440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 7, 1994 09:08 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Wilma re comm system for CDWR transfer trip.
...Sequence of Construction
2...Schedule Coordination
3...Energize & Test Planning Meeting
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0201 - CDWR, Div Op. & Maint. Telephone; fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Wilma Ordiz; =916 653 8830; Telecom
Central Coast Aquaduct, PG&E
Controls, Schedule, SLO Substation, Transfer Trip
Obtain Lease Lines, by CDWR
CDWR submit com design to PG&E
Energize & Test
Schedule File: 941006
Interface with CDWR Activities
CDWR Schedule
1010 - ..
1011 - Summary/Objective
1012 -
101201 - Followed up work at ref SDS 11 0000.
101202 -
101203 - Wilma indicated CDWR needs information from PG&E to design the
101204 - transfer trip com system. She will determine the status, and advise
101205 - when the CDWR's design is expected to be submitted to PG&E. She will
101206 - coordinate with Lori Brown on attending the meeting with Lonnie Essage
101207 - on project interface and scheduling.
101208 -
101209 - [Followed up at ref SDS 13 line 56.]
101210 -
1013 -
1014 -
1015 - Discussion
1016 -
101601 - What were the results of the scheduling meeting Wilma had on Oct 26,
101602 - per ref DIP 5 line 30, and ref SDS 8 line 136.
101603 -
101604 - Wilma said the schedule she received from Lori is dated 941006, in
101605 - the lower left corner. This is the same schedule I am using dated
101606 - 941102.
101607 -
101608 - She has reviewed PG&E's schedule with CDWR staff. They feel the
101609 - date of 950302 to complete the Lease Line for the SLO Transfer
101610 - Trip, is incorrect.
101611 -
101612 - Wilma advised that the lease line cannot be constructed until
101613 - the control building is constructed to the point that certain
101614 - features are available, per our discussion at ref SDS 8 line
101615 - 111.
101616 -
101617 -
101618 - Wilma feels the CDWR staff who have provided scheduling information
101619 - to her on this matter, do not have enough information about the SLO
101620 - Hydro plant at this time to identify the scope and schedule matters
101621 - needed to correct PG&E's schedule.
101622 -
101623 - We considered PG&E's schedule showing CDWR's task #24, which is
101624 - (GD3G) Power Circuit Breakers & Switchyard Equipment, is scheduled
101625 - to be complete on or about 960102. Wilma said this indicates that
101626 - the control facilities needed to install the communication lines,
101627 - will not be available until on or about 960102. She feels there is
101628 - not enough information to support PG&E's proposed completion date
101629 - for CDWR to Construct Space for Comm. Control Area (task GH0D5D) by
101630 - 950811. Her understanding is that the Control building will be
101631 - constructed some time in 1996.
101632 -
101633 -
101634 - Sequence of Construction
101635 -
101636 - We did not discuss if it makes any difference whether the Comm line
101637 - is constructed ahead, concurrent or after PG&E does task GH0D7D
101638 - Installation of the Transfer Trip equipment. This should be
101639 - considered by CDWR, the Comm Line installation contractor, PG&E
101640 - Engineering and Construction management.
101641 -
101642 - If CDWR installs transfer equipment at SLO Hydro Plant, then this
101643 - entire coordination matter becomes moot, per ref SDS 3 line 77.
101644 - PG&E need merely modify the relays in the SLO and Santa Maria sub-
101645 - stations. This work would be independent from CDWR's construction
101646 - operations at the SLO Hydro Plant.
101647 -
101648 -
101649 - ..
101650 - Schedule Coordination
101651 - Energize & Test Planning Meeting
101652 -
101653 - I advised Wilma of the pending meeting with Lonnie Essage and Bob
101654 - Grotheer, with PG&E at the project site in a few weeks, which is
101655 - being coordinated with Lori Brown. This meeting needs to coordinate
101656 - not only Energize and Test, but also the coordination between CDWR
101657 - and PG&E on constructing within and connecting to CDWR facilities,
101658 - since that will be necessary in order to perform Energize and
101659 - Testing.
101660 -
101661 - Wilma will discuss with Lori and Debbie about attending this meeting.
101662 -
101663 -
101664 -
1017 -
Obtain Lease Lines, by CDWR
CDWR obtain Pac Bell schedule to install
CDWR submit com design to PG&E
Transfer Trip
1408 -
140801 - I asked when does CDWR expect to submit its Comm drawings to PG&E,
140802 - which was anticipated to be available oa 941015, ref SDS 1 line 271
140803 - (Action Item 4, ref SDS 1 line 96).
140804 -
140805 - Wilma said Debbie has been coordinating with Tony Gonsalves to
140806 - obtain information CDWR needs to complete its design.
140807 -
140808 - She will discuss this with Debbie and advise if Debbie has all or
140809 - the enough of information they need to proceed, or if they have
140810 - enough information to estimate the date of completing the design of
140811 - the Telecommunication system in sufficient degree that it can be
140812 - submitted to PG&E for review.
140813 -
140814 - Wilma will call back later today to advise the results.
140815 -
140816 - Our general plan is that if CDWR is waiting on information from PG&E
140817 - in order to proceed with its design, then the information needed
140818 - should be set out in writing to the appropriate PG&E engineer with an
140819 - indication of when the information is expected to be provided, and a
140820 - copy of the understanding should be sent to PG&E's project manager,
140821 - Bill DeHart.
140822 -
140823 -
140824 -
140825 -
140826 -
1409 -
1410 -
1411 - 0826 Wilma called back
1412 -
141201 -
141202 -
141203 -
141204 -
141205 -
141206 -
141207 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"