440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 18, 1994 01:05 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Submitted follow up information to PMI conference attendees.


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PMI'94 Annual Symposium
Follow Up with Attendees
Send product information, requesting give

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Prepared letters for the follow up from the presentation yesterday.
050704 -
050705 -
050706 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Progress
0511 -
051101 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to
051102 -
051103 -                 George J. Diggens
051104 -                 Planning Supervisor
051105 -                 Power Delivery Business Unit
051106 -                 Florida Power & Light Company
051107 -                 700 Universe Blvd
051108 -                 Juno Beach, FL  44408
051109 -                 407 220 3338     home 407 694 3338
051110 -
051111 -      ...following up request at ref SDS 8 line 61.  Included notes of
051112 -      the meeting with PG&E at ref SDS 7 line 75.
051113 -
051114 -
051115 -  ..
051116 - Submitted ref DIT 2 line 30 to
051117 -
051118 -     Chun, Khung Moo, Assistant Manager
051119 -     Promat
051120 -     Korean Institute of Project
051121 -     Management & Technology
051122 -     Hanjoong Bldg 408, 87 Samsung-Dong
051123 -     Kangham-Gu, Seoul, Korea
051124 -     Tel 82 2 510 5835 7
051125 -
051126 -
051127 -
051128 -
051129 -
051130 -  ..
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 1359 Received call from Sid Richardson
0515 -
051501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 73.
051502 -
051503 - He left a message while I was in the shower, but I did not see a
051504 - message on the phone.
051505 -
051506 - He wants me to do the talk, and not demonstrate SDS.  I am not sure
051507 - what he has in mind.  He asked his boss to follow up, because he is
051508 - leaving for a business trip later today.  Sid said that if we do make
051509 - connections today, they will call me in San Francisco next week.
051510 -
051511 - Submitted ref DIT 4 line 30 transmitting the NWO paper and offering
051512 - to do the presentation in Vancouver.
051513 -
051514 -
051515 -
051516 -
051517 -
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 1529 called Sid back
0519 -
051901 - Left message for Owen per Sid's request.
051902 -
051903 -
051904 -
051905 -