440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 16, 1994 09:48 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Drove to Vancouver for PMI conference.
Click here to comment!
0201 - Denmark Associates 415 584 4567 fax 337 9280.
020101 - Mr. Robert E. Denmark, P.E.; President
0202 - Sandia National Laboratories 510 294 2569 fax 2338
020201 - Mr. John C. McMichael
020202 - Operations Department, Combustion Reseach Facility
PMI'94 Annual Symposium
Vancouver B.C., 941010
Comments on usefulness
Denmark, Bob
0607 - ..
0608 - Summary/Objective
0609 -
060901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 16 0000.
060902 -
060903 - Drove about 150 miles in 3 hours. [See record of attending Exhibit at
060904 - ref SDS 18 line 50.]
060905 -
060906 - Arrived and checked in per ref SDS 8 line 83, and the stuff from PMI
060907 - at ref SDS 12 line 73.
060908 -
060909 - Staying in room 2108. Got computer set up in hotel room.
060910 -
060911 -
060912 -
060913 -
060914 - Met Bob Denmark in the lobby (last talked to him at ref SDS 3 line
060915 - 53). He remembered the SDS demonstration in August of 1993, ref SDS 2
060916 - line 269. After a few minutes he recalled our working together at the
060917 - Asilomar conference in 1990, ref SDS 1 line 116.
060918 -
060919 - He asked about the Asilomar conference this past June. I explained
060920 - the focus on Partnering, ref SDS 5 line 45, TQM themes of "change,"
060921 - and re-engineering ref SDS 4 line 105, also ref SDS 6 line 143, and
060922 - "Murphy's Law", ref SDS 6 line 237. Advised that attendance seemed
060923 - lower than in past years.
060924 -
060925 -
060926 - Bob explained surgery the past year on his eyes. Beginning in
060927 - January or Feburary, the very day after being released from the
060928 - hospital for successful survery on his left eye, later in the
060929 - evening, his right eye suddenly had significant loss of sight due
060930 - to a detached retina. He called his doctor and was able to
060931 - schedule another appointment the next day, when after consultation,
060932 - he was given immediate surgery. However, he has had several follow
060933 - up surgeries and now has about 80% sight in the right eye.
060934 -
060935 -
060936 -
060937 -
060938 -
0610 -
Trial Installations
Sandia Labs, Livermore
0805 - ..
080501 - Millie and I met Jake briefly at the restaraunt in the Vancouver
080502 - Convention Center, after the Exhibit reception. He has received our
080503 - letter ref DIP 1 0001 issued on 941006. ref SDS 14 0001.
080504 -
080505 - Jake is attending the POIMS presentation tomorrow and plans to call
080506 - about SDS, per our understandings on 940802. ref SDS 7 9077.
080507 -
080508 - Scheduled follow up for 941031, if we don't hear from Jake in the
080509 - meantime.
080510 -
080511 - Want to try to introduce Jake to Kathleen tomorrow about the prospects
080512 - of getting admin support for applying SDS, per visit with Kathleen
080513 - this morning. ref SDS 17 6822
080514 -
080515 -
080516 -
080517 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"