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1...It might be helpful for Jeff to visit the site with Kevin
0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group
0202 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020201 - Mr. Michael R. Emery
020202 - Project Manager, Room 1175B-V11C =415 973 4322 pager 807 3283
020203 - Project Management Group
0203 - CDWR Shandon Field Office 805 237 2809 fax 2756
020301 - Mr. Randy McBride; Supervisor =805 237 2809
020302 - Electrical Construction =Telephone/fax
Interface with CDWR Activities
Scope, General, Energize & Test
Line Protection Equipment, Section 6.2
Schedule, Obtain Lease Lines, by CDWR
Examine Site
Pumping Plants
Emory, Mike Replace Bill DeHart
Emory, Mike Inspect CDWR Project Site Orientation Meet Project Staff
2010 - ..
2011 - Summary/Objective
2012 -
201201 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000.
201202 -
201203 - Visited site to familiarize Mike with the project site, and to see the
201204 - status of the work in order to schedule interface of PG&E's work with
201205 - CDWR's activities.
201206 -
201207 - This supports the pending meeting with CDWR in a few weeks with Lonnie
201208 - Essage, which was schedule during a meeting with CDWR on 941103.
201209 - ref SDS 14 6H5G
201210 -
201211 - [On 941130 Tom Marki assigned to CDWR project, because Mike
201212 - Emroy retired. ref SDS 16 9889
201213 -
201214 -
201215 -
2013 -
2014 -
2015 - Project Review
2016 -
201601 - We initially met at Tesla Substation near the Patterson turn-off on I
201602 - 5, at 0630. Drove together in Mike's car to Polonio Pass pumping
201603 - plant; parked at the entrance near the road so as not to obstruct
201604 - traffic.
201605 -
201606 - Bill pointed out the staking for the route of the proposed PG&E
201607 - transmission line.
201608 -
201609 - We could see the boom of a stiff arm rubber tired crane, projecting
201610 - from the excavation for the plant foundation. A pickup truck leaving
201611 - the site, stopped and Randy McBride introduced himself.
201612 -
201613 - Randy is the Electrical Construction Supervisor for CDWR oversee-
201614 - ing the contractors work. He is a former contractor, who has been
201615 - with CDWR about 5 years.
201616 -
201617 - Returned to Tesla about 2030; arrived in SF oa 2130.
201618 -
201619 -
201620 - Location of Switchyard
201621 -
201622 - Mike asked about the location of the switchyard. Randy used his set
201623 - of contract project drawings to show this relative to the plant and
201624 - the access road where we were standing.
201625 -
201626 - Randy invited us drive up the access road to observe the plant under
201627 - construction. We followed him in his truck.
201628 -
201629 -
201630 - Contracting Method
201631 -
201632 - Randy said there is one contractor for the tanks and all three pumping
201633 - plants. He is balancing his crews, equipment and materials between
201634 - these projects.
201635 -
201636 - Formwork
201637 -
201638 - We saw formwork in place and laying on the bank of the excavation.
201639 - Randy said the contractor plans to build a single set of formwork,
201640 - and use it on the other two plants.
201641 -
201642 -
201643 - Schedule - CPM
201644 -
201645 - Randy did not have a contractor schedule with him at the site. He
201646 - indicated the contractor is submitting monthly schedule updates. This
201647 - is a typical requirement on a public works contract.
201648 -
201649 -
201650 - Status of the Work
201651 -
201652 - There appeared to be 10 to 12 men at work. Most of the work
201653 - seemed to be directed at installing reinforcing steel. Did not
201654 - see any work on setting forms.
201655 -
201656 - The foundation was poured; the center wall had forms on one side
201657 - about halfway along the entire length of the structure, and
201658 - perhaps as high as the first of two lifts. Seemed like there may
201659 - have been some forms erected on the far (North or East) wall, but
201660 - there were no forms on the wall closest to where we were standing
201661 - on the South or West bank. Forms were assembled and laying on the
201662 - far bank, ready to be set in place.
201663 -
201664 - There was a pipe manifold set in place, running the length of the
201665 - structure. There seemed to be temporary visqueen structures to
201666 - protect welding operations from the weather.
201667 -
201668 -
201669 - Estimated Completion
201670 -
201671 - Randy said work began on the Polonio Pass pumping plant in June,
201672 - 1994, about 5 months after the Notice to Proceed date show in
201673 - CDWR's Design and Construction Schedule dated 940811 for task #8,
201674 - ref DRP 2 line 21. He expects the contractor will complete this
201675 - task at Polonio Pass in February, 1995. This would mean the
201676 - actual duration of task #8 would be approximately 9 months,
201677 - instead of approximately 16 months shown in CDWR's schedule.
201678 -
201679 - Randy said work at Devils Den has progressed to completion of the
201680 - foundation. Work at Bluestone has the below grade grounding mat
201681 - installed. He expects Devils Den to complete a few months after
201682 - Polonio Pass, and that Bluestone will complete a few months after
201683 - Devils Den.
201684 -
201685 - We later drove to Devils Den and Bluestone and found
201686 - conditions approximately as reported by Randy.
201687 -
201688 - There were 4 - 8 men working at Devils Den; there were no
201689 - workmen at Bluestone when we inspected it at approximately
201690 - 1430.
