440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 7, 1995 10:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Visit Sue Hoffeman at PG&E for SDS demonstration.
2...PG&E's Document Management Program
3...SDS Document Log
....Multiple Identification/Selection Criteria
.........the SMUD Contract had following specific "issues"
....SDS Innovations
4...Publication Log
5...Automated "Religion" (Citations)
6...New Technology
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0201 - PG&E Law Department 415 973 nnnn fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Sue Hoffman; =415 973 6682
SDS Marketing, PG&E, Law Department
PG&E Glenn & Pam
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 72, and ref DIP 2 line 29, issued
070702 - at ref SDS 8 line 122.
070703 -
070704 - Showed Sue how SDS applies POIMS technology. The main point is that
070705 - "automated and integrated" information is much faster and easier than
070706 - handling printed documents. Sue will discuss with Glenn. Submitted
070707 - ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming understandings, included samples of Doc
070708 - Log and Publication reports.
070709 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Discussion
0711 -
071101 - Initially I noted Sue's desk is neat and organized. SDS uses
071102 - automation and integration to perform daily work in a neat and
071103 - organized manner, under the idea:
071104 -
071105 - A place for everything and everything in its place!
071106 -
071107 - Sue had my letter on her desk, transmitting the discussion with
071108 - Glenn, ref DIP 2 line 29, and seemed to have grasped the essentials
071109 - of POIMS to automate and integrate key work practices so each
071110 - supports the other:
071111 -
071112 - Time, information, people, documents
071113 -
071114 - I explained that because "management" is complex, SDS is also
071115 - complex, so today, we will just focus on the features of interest to
071116 - the Department. If this seems helpful, I am willing to come back
071117 - to demonstrate other SDS features and applications.
071118 -
071119 -
071120 - PG&E's Document Management Program
071121 -
071122 - Sue said the Law Department will be soon be evaluating a software
071123 - program PG&E has purchased for document management. Sue has seen this
071124 - program several times. She feels it can solve Glenn's need for better
071125 - command and control of the Department's briefing history, ref SDS 1
071126 - line 206. The Law Department will shortly begin testing this applica-
071127 - tion.
071128 -
071129 - [On 950512 Sue was too busy to respond to POIMS, ref SDS 9 0000.]
071130 -
071131 - Sue asked how SDS performs document management?
071132 -
071133 -
071134 - SDS Document Log
071135 -
071136 - I showed how information in SDS is all related to what needs to be
071137 - done, i.e., the Schedule, and what has already been done, i.e., the
071138 - Diary. SDS means: Schedule Diary System.
071139 -
071140 - SDS segments formal correspondence according to "Received" or
071141 - "Issued" and whether a response is due, when and by whom. Documents
071142 - are further segmented by Subject and Author. Documents can have
071143 - multiple subjects, and subjects can be queried by organic structure.
071144 - To illustrate I did an example using the Gold Hill project which
071145 - Glenn supported during my work with Bill DeHart.
071146 -
071147 -
071148 - Multiple Identification/Selection Criteria
071149 -
071150 -
071151 - Project: Gold Hill Reconductoring & Relocation
071152 -
071153 - Contracts: SMUD
071154 - Sierra Pacific
071155 - L&P
071156 -
071157 - Controls: Cost
071158 - Schedule
071159 - Action Items
071160 - Meetings
071161 -
071162 - Engineering: ...
071163 -
071164 -
071165 - ...the SMUD Contract had following specific "issues"
071166 -
071167 -
071168 - Tubular Steel Line 2 Circuits
071169 - SMUD Rights to one Transmission Circuit
071170 - PG&E's Rights on New Line
071171 - SMUD's Duty to Construct & Maintain its Circuit
071172 - SMUD Removes Existing Line
071173 - PG&E May Connect to SMUD Pole at Lake Substation
071174 - PG&E Remove Halsey Junction-Newark 115 kV
071175 - Gold Hill - UARP Junction)
071176 - PG&E Grants SMUD Easement in Gold Hill Substation
071177 - PG&E can withdraw if Sierra & L&P not successful
071178 -
071179 -
071180 - SDS identifies documents by any such criteria, multiple criteria
071181 - or at higher levels. For example all documents for the Gold Hill
071182 - project can be assembled, or those dealing just with "Contracts"
071183 - or those only on the SMUD contract, or those for only "PG&E's
071184 - Rights on New Line."
