440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 4, 1994 03:03 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Prepare notes of meeting with CDWR in Sacramento on Induction Study.
2...Cholame 70kV Line Impact
3...Location of New Line
4...Risk of Fault
5...Risk analysis by CDWR
6...Pipecoating Integrity
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PG&E submit induction study
941103 CDWR Induction Study meeting
Notes & Follow Up
Safety (Touch Voltage)
Design of TL route
0707 - ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 2 line 83. Began review of Induction
070902 - Study and preparation of notes and follow up.
070903 -
070904 - [Followed up at ref SDS 3 line 112.]
070905 -
070906 - Need copy of Maria's study report on a disk.
070907 -
070908 - There appears to be a conflict between PG&E's objective to only
070909 - disclose results of analysis so CDWR can determine mitigation they
070910 - feel is warranted, and the statement in the study on page 1 para 1.1,
070911 - that PG&E will:
070912 -
070913 - Under steady state conditions... ...recommend mitigation if
070914 - necessary for personnel safety.
070915 -
070916 - Under fault conditions... recommend mitigation if necessary
070917 - for personnel safety.
070918 -
070919 -
070920 - Since PG&E says it will do this, if it does not do so, then this
070921 - part of the record could be viewed later in an unfavorable light.
070922 -
070923 -
070924 - Three options emerge:
070925 -
070926 - 1. Make no further submission so the draft document remains in
070927 - the record with current mitigation comments.
070928 -
070929 - 2. Submit a report that does not say "DRAFT", and which omits any
070930 - discussion of mitigation, since that is outside the scope of
070931 - the study. Transmit study via a cover letter that states it
070932 - applies the understandings from the review meeting.
070933 -
070934 - Put in review meeting notes the discussion that mitigation is
070935 - predicated on the particular project location, design, scope
070936 - and use parameters relative to risk management evaluation.
070937 - PG&E's draft study discussion on mitigation did not recognize
070938 - the differences between PG&E's experience and the particulars
070939 - of the Coastal Branch Aqueduct Phase II project, as brought
070940 - out in the discussion with CDWR at the meeting.
070941 -
070942 - We can say that PG&E will assist CDWR in further evaluations,
070943 - or CDWR can contract separately to address specific project
070944 - issues.
070945 -
070946 - 3. Submit a "Final" study report that sets out the points con-
070947 - sidered at the meeting. State that PG&E makes no recommenda-
070948 - tions on mitigation since this is a CDWR responsibility.
070949 -
070950 -
070951 -
070952 - I recommend option 2.
070953 -
070954 -
070955 -
070956 - Cholame 70kV Line Impact
070957 -
070958 - It is not clear from the study that the analysis includes current
070959 - from the existing Cholame line which appears to be closer to the
070960 - pipeline than does the new transmission line.
070961 -
070962 - The drawing on page 3 (figure 2.1) seems to indicate that the
070963 - existing line varies from 50 to 95 feet for about half the
070964 - distance of the line, from Blue Stone to near Polonio Pass
070965 - pumping plants. It crosses the pipeline once near Blue Stone.
070966 -
070967 -
070968 - Actually, it appears the Chalome line is included as shown on page 5
070969 - under para 3.3 and further on page 7 under para 4.1 and figure 4.1.
070970 -
070971 - Figure 4.2 on page 8 seems to show considerably more induced current
070972 - from Blue Stone to near Polonio Pass pumping plants. This is the
070973 - portion of the pipeline where the Cholame line and the new Transmis-
070974 - sion line both parallel the pipeline.
070975 -
070976 -
070977 -
070978 - Location of New Line
070979 -
070980 - The Study shows new transmission line appears to vary from a
070981 - "minimum" of 60 to 82 feet (see also figure 3.1 on page 5). It
070982 - crosses the pipeline 5 times.
070983 -
070984 - Note
070985 - ----
070986 - The 60' minimum distance in figure 3.1 seems to conflict with
070987 - prior information from Bob Masuoka that the minimum distance of
070988 - the new transmission line is 50 feet, ref SDS 1 line 460.
070989 -
070990 - [Research on 941107 indicates 60' minimum is correct, per ref
070991 - SDS 3 line 80.]
070992 -
070993 - Since there appears to be some flexibility in the precise location of
070994 - the new line, is there any advantage with respect to reducing the
070995 - potential harm of a fault by moving the line another 10 or 15 feet
070996 - from the pipeline? If it would substantially reduce the level of
070997 - risk from a fault, to what extent is this possible without major
070998 - re-engineering and additional cost and/or delay?
070999 -
071000 -
071001 -
071002 - Risk of Fault
071003 -
071004 - There does not appear to be any quantification of the likelihood of a
071005 - fault which would seem to be a consideration of risk management, i.e.
071006 - the kinds and level of mitigation needed.
071007 -
071008 - For example, if the risk is 10% chance of a fault per year, which
071009 - means that a fault will occur once every 10 years, this is a
071010 - greater risk than a 1% chance which is once every 100 years or
071011 - .1%, once every 1,000 years. Is the risk doubled for the portion
071012 - of the pipeline where there are two transmission lines? In that
071013 - case a 10% chance goes to 20%, and this can make a considerable
071014 - difference in the need for affirmative remedial measures.
071015 -
071016 - Is there any history of faults for the Chalome line? How long
071017 - has it been installed? Is the new line being constructed to the
071018 - same standard? Will maintenance on the new line be performed at
071019 - the same level?
071020 -
071021 - Can new maintenance procedures reduce the risk of past faults?
071022 -
071023 -
071024 -
071025 - Risk analysis by CDWR
071026 -
071027 - The rest of risk analysis must then be performed by CDWR based on the
071028 - particular design and use of its facilities. How often and under
071029 - what circumstance will people come in contact with the portions of
071030 - the work susceptible to intolerable touch potentials? What has been
071031 - the history of people being injured by touch potential on pipelines
071032 - adjacent to electrical transmission lines?
071033 -
071034 -
071035 -
071036 - Pipecoating Integrity
071037 -
071038 - Once CDWR is aware of potential induction valuations and the likeli-
071039 - hood of same under fault conditions, it would seem this matter is
071040 - entirely a design matter for CDWR, particularly in light of CDWR's
071041 - concern about cathodic protection. PG&E can only provide information
071042 - from its own experience, which in this case appears to not apply to
071043 - the design of CDWR's project, as noted by Steve Burke in the meeting
071044 - with CDWR at ref SDS 2 line 114.
071045 -
071046 - PG&E can commission separate studies on this matter, however, it is
071047 - likely cheaper for CDWR to undertake such steps directly.
071048 -
071049 -
071050 -
071051 -
071052 -