440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 9, 1995 11:00 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Visit John Barsky at City of SF, demonstrate SDS and POIMS.
2..."Automated management" has two parts:
.....1...Automate traditional manual tasks so managers can work faster,
.....2...Integrate manual tasks to further increase productivity,
3...Communication Metrics
.....SDS is "quality control" for the management process.
4...SDS Records and Organization
5...Electronic Citations - Growing New Knowledge Intelligently
6...POIMS Technology
.....PMI Vancouver Conference
.....New World Order...
.....Subject Index
.....Fast & Easy Retrieval
8...SDS Document Log
9...Explaining SDS
10...John feels "buz words" and jargon are overused in the industry.
....Operating System for People
11...Commuication Metrics Improves Cost and Schedule Metrics
12...Why Another Buz Word??
13...Implementation - Communication Engineering
.....Example Using SDS
14...Training & Support
15...Time and Cost
16...Follow Up
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SDS Sales, Contacts with Customers
Demonstration, Difficult to Explain SDS/POIMS
Communication Metrics
Automated Integration of Management Tasks
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000.
080802 -
080803 - Demonstrated how SDS applies POIMS, and idea of communication metrics
080804 - to supplement cost and schedule control, per my letter ref DIP 1 0000
080805 -
080806 - Explained the SDS program costs $550, plus training and on-site
080807 - transition support which can cost upwards from $15,000 over a minimum
080808 - of several months.
080809 -
080810 - John plans to submit a report to the City on applying SDS.
080811 -
080812 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Discussion
0812 - ..
081201 - "Automated management" has two parts:
081202 -
081203 - 1. Automate traditional manual tasks so managers can work faster,
081204 - more accurately and consistently, e.g., tracking action items,
081205 - notes, correspondence and appointments.
081206 -
081207 - 2. Integrate manual tasks to further increase productivity,
081208 - creating "new" tasks which have not previously been done by
081209 - managers because they require automation. Examples are:
081210 -
081211 - Automating the "management cycle"
081212 - Combining scheduling and reporting
081213 - Linking information and objectives to create a
081214 - web of "knowledge"
081215 -
081216 - The paper on POIMS explains these tasks are performed innately by
081217 - the human mind (see p. 6 "Management is Complex, ref OF 1 line
081218 - 608); so, they are not really "new." But people are not aware
081219 - they are doing them because there are no manual analogs. This
081220 - makes SDS powerful, but also difficult to explain because saying
081221 - that SDS lifts the capacity to...
081222 -
081223 - think, remember and communicate
081224 -
081225 - ...either seems redundant or incredible, even though this is
081226 - the only way to improve management, since in fact each day
081227 - there is more to think, remember and communicate about (see
081228 - "Information Revolution" ref SDS 5 line 188, and paper on "New
081229 - World Order...", ref OF 2 line 39.
081230 -
081231 - So we need a starting point to explain SDS with common terms.
081232 -
081233 - "Communication" is a well recognized function which managers seek to
081234 - improve. POIMS says people are striving for more information, but
081235 - really need more knowledge, ref SDS 11 line 165.
081236 -
081237 - SDS converts information into knowledge, ref SDS 4 line 204, and ref
081238 - SDS 17 line 64.
081239 -
081240 -
081241 - ..
081242 - Communication Metrics
081243 -
081244 - In simplest terms "Communication Metrics" means using SDS.
081245 -
081246 - SDS provides a fast, efficient way to capture and test under-
081247 - standings from work (what did we do, see, hear, say; what does it
081248 - mean?) This "testing" (or "linking") discloses subtle errors
081249 - that are otherwise overlooked by traditional business practice of
081250 - cursory consideration and summarizing details, made necessary by
081251 - a hectic schedule, as explained in the POIMS paper (see p. 4
081252 - "Communication Metrics, ref OF 1 line 339, and ref SDS 11 line
081253 - 192).
