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1...Actually, we need to add a task for PG&E to take field measurements to
0201 - CDWR, Div Op. & Maint. Telephone; fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Lori Brown, E.E.
020102 - Project Manager PG&E Contract, Coastal Branch, Phase II =916 653 9849
0202 - PG&E Transm Contracts 415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020201 - Mr. Kevin Coffee, E.E.
020202 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
020203 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0203 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering 415 973 3877 fax 9209
020301 - Mr. Jivat Gidvani, E.E.; Engineer; Rm 580, Mail Code F5C =415 973 3877
0204 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020401 - Mr. Demetrius J. Pedruco; Project Analyst, Room 1169B-V11C =415 973 6388
020402 - Project Management Group
Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings: 941208 Sacramento with CDWR
Notes & Follow Up
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 108.
050702 -
050703 - Called Lori Brown for list of attendees. I need Ed Hill's notes on
050704 - project status.
050705 -
050706 - She will ask him for it.
050707 -
050708 -
050709 - Prepared Action Items; spell checked.
050710 -
050711 -
050712 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - 0807 called Bill
0511 - ..
051101 - Left message about possible Schedule changes. Only change to
051102 - the Schedule is in the date of the meeting with CDWR project
051103 - principals and the contractor on Energize planning.
051104 -
051105 - I decided to change the Schedule submitted yesterday, instead of
051106 - make a new schedule, because the change on this matter really
051107 - occurred on 941207. I did not hear about it until 941208, but it
051108 - does not matter a great deal to have an entirely new Schedule solely
051109 - on this point.
051110 -
051111 - I guess there is a slight different here. The date of the Schedule
051112 - file is 941205, 2 days prior to setting the meeting in January.
051113 - However, Since we had already missed November, which is what the
051114 - notes said, I am making this change, without making a new file.
051115 -
051116 - ..
051117 -
051118 - Actually, we need to add a task for PG&E to take field measurements to
051119 - complete its design, after the switchyards are complete.
051120 -
051121 -
051122 -
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 1209 delivered notes to Kevin
0515 - ..
051501 - Dropped them off at his office after leaving the meeting at
051502 - Pam's office on Gold Hills, ref SDS 6 line 62.
051503 -
051504 -
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 1648 called Kevin
0519 -
051901 - He has seen the Notes but has not had a chance to review them. He
051902 - will let me know on Monday, if he has any additions or corrections.
051903 -
051904 -
051905 -
051906 - ..
0520 -
0521 -
0522 - 1323 submitted to Jivat
0523 -
052301 - He came by while I was training Tito on SDS, ref SDS 7 line 91, to
052302 - mention an additional point about the possible need for substation
052303 - work on the Gold Hill Horseshoe Upgrade, which we discussed yesterday
052304 - at ref SDS 4 line 35. I told him that I mentioned this matter to
052305 - Randy at the meeting this morning on the SMUD contract ref SDS 6 line
052306 - 68.
052307 -
052308 - I gave Jivat a set of the draft notes on the meeting with CDWR yester-
052309 - day, and asked for his comments in advance of publishing, since he
052310 - said yesterday that he did not intend to prepare any notes of his own,
052311 - ref SDS 5 line 41.
052312 -
052313 -
052314 - ..
0524 -
0525 -
0526 - 1455 Jivat called
0527 -
052701 - He has reviewed the notes and has some corrections on transfer trip.
052702 -
052703 - He has marked the information he wants to change and sent it to me via
052704 - internal mail.
052705 -
052706 -
052707 -
0528 -
0529 -
0530 - 1514 submitted notes to Tito
0531 - ..
053101 - He requested a copy of the notes, so I printed them and gave him
053102 - a copy.
053103 -
053104 -
053105 -
0532 -
0533 -
0534 - 1548 called Lori back
0535 -
053501 - She said she sent the list of attendees and Ed Hills notes this
053502 - morning.
053503 -
053504 - I faxed the notes to her for comment. She wants to review them by
053505 - phone on Monday, 941212.
053506 -
053507 -
0536 -
0537 -
0538 - 1612 Lori called back
0539 - ..
053901 - She said she sent the stuff to Kevin. She has just sent it
053902 - again. Lori plans to have comments on the notes issued today, on
053903 - Monday.
053904 -
053905 - Received the list of attendees, but as usual I cannot read it. Got
053906 - Ed Hills notes on job status; they are skimpy as Lori said.
053907 -
053908 -
053909 -
053910 -
0540 -
CDWR Aquaduct
Controls, Scope, General
Engineering, SLO Hydro Plant
Transfer Trip
Control Room
CDWR & PG&E plan change in SLO Hydro work
CDWR Hydro Plant X-fer Trip
SLO Hydro Interconnection
1112 -
111201 - ..
111202 - Transfer Trip System May Not be Needed
111203 -
111204 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000 127.
111205 -
111206 - Jivat mentioned he has inquired about this and feels there may be a
111207 - way to avoid using the Transfer Trip for providing temporary power
111208 - to valves on the pipeline at SLO Hydro location.
111209 -
111210 - [On 941213 mentioned to Kevin Coffee. ref SDS 8 QU4K
111211 -
111212 -
111213 -
111214 -
111215 -
111216 -
111217 -
111218 -
111219 -
111220 -
111221 -
111222 -
111223 -
111224 -
111225 -
111226 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"