201691 -
201692 -
201693 - Without seeing the plans or the contractor's schedule, it appeared
201694 - it would be at least a week before the contractor is ready to make
201695 - a pour. With the holidays, this might not occur until last week
201696 - of November. Seems like there could be about 12 pours to complete
201697 - task #8. Then it has to be backfilled, and the switchyard needs
201698 - to be graded, and the foundations constructed under task #8
201699 - (according to Randy). Allowing a week per pour, this would be
201700 - about 3 months, which is consistent with Randy's sense of expected
201701 - completion at the end of February 1995.
201702 -
201703 - There might be another month or so of work after the concrete is
201704 - poured, for the concrete to cure and backfill can be completed.
201705 - Typically, the project manager can find a way to get the next
201706 - contractor started, which would be CDWR's task #9.
201707 -
201708 - So it appears the actual progress of this part of the work, may be
201709 - about as shown in CDWR's schedule, barring significant weather and
201710 - contractor difficulties, including claims.
201711 -
201712 -
201713 - Delay Damages
201714 -
201715 - Randy understands that CDWR has a $60K per day liquidated damages
201716 - penalty with the Water District, if it does not begin pumping water
201717 - by the completion date of the project.
201718 -
201719 - The contractor is subject to liquidated damages, but Randy understands
201720 - that its damages are less than the $60K. In any case there is an
201721 - incentive for everyone to complete on time.
201722 -
201723 -
201724 - Weather
201725 -
201726 - Randy said the weather has slowed the contractor's progress. The soil
201727 - quickly becomes difficult to work, when it gets wet.
201728 -
201729 -
201730 - Environmental Constraints
201731 -
201732 - Randy said issues have arisen in connection with dewatering the
201733 - accumulated water from rain. (It was not raining while we were at
201734 - the site, but it rained shortly before and on the trip back) The
201735 - contractor is pumping it from temporary the sump holes, so the
201736 - work can be performed. Randy indicated that environmental monitors
201737 - have objected that the pumped water impairs the environment.
201738 -
201739 - It is not clear that this matter is delaying the work.
201740 -
201741 -
201742 - Contractor Staffing
201743 -
201744 - Some of the contractor's forces were formerly employed by another
201745 - contractor who was bought out or by some other means came to be
201746 - employed by CDWR's contractor. Randy indicated these transplanted
201747 - contractor employees are less productive, professional and or
201748 - cooperative than the contracor's other employees.
201749 -
201750 -
201751 - November Meeting on Energize & Test
201752 -
201753 - Bill advised Randy of the meeting to be held at CDWR's project offices
201754 - at the site, with Lonnie Essage and Bob Grotheer, per ref SDS 14 line
201755 - 191.
201756 -
201757 - Randy said he has worked previously with Lonnie Essage, and that he
201758 - will be reporting to Lonnie when he is assigned to the project in a
201759 - month or so.
201760 -
201761 -
201762 -
201763 -
201764 -
2018 -
Pipeline Reach No. 1, by CDWR
Environmental Protection
Examine Site
CDWR Restore Final Grades
Excess Spoil from Pipeline
2608 -
260801 - We picked up Jeff at Devils Den. He guided us along the pipeline
260802 - route to Polonio Pass pumping plant.
260803 -
260804 - Lizard Fence
260805 -
260806 - We observed a lot of gaps in the lizard fence. Many of these
260807 - gaps occur at breaks in the ground for drainage. The terrain is
260808 - low rolling hills, and so there a lot of places where adjacent
260809 - hills meet that comprise drainage swales.
260810 -
260811 - There are also a lot of breaks in the continuity of the fence for
260812 - project end points such as at roads and new features of the
260813 - work.
260814 -
260815 -
260816 - We saw a backhoe that seemed to be backfilling the pipe. Did not see
260817 - any pipe excavation and pipelaying operations.
260818 -
260819 - Saw what seemed to be a gap of approximately 1 mile in the installed
260820 - pipe, from Bill's understanding of progress on his last visit,
260821 - ref SDS 8 line 84.
260822 -
260823 - Jeff estimates the pipeline construction will not be complete
260824 - according to CDWR's schedule. He has been observing progress, and
260825 - based on reports at the meeting with CDWR on 941005, per ref SDS 5
260826 - line 235.
260827 -
260828 -
260829 - Restoring Grades
260830 -
260831 - We observed considerable spoil along the route of PG&E's transmission
260832 - line. Jeff pointed out specific locations of PG&E poles, and there
260833 - appeared to be from 4 to 12 feet of excavated spoil, as reported by
260834 - Bob Masuoka, at ref SDS 2 line 157, and discussed with Lori at
260835 - ref SDS 3 line 195.
260836 -
260837 - This needs to be considered with CDWR at the meeting in November.
260838 -
260839 - It might be helpful for Jeff to visit the site with Kevin
260840 - Winthrow or someone of comparable credentials, and then write a
260841 - letter to the Project Manager setting out an estimate of cost
260842 - that will be incurred if PG&E is required to construct the work
260843 - with spoil remaining under current conditions.
260844 -
260845 - This can be used to diablog with CDWR about the advantages of
260846 - dealing with this matter through its contractor.
260847 -
260848 -
260849 -
260850 -
260851 -
260852 -
260853 -
260854 -
260855 -
260856 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"