They feel SDS is too complicated for the Law Department because it
161804 - covers many separate management practices:
161805 -
161806 -
161807 - Time, people, information, documents
161808 -
161809 -
161810 - ...organized under an organic subject structure. I agreed that
161811 - the strength of integrating key practices so each supports the
161812 - other, entails learning new skills. Even though SDS simplifies
161813 - the complexity of management, and is faster and more accurate,
161814 - acquiring new skills is an important investment in people. This
161815 - takes time and commitment to do a better job.
161816 - ..
161817 - The basic issue is how valuable is it to read and write?
161818 - Can increasing those skills many fold by using SDS provide
161819 - knowledge and ideas to improve PG&E productivity, competitiveness,
161820 - earn- ings? Is a changing world increasing demands for this
161821 - capacity? What new skills are needed for a new world? Should we
161822 - prepare?
161823 -
161824 -
161825 - Sue asked Glenn if he would like to use SDS. Glenn indicated he does
161826 - not have time right now.
161827 -
161828 -
161829 - ..
161830 - Transition Support by Communication Manager
161831 -
161832 - I mentioned briefly the idea of "Communication Metrics" discussed
161833 - with Bill DeHart, with whom Glenn worked on the Gold Hill
161834 - Reconductoring project. PG&E could accomplish its work using SDS
161835 - without counsel having to personally acquire all of the SDS
161836 - skills at once. Learning could be incremental, as needed.
161837 -
161838 - The benefits of saved time and increased accuracy is applied
161839 - toward transferring SDS skills to PG&E staff. Increased value to
161840 - an assignment pays for the SDS support. PG&E would apply this
161841 - support where greater productivity is warranted by the cost of
161842 - harm or of lost opportunity to PG&E. This approach spares PG&E
161843 - the full risk of asking people to learn new skills, but rather
161844 - exposes them to the benefits of interacting with the results, so
161845 - over time they can absorb the skills at their own pace.
161846 - ..
161847 - Sue said she and Glenn did not discuss this idea.
161848 -
161849 -
161850 - ..
161851 - Evaluation of SDS vis a vis POIMS
161852 -
161853 - I asked if she feels SDS provides new and helpful features that are
161854 - not available from other sources? She said "automated citations"
161855 - explained in the POIMS paper on page 4 under:
161856 -
161857 - "Connecting Information Creates Knowledge"
161858 -
161859 - ref OF 1 line 326, fits this category. She believes that
161860 - connecting documents to personal understandings of related events
161861 - and to other documents, as shown in the demonstration, ref SDS 6
161862 - line 211, could be very helpful, because it is so easy to forget
161863 - critical nuance, and it takes a lot of time to look things up.
161864 - ..
161865 - Sue indicated the SDS publications inventory seems unique
161866 - and helpful for the same reason.
161867 -
161868 -
161869 - ..
161870 - Document Management
161871 -
161872 - Sue said the SDS document log (explained at ref SDS 6 line 161), does
161873 - more than PG&E needs, although she likes the way it is automatically
161874 - posted when a letter is written. This seems like a time saver, and
161875 - avoids errors.
161876 -
161877 - She advised the Law Department is going ahead with evaluation of
161878 - the stand-alone Document Management system discussed last week,
161879 - ref SDS 6 line 91. This effort may indicate whether the added
161880 - features of SDS are worth trying.
161881 -
161882 -
161883 - ..
161884 - Other SDS Features
161885 -
161886 - I asked if other SDS features such as "integrated scheduling and
161887 - reporting" and "communication metrics" could also help PG&E?
161888 -
161889 - Sue said she has not had time to consider whether the demonstra-
161890 - tion showed SDS applies all of the features described in the
161891 - POIMS paper, and whether they would help PG&E. The focus now is
161892 - document management.
161893 -
161894 -
161895 - ..
161896 - Cost/Benefit
161897 -
161898 - Sue and Glenn feel there is not enough evidence to show that SDS
161899 - improves productivity enough to justify taking time off to learn it.
161900 -
161901 -
161902 -
161903 - Editing POIMS Paper
161904 -
161905 - Sue feels the POIMS paper ref OF 1 line 10, is not well written,
161906 - pursuant to my query on this point in the Welch letter at ref DIP 2
161907 - line 29. She found duplication, awkward sentence structure and
161908 - difficult terminology (too much jargon) that make the ideas hard to
161909 - follow. I asked if she would mark up a copy of the POIMS paper
161910 - showing the problems areas that can be improved. Sue said she likes
161911 - to edit, and so will do this for us.
161912 -
161913 - [See receipt of Sue's edits on 950405. ref SDS 8 3072]
161914 -
161915 -
161916 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"