440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 31, 1994 03:00 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Maria re status of Induction Study.


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0201 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering         415 973 3877 fax 9209
020101 - Ms. Maria P. Ly, E.E.; =415 973 0399
0202 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering         415 973 3877 fax 9209
020201 - Mr. Gregory J. Chang
020202 - Programer Analyst; Rm 530B, Mail Code F5C =415 973 4314
0203 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys        415 973 6778 fax 8426
020301 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020302 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020303 - Project Management Group
0204 - PG&E Transm Contracts              415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020401 - Mr. Kevin Coffee, E.E.
020402 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
020403 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0205 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys        415 973 6778 fax 8426
020501 - Mr. Michael R. Emery
020502 - Project Manager, Room 1175B-V11C =415 973 4322 pager 807 3283
020503 - Project Management Group

PG&E submit induction study
Mitigation (Grounding System)

1004 -    ..
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 17 line 70.  I did not participate in
100602 - this meeting.  Bill entered following notes during his training
100603 - session today.
100604 -
100605 - Reviewed final package that will be presented to CDWR on 941103. We
100606 - decided to mark the package "preliminary" to allow CDWR input
100607 - following their review.  We also agreed not to include a mitigation
100608 - recommendation with the study but rather indicate some of the steps
100609 - PG&E has taken on other projects with similar circumstances.
100610 -
100611 -
100612 -
100613 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"