440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 29, 1994 02:39 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Investigate meeting on plant testing procedures with CDWR.
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0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group
Policy & Procedures
Engineering and Construction, General
Energize & Testing Procedures
940922 Meeting CDWR in Sacramento on
Interface with CDWR Activities
941207 Site Visit
Excess Spoil from Pipeline
Meet in Nov 1994 re planning energizing and
1210 - ..
1211 - Summary/Objective
1212 -
121201 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 64. Bill indicated yesterday this
121202 - meeting has not been set because Lonnie Essage cannot meet at the
121203 - CDWR site.
121204 -
121205 - Today, when he indicated that he and Tom Markey will visit the site on
121206 - 941207, ref SDS 5 line 64. I suggested he try to stop by and visit
121207 - with the project staff. Undoubtedly Randy McBride who visited with us
121208 - at the Polonio Pass pumping plant has advised Bob Grotheer and others
121209 - about our discussion, per ref SDS 3 line 103. This background should
121210 - provide enough basis for Bill and Tom to just stop in and get the CDWR
121211 - people comfortable with PG&E people visiting. They might see the
121212 - project schedule, and page through the project contracts, to see if
121213 - CDWR is reporting the same progress we are showing in our CPM
121214 - schedule. They can visit about excess spoil; coordination between
121215 - PG&E construction operations and CDWR's other contractors. If there
121216 - are any questions, they can drive over to look at specific conditions
121217 - to figure out work arounds, etc.
121218 -
121219 - Bill said he will do this. Actually, they may not have time to do
121220 - this, if they are going to visit the entire project.
121221 -
121222 - [This was followed up with Kevin at ref SDS 6 line 101; turned
121223 - out later they plan to fly down, so maybe they will have time.]
121224 -
121225 - It will be interesting for them to observe at Polonio Pass if the
121226 - contractor has made any more concrete pours. Are any of the walls
121227 - poured? How much formwork is in place, relative to our site visit 2
121228 - weeks ago, ref SDS 3 line 147.
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121232 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"