440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 21, 1994 11:03 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Bill on SDS budget.
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0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group
0202 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020201 - Mr. Christopher A. Snyder,P.E., PMP
020202 - Director, Project Management, Room 1161B-V11C =415 973 7639
020203 - Project Management Group
Budget for Other Projects
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 60. Visited in general with Bill
060602 - in the morning and set meeting for next week with Mike on deciding
060603 - level of SDS support. Bill and I met with Chris later in the
060604 - afternoon, and he requested a meeting tomorrow on Welch situation.
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0609 - Discussion
0610 -
061001 - Bill feels there is not a major problem in increasing Welch budget
061002 - with respect to allocating to particular projects. He wants to meet
061003 - with Mike next week on this. He feels the support I am providing is
061004 - very helpful to PG&E and should be continued.
061005 -
061006 - Submitted analysis at ref SDS 5 line 60.
061007 -
061008 - I actually seem to have made an error in computing the budget
061009 - balance. We are really near to being out of budget. So I need to
061010 - let Bill know now.
061011 -
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0613 - 1533 discussion with Bill and Chris
0614 -
061401 - I met with Bill after talking to him and Buck re Gold Hill project.
061402 -
061403 - Before we had an opportunity to address this matter, Chris stopped by
061404 - and said he wants to meet with Bill tomorrow on the status of SDS
061405 - training. He feels we have to pick a new person to do this. They
061406 - feel Cynthia's pregnancy and consequent need for medical time will
061407 - make it impractical for her to learn SDS over the near term in order
061408 - to support Mike with SDS. Chris said Mike does not have an assigned
061409 - analyst yet.
061410 -
061411 - Bill said I have been providing support for the Sierra contract, and
061412 - that Pam and Glenn have found this very helpful.
061413 -
061414 - Chris said we need to get someone to learn SDS in order to provide
061415 - this support for Mike. He indicated this is a difficult time to
061416 - select someone for this, because of the changes occuring in the
061417 - organization.
061418 -
061419 - We need to meet tomorrow on it.
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061423 -
0615 -
0616 -
0617 - 1707 discusison with Bill
0618 -
061801 - He feels the main issue is how to transplant SDS training to another
061802 - PG&E employee. Bill will give some thought to which Analyst should
061803 - get this assignment. We need to recommend to Chris that Welch and
061804 - the new analyst spend at least 2 hours a day in training for a month.
061805 -
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