440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 14, 1994 08:55 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Jivat re meeting with CDWR, transfer trip design.
2...Transfer Trip Deferred
3...Meeting Note Revisions
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0201 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering 415 973 3877 fax 9209
020101 - Mr. Jivat Gidvani, E.E.
020102 - Engineer; Rm 580, Mail Code F5C =415 973 3877
Transmission Line Design, PG&E
SLO Hydro Tie Line
Engineering, Material Lead Time
Transfer Trip
1006 - ..
1007 - Summary/Objective
1008 -
100801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 92.
100802 -
100803 -
100804 -
1009 -
1010 -
1011 - Discussion
1012 -
101201 - Jivat left message returning my call from yesterday. I called back
101202 - and left message.
101203 -
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1013 -
1014 -
1015 - 0953 Jivat called back
1016 -
101601 - He indicated he can design the transfer trip system without having
101602 - the control room layout, but that he wants to review the control
101603 - room layout to see how CDWR will make certain connections and that
101604 - there is adequate space for PG&E to perform its work.
101605 -
101606 - As a result, I will modify this part of the notes.
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1017 -
Transmission Line Design, PG&E
SLO Hydro Tie Line
Engineering, Material Lead Time
Transfer Trip
CDWR & PG&E plan change in SLO Hydro work
SLO Hydro Interconnection
Meetings; Meeting Notes, confirm understandings
Anger, Frustruations from Erroneous Meeting
1811 -
181101 - Follow up discussions at ref SDS 6 line 176, and his note revisions
181102 - at ref SDS 8 line 137.
181103 -
181104 - Transfer Trip Deferred
181105 -
181106 - Jivat said he has a call in to Tom Marki, that there is now a strong
181107 - possibility that PG&E can construct the tie line to provide power for
181108 - the valves, without a transfer trip. The Line Protection group needs
181109 - to sign off, but Jivat seemed to think that can occur.
181110 -
181111 -
181112 - ..
181113 - Meeting Note Revisions
181114 -
181115 - Jivat feels very strongly that he wants to remove the following from
181116 - the notes which had been entered at ref SDS 5 5773.
181117 -
181118 - Solutions
181119 -
181120 - Some options to provide power to the valves were considered as
181121 - follows:
181122 -
181123 - 1. CDWR construct the Control Room in advance of the Power
181124 - Plant, in order to support the Transfer Trip system.
181125 -
181126 - 2. Build an interim control room exclusively for the transfer
181127 - trip system, until the full facilities are constructed at a
181128 - future time.
181129 -
181130 - 3. Construct separate power "distribution" system to service the
181131 - valves independent of the Tie Line.
181132 -
181133 - 4. Provide interim generators for the valve system.
181134 -
181135 - 5. Construct the Tie Line under alternate Line Protection
181136 - standards, e.g., omit transfer trip equipment.
181137 -
181138 - Tom Marki said PG&E will submit comments to assist CDWR in its
181139 - design considerations. Bill DeHart suggested contacting Glenn
181140 - Rounds for input.
181141 -
181142 - Jivat wants to replace the above per his recommendations received
181143 - yesterday at ref SDS 8 6338.
181144 -
181145 - I asked about the rationale for omitting a broader range of options
181146 - available to CDWR?
181147 - ..
181148 - Jivat does not recall that the above language was said at the
181149 - meeting, and therefore he wants to omit it. He believes the options
181150 - were discussed only between us while driving back from the meeting on
181151 - 941208. ref SDS 4 7748 I pointed out that Kevin, Tito, Bill and Lori
181152 - have reviewed the meeting notes and have not objected to including
181153 - these options.
181154 -
181155 - Jivat was pointed and direct in expressing his strong feeling that
181156 - understandings which are different from his recollections are not
181157 - accurate and useful to convey in the meeting notes, reflecting
181158 - adherence to training and experience similar to Jeff Ghilardi's
181159 - initial exposure to using the SDS notice methods on 880908. see,
181160 - ref SDS 1 4920
181161 -
181162 - Therefore, I did not mention my sense that it is a good idea to
181163 - show in the record that CDWR has options to solve problems for
181164 - which PG&E is not responsible, per work on 941213. ref SDS 8 8533
181165 -
181166 - If Jivat's only concern was that these options were not expressly
181167 - discussed in the manner shown in the notes, I could simply list them
181168 - as options, without indicating they were "considered." He indicated
181169 - this morning they are valid options, but that it is unnecessary to
181170 - list them. So he has a strong concern about this matter that is not
181171 - clear.
181172 -
181173 - This is part of the meeting note scope issue raised by Jeff
181174 - Ghilardi at ref SDS 1 line 102; relates to management skills in
181175 - "Meetings."
181176 -
181177 - In any event, since we have the options, I will omit them from the
181178 - notes and use the language Jivat wants.
181179 -
181180 - Jivat's strong objection reflects the emotionalism that creeps into
181181 - communication and needs to be channelled constructively. If I had
181182 - insisted on including this material, it could have involved other
181183 - members of the team and PG&E management on the ancilliary issue of
181184 - meeting note content.
181185 -
181186 - In this case, I entered the record as Jivat wants it, and cite the
181187 - record that has the missing material, so that the knowledge and ideas
181188 - it contains are not lost, but remain available for future use. This
181189 - seems like an example of a viable use of conflict without having it
181190 - escalate to unnecessary confrontation.
181191 -
181192 - [On 970123 explanation of constructive confrontation is used at
181193 - Intel, ref SDS 9 0000.]
181194 -
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181201 -
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181204 -
181205 -
181206 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"