071185 -
071186 -
071187 - E-Mail
071188 -
071189 - The flood of e-mail and fax documentation is particularly
071190 - conducive to organization and management by the SDS Doc Log.
071191 -
071192 -
071193 - SDS Innovations
071194 -
071195 - 1. When a document is prepared, it immediately appears in the
071196 - SDS document log.
071197 -
071198 - 2. There is no "data entry" by another person.
071199 -
071200 - 3. There is no "data entry" delay or error in logging a document
071201 - because, the process of creating a document, also posts the
071202 - Document Log. I showed how this is automated to eliminate
071203 - data entry error.
071204 -
071205 - 4. It takes about 10 seconds to identify a document.
071206 -
071207 - 5. It takes about 10 seconds to find a document.
071208 -
071209 - 6. It takes about .01 seconds to get a document listed in the
071210 - log. Documents are never misfiled or removed from the filing
071211 - system.
071212 -
071213 - 7. It takes about .01 seconds to get the context showing why a
071214 - document was issued, what considerations were made, the
071215 - history that preceded the document being issued, and what is
071216 - expected to happen.
071217 -
071218 - 8. SDS document identification automatically addresses the
071219 - document and posts an ID in the document keyed to the Log.
071220 -
071221 - 9. The Document Log shows responses, i.e., document "g" responds
071222 - to document "a," or documents "g", "k", and "m" respond to
071223 - document "c."
071224 -
071225 - All of these innovations taken together, improve productivity.
071226 -
071227 -
071228 - Publication Log
071229 -
071230 - Showed the publications library that supports Glenn's immediate
071231 - interest, per ref SDS 1 line 203.
071232 -
071233 - We assembled a list of publications on my notebook computer
071234 - covering the past several years. This listed documents based on
071235 - the date of publication, the title, author, source and subject.
071236 -
071237 - We then assembled a list of publications on a single subject,
071238 - which selected out just two documents from the full chronology in
071239 - the prior list. This took about 10 seconds. We opened the
071240 - documents merely by clicking on the entry in the log.
071241 -
071242 -
071243 - Automated "Religion" (Citations)
071244 -
071245 - Sue asked about entries in the SDS record that point to other
071246 - information, but which look strange.
071247 -
071248 - I used the demonstration to Glenn to illustrate how SDS citations
071249 - work, ref SDS 1 line 86.
071250 -
071251 - Sue was familiar with "hypertext" so I explained how SDS lets User's
071252 - generate their own linkages to quickly create a path back to original
071253 - understandings. This replicates the practice used in the law and in
071254 - religious texts to show support for current action and viewpoints.
071255 - Explained how this can be likened to "automated religion" within the
071256 - original Latin derivative "re - ligre: to bind back."
071257 -
071258 - This SDS innovation gives people greater use of the information they
071259 - create and receive. I call this...
071260 -
071261 - converting information into knowledge
071262 -
071263 -
071264 - New Technology
071265 -
071266 - Sue said Glenn feels SDS can provide useful support for the
071267 - Department. She said the demonstration today showed features which
071268 - are new and helpful. Some attorneys may prefer to avoid learning to
071269 - use the mouse and function keys. Those familiar with Windows, may
071270 - find SDS easier to learn.
071271 -
071272 - I explained the idea of SDS is to work faster, more accurately and
071273 - more consistently, but with less effort. Rather than simply automate
071274 - manual procedures that have existed for hundreds of years, SDS offers
071275 - unique tools that are only possible with automation, but which still
071276 - perform underlying basic needs in the work place.
071277 -
071278 -
0713 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"