440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 17, 1995 09:59 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from George at TQE re seeing SDS demo.
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IBM Pathways to Growth, Jun 29 - 30, 1994
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Locate Decision Maker
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 line 45.
070702 -
070703 - George (408) 927-9260 Fax (408) 927-9458
070704 -
070705 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to send the evaluation by PG&E. Did not
070706 - include this memo. Included the notes of the meeting with Chris
070707 - Snyder at ref SDS 3 line 67.
070708 -
070709 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Discussion
0711 -
071101 - He left a message that he has talked to Ted Anders this morning about
071102 - POIMS. Geroge said Ted will be visiting in the San Jose this week,
071103 - and they plan to discuss POIMS and SDS. He will let me know the
071104 - results.
071105 -
071106 -
071107 -
0712 -
0713 -
0714 - 1012 called George back
0715 -
071501 - He is meeting with Ted later in the week and over the weekend then
071502 - will be in Europe for a week. I said I would be happy to visit with
071503 - them if they need clarification of SDS and POIMS. My experience has
071504 - been that SDS is difficult to explain in the abstract because people
071505 - have difficulty with the idea that innate capability to think,
071506 - remember and communicate can be improved. Until they see what is
071507 - ment by "converting information into knowledge" the idea is difficult
071508 - to grasp. The SDS demonstration gives it meaning.
071509 -
071510 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to confirm understandings, included the
071511 - memo from Bill, ref DRP 3 line 15, received at ref SDS 11 line 57.
071512 -
071513 -
071514 -