081254 -
081255 - Managers try to "expedite" by using meetings, phone calls, and
081256 - notes and reports, but as the volume increases, more mistakes
081257 - occur which are overlooked. These mistakes cause lost time and
081258 - dollars that show up in schedule and cost reports. Some people
081259 - summarize the cause of these mistakes and loses, as reflecting:
081260 -
081261 - Murphy's Law
081262 -
081263 - POIMS solves this using principals of cost and schedule control.
081264 - Communication metrics lets people discover mistakes in under-
081265 - standings before they impact cost and schedule (see report on
081266 - Kerzner lecture on Project Management, ref SDS 11 line 241).
081267 -
081268 - SDS is "quality control" for the management process.
081269 -
081270 -
081271 - SDS Records and Organization
081272 -
081273 - Initially we looked at several printed documents illustrating a new
081274 - form of knowledge called: "SDS Records."
081275 -
081276 - SDS records are flexible electronic forms to organize information
081277 - and analysis (i.e., our thoughts) from daily tasks like placing a
081278 - call, attend a meeting, prepare a CPM, design a bridge, install a
081279 - generator, file a claim, prepare for trial, bake a cake. These
081280 - records form a web of interrelated information about specific
081281 - objectives, that show causation and the evolution of ideas, i.e.,
081282 - knowledge, ref SDS 4 line 204.
081283 -
081284 - A simple example was the extract from my SDS "diary" of John's
081285 - directions for finding his office for our meeting today, which he
081286 - gave in our discussion on Mar 3, ref SDS 14 line 63.
081287 -
081288 - [This record is a more complex example of using SDS.]
081289 -
081290 -
081291 - John asked about various "categories" in the SDS record?
081292 -
081293 - The listings under each heading are like ordinary references in
081294 - printed documents.
081295 -
081296 -
081297 - John asked if the "ref ..." entries in the narrative of SDS records
081298 - are related to the "References" at the top of the record?
081299 -
081300 - To answer this questions, we looked at the SDS program using my
081301 - notebook computer.
081302 -
081303 -
081304 -
081305 - ..
081306 - Electronic Citations - Growing New Knowledge Intelligently
081307 -
081308 - "References" in SDS point to other information. Viewed on-line within
081309 - the program, SDS References can be accessed instantly, when needed.
081310 - For example a reference to a letter, or to notes of a prior meeting or
081311 - phone call, enable the User to click or press Enter to open the
081312 - referenced information at will.
081313 -
081314 - This reflects the SDS program design of presenting information at the
081315 - level of detail required by the User, called:
081316 -
081317 - Controlled Visibility
081318 -
081319 - ...discussed in the POIMS paper on p. 2 under Convert Plans into
081320 - Action, ref OF 1 line 174.
081321 -
081322 - SDS lets the User create these electronic references within a few
081323 - seconds so they can capture and apply understandings quickly, before
081324 - time and interceding events cause memory to fade. Managers can
081325 - quickly test whether what they are doing and thinking about today is
081326 - consistent with:
081327 -
081328 - Prior actions
081329 - Prior commitments
081330 - Contract provisions
081331 - Cost and Schedule objectives
081332 - Prior understandings (has our perspective changed??)
081333 - Project documents (e.g., correspondence, submittals)
081334 -
081335 - This comprises an automated "experience" machine, or like what
081336 - might be called an "Operating System" for people and organizations.
081337 -
081338 -
081339 -
081340 - POIMS Technology
081341 -
081342 - John felt the POIMS paper submitted by the Welch letter of Jan 19,
081343 - ref DIP 1 line 30, was interesting but too general to understand what
081344 - SDS actually does. He said the demonstration makes more clear the
081345 - concept set out in the paper, ref OF 1 line 12.
081346 -
081347 - PMI Vancouver Conference
081348 -
081349 - John said he attended the PMI conference in Vancouver, and asked
081350 - if I had attended. I explained that the POIMS paper was present-
081351 - ed at the Vancouver conference. It is in the proceedings begin-
081352 - ning at page 493.
081353 -
081354 - New World Order...
081355 -
081356 - I gave John a copy of this paper ref OF 2 line 13, for additional
081357 - foundation on the rational and need for POIMS and SDS.
