440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 10, 1994 10:31 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received research on POIMS book.


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0201 - Peter J. Wasilko, Law Offices      914 941 5705 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Peter J. Wasilko, Esq. JD, LL M

SDS Marketing, Advertising
New World Order needs old time "religion"
POIMS, the Art of Automated Management for
Educational Institutions
Book (uses manual language)

0808 -    ..
0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - Followed up work at ref SDS 25 line 69.  Received ref DRT 1 line 30
081002 - from Peter.
081003 -
081004 - I did not see this until I returned about 2230, from the meeting in
081005 - Sacramento with SMUD, ref SDS 26 line 89.
081006 -
081007 - This morning, I called Peter about the status of this. He mailed it
081008 - last Friday, so should get it today or tomorrow.
081009 -
081010 -
081011 -
081012 -
0811 -
0812 -
0813 - Analysis
0814 -
081401 - Peter has made a significant effort.  Apart from quibbles on style
081402 - (e.g., "Information Highway" and "New World Order..., are trite, mis-
081403 - used, bluster), there is an understandable disconnect between Peter's
081404 - experience and the claims of new solutions set out in POIMS.  Since
081405 - he has not seen nor worked with SDS, it is a reach to grasp notions
081406 - like "converting information into knowledge" through the POIMS "man-
081407 - agement cycle," increasing the ability to think, remember and com-
081408 - municate," etc.  He seems to recognize in his transmittal letter that
081409 - these ideas can only be fully substantiated as people gain experience
081410 - in their application, DRT 1 line 39.  He seems to find the article on
081411 - POIMS shows a good grasp of the dynamics of current managment prac-
081412 - tice, even though my solutions are explained inadequately.
081413 -
081414 - Peter's references to other sources which he feels apply various
081415 - POIMS concepts and capability, would be easier to follow if language
081416 - from those sources was set out and some narrative developed to relate
081417 - such sources to POIMS, as is done for example in the review of Peter
081418 - Drucker at ref SDS 4 line 98, Tom Davenport's HBR article on IT at
081419 - ref SDS 5 line 195, or Steven Covey's work at ref SDS 1 line 154.
081420 -
081421 - I'll send some material along to see if Peter can address this
081422 - perspective.
081423 -
081424 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"