440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 15, 1994 07:03 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Developed job status; submitted job records to Tito.


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0201 - PG&E Transm Contracts              415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020101 - Ms. Pam Taheri,
020102 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 1660
020103 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0202 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys        415 973 6778 fax 8426
020201 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020202 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020203 - Project Management Group
020204 - Mr. Demetrius J. Pedruco; Project Analyst, Room 1169B-V11C =415 973 6388
020205 - Project Management Group

Gold Hill Horseshoe Upgrade
Final Contract

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 48, and discussions at ref SDS 2
050602 - line 49.  Instead of conveying these notes with a transmittal, will
050603 - just drop them off informally.
050604 -
050605 -
050606 -
0507 -

Gold Hill Horseshoe Upgrade
CDWR Coastal Aqueduct
Transfer records

0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Follow up work at ref SDS 3 line 105 where I inquired about further
090702 - changes to schedule.  I made some changes at ref SDS 3 line 48.
090703 -
090704 - Since we have not heard from Buck that the further revisions are
090705 - needed, it seems appropriate to proceed on the basis of the current
090706 - schedule.  Talked to Bill.  He asked me to submit the schedule files
090707 - to Tito, and Tito will make any distribution needed.
090708 -
090709 - Bill asked me to copy these files to the s: drive, and let Tito know
090710 - via EM.
090711 -
090712 - Submitted notice to Tito via ref DIT 1 line 30, with cc to Bill.
090713 -
090714 -
0908 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"