081358 -
081359 -
081360 -
081361 - Expedition
081362 -
081363 - John asked how SDS correlates to Expedition? He said the City has
081364 - made a considerable investment in Expedition for document management.
081365 -
081366 - Subject Index
081367 -
081368 - We used SDS to look up prior analysis to illustrate the answer to
081369 - this question. We used the SDS subject index to find:
081370 -
081371 - Projects
081372 - SDS Development
081373 - Marketing
081374 - Competitive Products
081375 - ---------------> Expedition
081376 -
081377 - We did a report on "Expedition" for the past 5 years, and found
081378 - the following records:
081379 -
081380 - Sep 30, 1989 - Meeting to review Expedition used by Swinerton & Walberg.
081381 - Sep 14, 1991 - Experiment with Expedition document program.
081382 -
081383 - Fast & Easy Retrieval
081384 -
081385 - This took about 10 seconds. The speed and ease of getting this
081386 - information is the key difference between SDS and traditional
081387 - document management programs.
081388 -
081389 - In sum, SDS is aimed at helping the management team integrate
081390 - time, information, people and document management into a single
081391 - automated work environment. Document management is an important
081392 - part of SDS capability.
081393 -
081394 - I can submit upon request the analysis of Expedition for detailed
081395 - consideration, plus samples of Doc Log and other SDS reports.
081396 -
081397 -
081398 -
081399 - SDS Document Log
081400 -
081401 - We examined notes of a meeting with Sue Hoffman at PG&E where this
081402 - same issue was discussed on Tuesday, Mar 7, ref SDS 16 line 70. It
081403 - shows by pressing a button, SDS produces:
081404 -
081405 - Documents, not just a "report" of where they are.
081406 - Document context, why, related docs and follow up.
081407 -
081408 - John commented about the report in the SDS record that Sue's desk is
081409 - well organized, and thereby reflects the SDS aim:
081410 -
081411 - A place for everything and everything in its place!
081412 -
081413 - Sue is not a project manager. The documents and issues that arise in
081414 - her job as administrator of PG&E's Legal Department, are far less
081415 - than occur in managing public works contracts. SDS gives managers
081416 - command and control of large volumes of information, so there is less
081417 - paper created and less to handle. This leaves more time for
081418 - knowledge and ideas.
081419 -
081420 -
081421 -
081422 -
0815 -
Communication Metrics
Management productivity & Teamwork
Operating System for People & Organizations
Difficult to Explain SDS/POIMS
SDS Experienced to Learn Power of Automated
Experience Needed to Understand SDS
Operating System for People & Organizations
1410 - Summary/Objective
1411 -
141101 - Explaining SDS
141102 -
141103 - John feels "buz words" and jargon are overused in the industry.
141104 -
141105 - I said that many people who see the SDS demonstration and even those
141106 - who use SDS, such as at PG&E, often have difficulty explaining it to
141107 - themselves and to others ref SDS 17 line 75, because there is no base
141108 - of experience to associate SDS functionality.
141109 -
141110 - Operating System for People
141111 -
141112 - Microsoft's DOS and Windows, and IBM's OS2 are "operating systems"
141113 - for computers to control inputs and outputs. SDS is an operating
141114 - system for people. It leverages human intelligence in the same
141115 - way that using a truck leverages human muscle to carry heavier
141116 - loads farther and faster.
141117 -
141118 - This is difficult to "know," however, until people acquire direct
141119 - experience with SDS. They have to use SDS in order to absorb the
141120 - concept of "converting information into knowledge." To encourage
141121 - using SDS, I have put forward:
141122 -
141123 - Communication Metrics
141124 -
141125 - a simple way to summarize what SDS does. Starting from the
141126 - baseline idea, that managing is 90% "communications," first with
141127 - ourselves and then with others, there is a growing awareness of
141128 - the importance of measuring work performance and that changing the
141129 - way work is performed often yields improvements without hiring
141130 - more people. This idea underlies efforts to apply Total Quality
141131 - Management (TQM) in various forms, also called "re-engineering the
141132 - business", "reinventing this, that and the other."
