440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 7, 1994 07:26 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Created new SDS ver for PG&E network, Bill's home computer.
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SDS Program
Configure for network s: drive
Configure for Bill's home
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 11 line 47 to apply program changes that
050702 - apply the new configuration features, so Bill can access documents on
050703 - a specified drive.
050704 -
050705 - Submitted program update to Bill via ref DIT 1 line 30. Instructions
050706 - for installation and explanations of program changes are at ref DIT 1
050707 - line 29.
050708 -
050709 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - 08151
0511 -
051101 - Used work at ref SDS 5 line 126 to revise the code for the s: drive.
051102 -
051103 - Line 640 -label loct
051104 -
051105 -
051106 -
051107 - Used work at ref SDS 6 line 132 to revise code to run on Bill's home
051108 - computer on the d: drive.
051109 -
051110 - I think that since I have already got 08151 rigged for the d:
051111 - drive, we can just call it from the Medit command line:
051112 -
051113 - CMD>@c:\sd\03\08151 <Home>
051114 -
051115 -
051116 -
051117 - Then opened new macro called by sd 03 04702 that controls where
051118 - the personal and "Other Files" are stored:
051119 -
051120 - g: sd 91 03 015
051121 -
051122 - ...and changed the "Personal" and "Other Files" dir from G: and
051123 - F: to "D" and setting the values to 68.
051124 -
051125 -
051126 - Now make an update maksu.bat for Bill's computer, called it Bill.bat
051127 - and did it by modifying:
051128 -
051129 -
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - maksu.bat
0515 -
051501 - Line 24 - just have to change the dir from 51 to 91. **
051502 -
051503 - REM
051504 - REM Update SDS Program
051505 - REM
051506 - REM Multi-user Coordination, Executive Services
051507 - REM
051508 - REM
051509 - REM format: C>maksu mmddyy filename
051510 - beep
051511 - pause
051512 - g:
051513 - REM
051514 - REM For Morris, use dir 96; For Bill, use dir 91
051515 - REM
051516 - ** cd\sd\91
051517 - REM
051518 - REM Have to do this at dir level so they will install correctly.
051519 - REM
051520 - z -P -r -a -t%1 g:\sd\54\%2 *.*
051521 - REM
051522 - REM
051523 - echo copy g: sd 54 %2,
051524 - REM
051525 - echo copy g: sd 50 insU01 a: install.bat
051526 - REM
051527 - REM copy c: sd 01 zu.exe a:
051528 - REM
051529 - c:
051530 - cd\sd\10
051531 -
051532 -
051533 - Command at DOS prompt should be:
051534 -
051535 - C>bill 081794 01
051536 -
051537 - ...because Bill's program was created at ref SDS 6 line 43.
051538 -
051539 -
051540 - ...this will create:
051541 -
051542 - G:\sd\54\
051543 -
051544 -
051545 - Which I can transfer to Bill via the network.
051546 -
051547 - Verified that the sd 91 01 files that can be changed,
051548 -
051549 -
051550 -
0516 -