440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 14, 1994 07:30 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Conference call with Kevin and Lori re Progress meeting with CDWR.
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0201 - CDWR, Div Op. & Maint. Telephone; fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Lori Brown, E.E.
020102 - Project Manager PG&E Contract, Coastal Branch, Phase II =916 653 9849
0202 - PG&E Transm Contracts 415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020201 - Mr. Kevin Coffee, E.E.
020202 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
020203 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0203 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020301 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020302 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020303 - Project Management Group
Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings: 941208 Sacramento with CDWR
Notes & Follow Up
CDWR & PG&E plan change in SLO Hydro work
0606 - ..
0607 - Summary/Objective
0608 -
060801 - Followed work at ref SDS 9 line 83. Explained changes in notes
060802 - discussed yesterday. Advised of Jivat's work on trying to eliminate
060803 - the transfer trip system for providing power to the valves at the
060804 - SLO Hydro. Kevin said he has a call in to Jivat on this.
060805 -
060806 -
060807 -
0609 -
0610 -
CDWR review & comment on Schedule Notes
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Follow up understandings from Progress Meetings, ref SDS 5 line 127,
100602 - and at ref SDS 5 line 328. This completes review begun yesterday
100603 - with Lori at ref SDS 9 line 237.
100604 -
100605 - We reviewed schedule file ref OF 1, which was submitted to CDWR at
100606 - the progress meeting at ref SDS 5 line 310.
100607 -
100608 - Developed revisions to be submitted to CDWR, Kevin and Tom/Bill.
100609 -
100610 -
100611 -
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - Discussion
1010 -
101001 - Explained background to Kevin and Bill, discussed yesterday on the
101002 - Summary, ref SDS 9 line 237.
101003 -
101004 - Lori found more spelling errors. These will be corrected when the
101005 - document is finaled by spell checking.
101006 -
101007 - [Turned out that Spell checker kept crashing, so manually
101008 - corrected many spelling errors, ref SDS 10 line 67.]
101009 -
101010 -
101011 - Lori asked for the duration of task GH0D to Construct the Transfer
101012 - Trip, to extend to the end of PG&E's contract period.
101013 -
101014 - I explained this is related to how we are going to approach CDWR's
101015 - intent for PG&E to construct "independent" from CDWR's work, per
101016 - the request at ref SDS 1 line 163.
101017 -
101018 - Ordinarily we would expect the transfer trip activity to complete
101019 - in advance of PG&E's contract completion date, since there will be
101020 - follow on work in order to complete this phase, e.g., taking field
101021 - measurements of the switchyards and connecting the Tie Line,
101022 - Energize and Test.
101023 -
101024 - Additionally, it is often desirable to avoid performing work in
101025 - winter that could be done at a period that has more favorable
101026 - weather, as shown in schedule file 941205, being reviewed today.
101027 -
101028 -
101029 -
101030 - Lori asked about task GH0D3D for CDWR to obtain lease lines from Pac
101031 - Bell. She decided the way it is shown on the schedule is okay.
101032 -
101033 -
101034 -
101035 - Develop Easement Terms, DD0F, we will remove "meeting" from:
101036 -
101037 - "On Aug 18, 1994 in a meeting progress meeting..."
101038 -
101039 - this sentence reads:
101040 -
101041 - "On Aug 18, 1994 in a progress meeting..."
101042 -
101043 -
101044 - Acquire R/W Easements by CDWR, DD0H, will remove "and budget" from:
101045 -
101046 - "...helps PG&E meet the contract completion and budget
101047 - objectives..."
101048 -
101049 - this sentence reads:
101050 -
101051 - "...helps PG&E meet the contract completion objectives..."
101052 -
101053 - In next para that begins: "Veronica indicated in the ...", will
101054 - remove at the end of the sentence: " as to avoid extra
101055 - expense from delays and stoppages in PG&E's construction of the
101056 - transmission line."
101057 -
101058 -
101059 - Arco Sub - Devils Den PP, DD0H2, in 3rd para, will remove "and budget
101060 - objectives."
101061 -
101062 -
101063 - Stake for Construction, DD2H, deleted 2nd para, beginning "On
101064 - previous schedules...". This was only needed to help explain a
101065 - change in the prior schedule.
101066 -
101067 -
101068 -
101069 -
1011 -
Meters by CDWR
1104 - Summary/Objective
1105 -
110501 - Power Circuit Breakers & Switchyard, DD3G, there are no changes,
110502 - however, Lori noted she needs to alert Don Herdocia that CDWR needs
110503 - to begin getting ready to perform this work.
110504 -
110505 -
110506 -
1106 -
San Luis Obispo Hydro Interconnectoin
1204 - Summary/Objective
1205 -
120501 - We removed the clause at the end of the first sentence that said:
120502 -
120503 - " order to meet the contract completion date of Oct 9,
120504 - 1995."
120505 -
120506 - This was an error, because the contract calls for this work to be
120507 - complete by 960201. PG&E's schedule though if performed independent
120508 - from CDWR's schedule could complete on 951009. Lori wants to remove
120509 - this language in order to assist in presenting the schedule informa-
120510 - tion to CDWR managers.
120511 -
120512 -
1206 -
SLO Hydro, Obtain EIR Supplement, CDWR
Casmalia, Obtain EIR Addendum, by CDWR
1405 - Summary/Objective
1406 -
140601 - Lori initially was unsure about what this task is for. I explained
140602 - it arose at ref SDS 2 line 106, and more recenlty in connection with
140603 - needing the EIR to support the GO 131-D process.
140604 -
140605 - Lori wants to remove the line pertaining to the Pac Bell communi-
140606 - cation line being covered by the report. She understands that work
140607 - is covered, and so this sentence is not needed. We removed that
140608 - line.
140609 -
140610 - Lori will check with Ed Hill on the status of this task.
140611 -
140612 -
140613 -
1407 -
CDWR Hydro Plant X-fer Trip
1504 - Summary/Objective
1505 -
150501 - This is a general explanation for the Transfer Trip from the Summary.
150502 - Lori wants to eliminate the target date of 950811, which occurs from
150503 - constructing "independently" from CDWR's work. She wants this to
150504 - show completing oa the contract completion date of 960201.
150505 -
150506 - Since this is a summary task, we will accomplish this objective by
150507 - adjusting the detailed tasks.
150508 -
150509 -
150510 -
150511 -
150512 -
150513 -
150514 -
150515 -
150516 -
150517 -
150518 -
150519 -
150520 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"