141133 -
141134 -
1412 -
Communication Metrics
Management productivity & Teamwork
Communications, TQM
1806 -
180601 - ..
180602 - Commuication Metrics Improves Cost and Schedule Metrics
180603 -
180604 - John said he has an MBA in addition to being an engineer.
180605 -
180606 - Many MBA programs cover work measurement concepts like TQM. What has
180607 - been overlooked is measuring management productivity other than by
180608 - hiring an accountant to see if more money comes in than goes out.
180609 - This is the "bottom line" theory which in construction has been
180610 - supplemented in recent years by hiring cost and schedule engineers to
180611 - report on intermediate deviations from targeted costs and progress,
180612 - ref SDS 11 line 241.
180613 -
180614 - The PMI PMBOK cites cost, schedule and communications as primary
180615 - management concerns, ref SDS 11 line 286. SDS brings the scrutiny to
180616 - communications which previously was given solely to cost and schedule
180617 - control. Since management is mainly communications about cost and
180618 - schedule, then:
180619 -
180620 - "communication metrics"
180621 -
180622 - ...has a much greater impact on improving performance than do
180623 - cost and schedule metrics, as reported by PG&E in the letter
180624 - submitted to John, ref DRP 1 line 25, and ref SDS 11 line 176.
180625 -
180626 -
180627 -
1807 -
Communication Engineer
2004 -
200401 - ..
200402 - Why Another Buz Word??
200403 -
200404 - Some people ask why Communication Metrics is needed since the role of
200405 - a manager is primarily "communications," ref SDS 11 0333.
200406 - ..
200407 - POIMS holds that "communications" has two parts:
200408 -
200409 - 1. Conveying and exchanging information. This requires skills of
200410 - effective listening and persuasive dialog, commonly called
200411 - leadership.
200412 -
200413 - 2. Ensuring mutual, accurate "understanding" and follow up, i.e.,
200414 - the quality control ("metric") component of management.
200415 -
200416 - [On 950237 defined 3 parts. ref SDS 18 0000]
200417 -
200418 - Applied to POIMS paper on managing as comprised of "doing" and
200419 - "thinking." ref OF 1 2049
200420 -
200421 - There is lots of help in the market place for point one (1) -- see for
200422 - example review of Stephen Covey's ideas at ref SDS 4 5903, but only
200423 - SDS supports point two (2), compare review of Kerzner lecture, see at
200424 - ref SDS 11 8933, with POIMS paper at ref OF 1 line 314.
200425 -
200426 - As the pace of modern business life increases, the amount of time
200427 - devoted to leadership increases (more meetings, calls, documents), so
200428 - there is less time for analysis and follow up explained in the paper
200429 - on the New World Order..., ref OF 2 line 39.
200430 -
200431 - The need for a solution was highlighted from the management seminar at
200432 - Cal Tech on 921021. ref SDS 3 5692
200433 -
200434 - Communication Metrics restores the balance between "doing" and
200435 - "thinking," ref SDS 4 5553.
200436 -
200437 - [See later development of these ideas at ref SDS 18 2108.]
200438 -
200439 -
200440 - ..
200441 - Implementation - Communication Engineering
200442 -
200443 - There are two components to applying SDS:
200444 -
200445 - 1. Learning to use the SDS program
200446 -
200447 - 2. Using SDS to write things down, link them up, and schedule
200448 - follow-up.
200449 -
200450 - SDS can be learned in a few weeks of dedicated training. In most
200451 - cases, however, managers cannot stop their business for a few weeks.
200452 - In addition, learning SDS requires the traffic of a busy day in order
200453 - to bump into the circumstances for applying all of its features, ref
200454 - SDS 5 line 83. Therefore, on-the-job training is needed. This can
200455 - take from 4 - 8 weeks.
200456 -
200457 - The second part is really the greater challenge, and calls for a more
200458 - comprehensive solution. SDS requires more time for thinking (see
200459 - "Why Another Buz Word" above), to grow our knowledge and preserve it.
