440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 28, 1994 06:35 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Review and follow up pending action items on CDWR.


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0201 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs.         415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Robert Masuoka
020102 - Senior Land Project Analyst Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273

Arco - Polonio Pass 70 KV Transmission Line
San Luis Obispo 115 KV Tie Line
Casmalia 115 KV Tie Line
Environmental Documentation, DWR
Cultural Resources
Biological Survey, Arco - DD PP
Fish & Game Amended Opinion on PG&E

1609 -    ..
1610 - Summary/Objective
1611 -
161101 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 48.
161102 -
161103 - Status of preparing letter on constrcution practices, ref SDS 6 line
161104 - 87.
161105 -
161106 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to Bob transmitting extracted record at
161107 - ref SDS 6 line 52.
161108 -
161109 -
161110 -
161111 -
1612 -
1613 -
1614 - 0940 Bob called back
1615 -
161501 -
161502 -
161503 -
161504 -
161505 -
161506 -
1616 -

Action Items
PG&E submit environmental information by
Biological & Cultural Survey, Tie Line
Biological & Cultural Survey, Distribution
Amend EIR, by CDWR
Coordination wtih other Contracts, Distribution System

2609 - Summary/Objective
2610 -
261001 - Need court order to get access to complete cultural resources report
261002 - so CDWR can get amended EIR, so PG&E can construct the work, per ref
261003 - SDS 6 line 133.
261004 -
261005 - Sent ref DIT 1 line 30 on this to Bob.
261006 -
261007 -
261008 -
261009 -
2611 -
2612 -
2613 - 1012 Bob called back
2614 -
261401 -
261402 -
261403 -

Remedial Action Scheme (RAS)
GO 131-D

2905 - Summary/Objective
2906 -
290601 - Posted the information Bill gave me yesterday at ref SDS 5 line 61.
290602 -
290603 - Decided to send Bill notes of analysis, to see if my understandings
290604 - of the stuff is correct.
290605 -
290606 - Submitted ref DIT 2 line 30 to Bill.
290607 -
290608 -
290609 -
290610 -
2907 -
2908 -
2909 - 1149 Bill called back
2910 -
291001 - Bill send EM that my understanding is correct.  EMF is part of RAS,
291002 - and that PG&E need not take any action because the cost exceeds 4%
291003 - of the project budget.
291004 -
291005 -
291006 -
291007 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"