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1...Still need letter on construction practices. Possibly this is
0201 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Robert Masuoka
020102 - Senior Land Project Analyst Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273
Arco - Polonio Pass 70 KV Transmission Line
San Luis Obispo 115 KV Tie Line
Casmalia 115 KV Tie Line
Environmental Documentation, DWR
Cultural Resources
Biological Survey, Arco - DD PP
Fish & Game Amended Opinion on PG&E
1609 - ..
1610 - Summary/Objective
1611 -
161101 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 40. Received ref DRT 1 line 30
161102 - prepared by Bob Masuoka to Ed Hills at CDWR. It covers the environ-
161103 - mental reports requested by CDWR at the meeting in Sacramento on
161104 - 940818, action item 11, ref SDS 1 line 166.
161105 -
161106 -
161107 - Follow Up
161108 -
161109 - Need letter on construction practices, or decision this is not needed
161110 - per meeting in Sacramento on Aug 18, action item 9, ref SDS 1 line
161111 - 146, and at ref SDS 1 line 526.
161112 -
161113 - Need Court Order permitting access to property to complete cultural
161114 - resources report, and/or amended EIR, by CDWR.
161115 -
161116 -
161117 -
161118 -
1612 -
1613 -
1614 - Analysis
1615 -
161501 - Bob says at ref DRT 1 line 34 he is transmitting the "biological"
161502 - report (PG&E schedule tasks DD0E3, GD0E3, KD0E3) which is part of
161503 - action items 9, 10 and 11 from Aug 18 meeting (ref SDS 1 line 146).
161504 - This is the formal sumbittal of the information previously given to
161505 - CDWR at the progress meeting in Sacramento Oct 5, 1994, and has not
161506 - changed since the Oct 5 meeting.
161507 -
161508 - This seems consistent with Bob's comment at ref SDS 2 line 195,
161509 - and later at ref SDS 5 line 410, and at ref SDS 5 line 465.
161510 -
161511 - CDWR still needs to amend the Fish & Game opinion (schedule task
161512 - DD0E6) which evidently has been requested, per ref SDS 5 line 410.
161513 -
161514 - Still need letter on construction practices. Possibly this is
161515 - not really needed, but if it is someone in PG&E should be prepar-
161516 - ing it, and a review procedure is needed on Bob's concern about
161517 - impeding performance of the work, per ref SDS 5 line 414.
161518 -
161519 - Who is doing this work?
161520 -
161521 -
161522 -
1616 -
Action Items
PG&E submit environmental information by
Biological & Cultural Survey, Tie Line
Biological & Cultural Survey, Distribution
Amend EIR, by CDWR
Coordination wtih other Contracts, Distribution System
2609 - Summary/Objective
2610 -
261001 - Bob also transmits the Cultural Resources Report (PG&E Schedule task
261002 - GD0E3 and KD0E3), ref DRT 1 line 23, per understandings at ref SDS 5
261003 - line 477.
261004 -
261005 - PG&E could not submit the report for cultural resources on Tank 4 of
261006 - distribution system (which is a separate PG&E contract, as defined by
261007 - schedule task KD0E4), because PG&E has been denied entry to the
261008 - property pending a court order supplied by CDWR.
261009 -
261010 - Question
261011 -
261012 - Can CDWR complete the amended EIR, without the cultural resources
261013 - report on the property for which access is denied?
261014 -
261015 - This comes from the progress meeting on 940818, where PG&E
261016 - was to submit environmental information, so CDWR can prepare
261017 - the amended EIR, ref SDS 1 line 570. It was also discussed
261018 - in the progress meeting on 941005 where PG&E reported on
261019 - status of reports it was submitting to assist CDWR with the
261020 - EIR, at ref SDS 3 line 561.
261021 -
261022 - Can PG&E construct the work without getting the EIR amended?
261023 -
261024 - If the answer to both of these questions is no, then CDWR needs
261025 - to provide the court order giving PG&E access to complete the
261026 - cutlural resources report. PG&E's schedule ...941006 indicates
261027 - approximately 3 months float, on task GD0E6 for CDWR to obtain
261028 - the EIR permit. One month of that has been consumed, however, as
261029 - of today, 941027.
261030 -
261031 -
261032 -
261033 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"