200460 - A skilled SDS user needs less time, but new Users initially struggle
200461 - to decide what to write down and link up. Since time is limited to
200462 - 24 hours in a day, we need another person initially to make sure the
200463 - SDS record is prepared. We call this "transition support." It is
200464 - performed by a:
200465 -
200466 - communication engineer
200467 -
200468 - ...supplementing the skills of cost and schedule engineers, and
200469 - claims analysts, to support project management, ref SDS 11 line
200470 - 260.
200471 -
200472 -
200473 - To illustrate communication engineering, John and I looked up
200474 - comments by Wayne Wetzel, Deputy Director of DNRC. We used the SDS
200475 - Subject Index again to find...
200476 -
200477 -
200478 - Projects
200479 - SDS Development
200480 - Marketing
200481 - Customer Perceived Value
200482 - ----------------> Executive Support
200483 -
200484 - ..
200485 - Example Using SDS
200486 -
200487 - Wayne said in response to a recommendation that he prepare the
200488 - SDS record on a particular meeting, in order to save time (Dec
200489 - 12, 1991 at the offices of DNRC in Helena Montana, see ref SDS 2
200490 - line 144):
200491 -
200492 - ... when he enters information himself (e.g. writing a
200493 - letter), it takes much longer because he pauses to struggle
200494 - with the language structure and to collect and organize his
200495 - thoughts.
200496 -
200497 - He feels on the other hand that he can discuss his views with
200498 - me then go do other things while I craft and organize the
200499 - language that accomplishes his objective, cite the documents
200500 - and events for support, and if an inconsistency cannot be
200501 - worked out he will be notified for further consideration. I
200502 - agreed that this is a good use of staff to support an
200503 - executive.
200504 -
200505 -
200506 - Training & Support
200507 -
200508 - This experience and the work at PG&E ref DRP 1 0000 has led to the
200509 - idea of dividing "communication" between leadership and analysis. The
200510 - manager is attending meetings, making calls, sending and receiv- ing
200511 - documents. This is the leadership component of communications.
200512 -
200513 - The communication engineer uses SDS to support analysis by insuring
200514 - clarity, accuracy, consistency, correlation to objectives and timely
200515 - follow up. (See for example discussion with Morris Jones at Chips &
200516 - Technologies, ref SDS 15 line 216, and with IBM at ref SDS 7 line
200517 - 229).
200518 -
200519 - PG&E uses "Project Analysts" other organizations use an Admin
200520 - Assistant, Project Engineer, Assistant Superintendent -- all
200521 - can acquire the new skill of "communication engineering."
200522 -
200523 - The goal of an organization using SDS is to transition its management
200524 - team to apply SDS. Welch supplies a communication engineer for
200525 - training and transition support. This "support" immediately begins
200526 - improving the success of the management team, as reported at PG&E,
200527 - ref DRP 1 line 25. These benefits create desire among individual
200528 - managers to acquire SDS skills, and afford them the opportunity to do
200529 - so at their own pace.
200530 -
200531 -
200532 -
200533 -
2006 -
Communication Engineereing
2104 -
210401 - Time and Cost
210402 -
210403 -
210404 - SDS program.................................... $550
210405 -
210406 - Communication Engineer......................... $ 75/Hr.
210407 -
210408 - Computer Workstation........................... $500/Mo.
210409 -
210410 - The communication engineer is typically on-site from 2 - 6
210411 - months, and thereafter provides off-site support as requested by
210412 - the customer.
210413 -
210414 - The total cost can range from $15,000 - $150,000 over several
210415 - years, depending upon whether an organization internalizes SDS
210416 - skills, or prefers to draw on Welch resources.
210417 -
210418 -
210419 -
210420 - Follow Up
210421 -
210422 - John requested brochures that summarize SDS features. I gave him two
210423 - sets. I will submit notes of our discussion today. He plans to
210424 - submit a report on how SDS might be applied. He requested an
210425 - explanation of cost.
210426 -
210427 - John feels his project at the treatment plant is too far along to
210428 - introduce SDS. He indicated the expansion program at the airport
210429 - might be conducive to using SDS in the manner discussed today.
210430 -
210431 -
210432 -