440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 13, 1994 08:15 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Continued follow up on CDWR Action Items; initial distribution.
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0201 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Senior Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655; Transmissions Systems
0202 - PG&E Transm Sys Contracts 415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020201 - Mr. Kevin Coffee
020202 - Electrical Engineer, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
020203 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0203 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020301 - Mr. Robert Masuoka, P.L.S.
020302 - Senior Land Project Analyst Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273
0204 - CDWR, Div Op. & Maint. Telephone; fax or 800...
020401 - Ms. Lori Brown, E.E.
020402 - Project Manager PG&E Contract, Coastal Branch, Phase II =916 653 9849
020403 - Power Contracts =916 653 9295 fax
0205 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering 415 973 3877 fax 9209
020501 - Ms. Maria P. Ly, E.E.; =415 973 0399
Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Follow Up Action Items
Meetings: 940818 Sacramento with CDWR
Meetings: 940901 Stockton with CDWR, Communication for Transfer Trip,
Meetings: 940901 Stockton with CDWR, Pay Estimate
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 2 line 73. Got more information from
080902 - Bob Masuoka. Spell checked and submitted to Kevin for verification,
080903 - and to Bob to confirm understandings.
080904 -
080905 - Submitted notes to Bill via ref DIT 1 line 30 with copy to Bob and
080906 - Kevin. Lori called and requested a copy, and it was faxed after
080907 - approval from Bill.
080908 -
080909 - Encountered re-scheduling issue on Induction Study meeting.
080910 -
080911 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - 1328 Lori called
0813 -
081301 - She requested a copy of the notes. I explained I cannot make dis-
081302 - tribute until Bill reviews. I have a call into Bill about this.
081303 -
081304 - Lori said she has a meeting with her boss today, and would like the
081305 - notes to support her report on progress.
081306 -
081307 -
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 1337 Bill called
0817 -
081701 - Bill left a message while I was talking to Lori, that he wants to
081702 - make distribution on Monday.
081703 -
081704 - I called him back and left message that Lori would like a draft copy
081705 - to prepare for her report to her boss.
081706 -
081707 -
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 1338 called Lori
0821 -
082101 - Advised of discussions with Bill. I will be back after 1500, and can
082102 - send Lori a copy of the discussions, if Bill concurs.
082103 -
082104 -
0822 -
0823 -
0824 - 1527 Bill called back
0825 -
082501 - He agreed to release the notes of the follow up action items to Lori.
082502 -
082503 -
0826 -
0827 -
0828 - 1538 Sent Report
0829 -
082901 - Sent ref DIT 1 line 30 via fax. Called and advised Lori it is on the
082902 - way, and to call if there is a problem in transmission. She asked
082903 - how late I will be here, and I agreed to stick around until 1800.
082904 -
082905 -
082906 -
082907 -
082908 -
0830 -
Engineering, Inducation Study
PG&E submit induction study
Schedule meeting
1106 - Summary/Objective
1107 -
110701 - Bill asked me to call Maria to confirm the meeting for 941020, per ref
110702 - SDS 1 line 147.
110703 -
110704 -
1108 -
1109 -
1110 - 1534 called Maria
1111 -
111101 - She did not recall the understanding to meet next week.
111102 -
111103 - I reviewed my notes of discussion with Bill from yesterday showing he
111104 - understood that Kevin wants to meet next week, and that Maria had
111105 - proposed Thursday or Friday. Maria said she does not feel comfortable
111106 - meeting next week. She is working with Greg today on the study, and
111107 - it sounds like there is a concern about having an adequate level of
111108 - the study completed to warrant a meeting.
111109 -
111110 - She wants to meet eitehr 941027 or 941028 or the 941031.
111111 -
111112 -
111113 -
1112 -
1113 -
1114 - 1545 Called Kevin
1115 -
111501 - Left message of Bill's request for me to confirm the meeting with
111502 - Maria, and Maria's request to meet week after next, per above, and
111503 - that I will call Bill and let him know of her request, as well.
111504 -
111505 -
111506 -
111507 -
1116 -
1117 -
1118 - 1546 called Bill's voice mail
1119 -
111901 - Advised Bill of Maria's request.
111902 -
111903 -
1120 -
1121 -
1122 - 1636 Kevin called back
1123 -
112301 - He will call Maria and set a meeting time, and will call Bill to
112302 - confirm final arrangements.
112303 -
112304 -
112305 -
112306 -
112307 -
1124 -
1125 -
1126 - 1659 Kevin called back
1127 -
112701 - He has re-scheduled the meeting with Maria and Greg for next
112702 - Thursday, 941020, and has called Bill's voice mail and left a message
112703 - confirming the meeting.
112704 -
112705 -
112706 -
112707 -
112708 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"