440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 25, 1994 11:55 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Review Action Items from PG&E meeting in Los Banos.
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0201 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Senior Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655; Transmissions Systems
0202 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Robert Masuoka, P.L.S.
020202 - Senior Land Project Analyst Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273
Controls, Schedule, Start Dates, Engineering
Arco Substation, Engineering
SLO Hydro, Control & Protection
Transfer Trip System
SLO & Santa Maria Substation Relays
Construct Space for Comm. Control Area by
1608 - ..
1609 - Summary/Objective
1610 -
161001 - Following up pending matters from ref SDS 6 line 65,
161002 -
161003 - Following engineering issues seem to be outstanding from ref SDS 6
161004 - line 149
161005 -
161006 - There was no discussion on status of following information
161007 - PG&E has indicated it needs from CDWR in Jivat's meeting notes
161008 - of Aug 18, 1994:
161009 -
161010 - a. Communication switch, ref DRP 2 line 48.
161011 -
161012 - b. Analog signals for power flows or voltage signals, ref DRP
161013 - 2 line 51.
161014 -
161015 - [Jivat submitted a list of questions on substation
161016 - engineering to CDWR at the progress meeting on 941005, and
161017 - reported he is satisfied with the response from CDWR at
161018 - ref SDS 12 line 624.]
161019 -
161020 - 2. PG&E indicated in the meeting in Sacramento on 940818 that CDWR
161021 - should submit the design of the Control Room for the Transfer
161022 - Trip equipment, ref SDS 4 line 719.
161023 -
161024 - [This was determined at the progress meeting in Sacramento
161025 - on 941005, per ref SDS 12 line 624.]
161026 -
161027 -
161028 - 3. Action Items 5 and 6 from meeting in Stockton on 940901 have
161029 - been performed, ref SDS 1 line 93 and ref SDS 1 line 99, and at
161030 - ref SDS 1 line 235.
161031 -
161032 - There was no discussion of pending Action Items CDWR is to per-
161033 - form from meeting in Stockton, which are not due for completion
161034 - until the middle of next month.
161035 -
161036 - 3. CDWR will obtain schedule from Pac Bell for installing
161037 - lease lines.
161038 -
161039 - 4. CDWR will submit com system design drawings, to PG&E
161040 - next month [PG&E proposes Oct 15, 1994], for PG&E's
161041 - comments.
161042 -
161043 - [This was followed up at ref SDS 14 line 71.]
161044 -
161045 -
161046 -
161047 -
1611 -
SLO Hydro, Control & Protection
Transfer Trip System
Communications, Lease Lines
1906 - Summary/Objective
1907 -
190701 - Has Telecom been notified about transfer trip requirements, per ref
190702 - SDS 6 line 301.
190703 -
190704 -
190705 -
190706 -
190707 -
1908 -
Energize & Testing Procedures
2504 - Summary/Objective
2505 -
250501 - Has Walter Stephens (PG&E Testing Supervisor in South Area) been
250502 - consulted about sequence of energization and testing the lines and
250503 - relay equipment, per ref SDS 6 line 361.
250504 -
250505 -
250506 -
250507 -
250508 -
250509 -
250510 -
250511 -
250512 -
2506 -
Transmission Line Engineering
3205 - Discussion
3206 -
320601 - What is status of engineering on Arco - Polonio Pass transmission
320602 - line, per ref SDS 6 line 413?
320603 -
320604 - Bill said he visited the engineering group in Fresno last week and
320605 - found that the engineering is basically complete.
320606 -
320607 -
320608 -
320609 - Carl said Julian reports engineering for SLO Hydro and Casmalia are
320610 - expected to be complete by mid-November 1994.
320611 -
320612 -
320613 -
320614 -
320615 - Do we have final drawings from CDWR, per ref SDS 6 line 431.
320616 -
320617 -
320618 -
320619 -
320620 -
320621 -
320622 -
3207 -
3208 -
Permits, Caltrans
Aqueduct crossing, CDWR
Scope, Permits
3806 - Summary/Objective
3807 -
380701 - Status of getting permit to cross aqueduct, ref SDS 6 line 572.
380702 -
380703 -
380704 -
380705 -
380706 -
380707 -
380708 -
Action Item status
PG&E letter on construction practices
PG&E submit environmental information by
940818 Meeting CDWR Sacramento, CDWR & PG&E
Environmental Protection
Permits, Fish & Game, Arco - Devils Den
4409 - Summary/Objective
4410 -
441001 - Follow up work at ref SDS 11 line 198, and also discussions at ref SDS
441002 - 13 line 411. Has Bob issued the letter?
441003 -
441004 -
441005 -
4411 -
4412 -
4413 - 1357 called Bob
4414 -
441401 - Left message for Bob to call on status.
441402 -
441403 -
441404 - [Received letter from Bob on this at ref SDS 15 line 59, but still
441405 - need letter on construction practices.]
441406 -
441407 -
4415 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"