440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 5, 1994 10:00 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Progress meeting with CDWR on Coastal Branch Transmission Line.
2...Follow Up
3...Aug 18, 1994 Meeting
4...Three Plants
5...Pipeline Progress
.....Schedule Notes
.....Completion Targets
6...Scope & Construction Time
..........Pipeline Reach 1 - Devils Den to Cholame Valley
......................Anticipated Project Process
7...Lizard Protection
8...Transfer Trip Design
Click here to comment!
0201 - CDWR, Div Op. & Maint. Telephone; fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Lori Brown, E.E.
020102 - Project Manager PG&E Contract, Coastal Branch, Phase II =916 653 9849
020103 - Power Contracts =916 653 9295 fax
020104 - Mr. Dan Herdocia; =916 653 9677; Power Contracts =916 653 9295 fax
020105 - Mr. Ed Hills; =916 653 8374; Planning Division
020106 - Mr. Bob Goad; =916 653 8136; Electrical Design
020107 - Mr. Om Lakhotia; =916 653 3313; Electrical Design
020108 - Mr. Bob McDougall; =916 653 8316; Electrical Design
020109 - Mr. Rajendra Dave; Associate Electrical Engineer =916 653 6712
020110 - Electrical Design
020111 - Mr. Khalil Jafarnejad; Associate Electrical Engineer =916 653 6757
020112 - Electrical Design
020113 - Mr. Gerry Weldon; Cadastral Surveys =916 657 5224
020114 - Land & Right of Way Division
020115 - Mr. Mike Rumsey; Cadastral Surveys =916 653 6662
020116 - Land & Right of Way Division
020117 - Mr. Alan Davis; Senior Land Agent =916 653 5712
020118 - Land & Right of Way Division
020119 - Ms. Linda Lundblad; Right of Way Agent =916 653 8523
020120 - Land & Right of Way Division
020121 - Mr. Richard Latteri; Chief of Power Allocation Section =916 653 1087
020122 - O & M Comm Br
020123 - Mr. Roman Dalton; =805 858 2211; O & M Comm Br
020124 - Mr. Don Tribble; =916 653 1292; Plant Operations
020125 - Mr. Richard Oravetz; Associate Engineer =916 653 1310; Plant Operations
020126 - Ms. Diana Cobleigh; =916 654 0707; Telecom
020127 - Ms. Donna Cotter; Communication Engineer =916 653 8033; Telecom
0202 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020201 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020202 - Senior Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655; Transmissions Systems
0203 - PG&E Transm Sys Contracts 415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020301 - Mr. Kevin Coffee, E.E.
020302 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
0204 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering 415 973 3877 fax 9209
020401 - Mr. Jivat Gidvani, E.E.; Engineer; Rm 580, Mail Code F5C =415 973 3877
0205 - PG&E Tech & Ecological Svcs 510 866 5840 fax or 800...
020501 - Ms. Mary E. Boland; Associate Wildlife Biologist =510 866 5840
0206 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 223 8273 fax or 800...
020601 - Mr. Robert Masuoka; Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 223 8273
0207 - PG&E Fresno Office 209 821 5000 fax or 800...
020701 - Mr. Michael D. Grinstead; =209 821 5247 or 263 5247
020702 - Building & Land Services =Telephone/fax
020703 - Mr. Jeff Little; =209 821 5241 or 263 5241
020704 - Reg Land Department =Telephone/fax
0208 - The Welch Company 415 781 5700
020801 - Mr. Rod Welch
Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings: 941005 Sacramento with CDWR
Evaluation PG&E Contract Performance
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Followed up Progress meeting on Aug 18, 1994. ref SDS 1 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Kevin Coffee conducted the meeting, using the agenda prepared by CDWR.
070804 - ref DRT 1 0000
070805 -
070806 - Lori Brown said CDWR feels PG&E has done an outstanding job on
070807 - difficult permitting, design, and scheduling issues under exigent
070808 - circumstances. Mary Boland and Bob Masuoka have greatly aided CDWR by
070809 - providing timely and quality support. Kevin Coffee noted that CDWR's
070810 - coordination of the many business groups involved in the project has
070811 - greatly aided PG&E. (see meeting notes for Aug 18, 1994, ref SDS 1
070812 - line 797).
070813 -
070814 - The meeting today indicated that, if permits and Right of Way tasks
070815 - can be accomplished on time, then PG&E can begin construction at the
070816 - site on the scheduled target dates, the first being Arco - Devils Den
070817 - transmission line on Feb 3, 1995. Further planning to define scope,
070818 - tasks, cost and schedule for energizing and testing will be carried
070819 - out in November, 1994 when Lonnie Essage is assigned to the CDWR
070820 - project team.
070821 -
070822 -
070823 - Follow Up
070824 -
070825 - 1. Meeting in November on scope and schedule to energize and
070826 - test, and coordinate with CDWR work.
070827 -
070828 - 2. CDWR will review and comment on Notes to PG&E's schedule.
070829 -
070830 - 3. CDWR will submit by Nov 30, 1994 final design criteria on
070831 - pipeline and plant construction that affects PG&E design and
070832 - construction.
070833 -
070834 - 4. CDWR will provide easements and permits for PG&E's work from
070835 - Arco Substation to Devils Den pumping plant, so construction on
070836 - the transmission line can commence on or about Feb 3, 1995.
070837 -
070838 - 5. PG&E will coordinate with CDWR on additional information needed
070839 - for easements on the Distribution system.
070840 -
070841 - 6. CDWR will submit a "clean copy" of EIR information to PG&E, so
070842 - PG&E can submit a filing on GO 131-D by Nov 1, 1994.
070843 -
070844 - [Followd up at ref SDS 13 line 142.]
070845 -
070846 - 7. CDWR will submit the revised Fish & Game opinion so PG&E
070847 - construct its work beginning on Feb 3, 1994.
070848 - ..
070849 - 8. CDWR will submit by Dec 31, 1994 design drawings and specs
070850 - showing incorporation of agreed criteria submitted by PG&E for
070851 - Control Room and Transfer Trip.
070852 -
070853 -
070854 -
070855 -
070856 -
0709 -
Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings: 941005 Sacramento with CDWR
Review Pending Action Items
1006 - Summary/Objective
1007 -
100701 - Aug 18, 1994 Meeting
100702 -
100703 - Lori will call Bill tomorrow or Monday, 941009, to review notes on
100704 - outstanding action items from prior meetings, submitted by PG&E to
100705 - CDWR, yesterday at ref SDS 10 line 49, via ref DIP 3 line 93.
100706 -
100707 - The record shows CDWR and PG&E have made progress on all Action Items,
100708 - and most are complete, as shown at ref SDS 1 line 99, and in the
100709 - record below.
100710 -
100711 -
100712 -
100713 -
1008 -
Project Status, CDWR
Interface PG&E with CDWR Activities
1705 - Summary/Objective
1706 -
170601 - Three Plants
170602 -
170603 - Ramon Dalton said the design of the switchyards for the three pumping
170604 - plants is complete.
170605 -
170606 - Ed Hills said three (3) pumping plants are under construction, and
170607 - explained the status on various components.
170608 -
170609 - Rod Welch noted that the CDWR schedule dated Aug 11, 1994 (ref
170610 - DRP 1 line 7 received by PG&E at ref SDS 5 line 129), shows
170611 - pipeline reach 1, 2 and 3 should be underway; Notice to Proceed
170612 - (NTP) for CDWR task #8 Three Plants-Initial was 940113; and for
170613 - task #9 Three Plants-Completion the NTP is 950102.
170614 -
170615 - [Bill DeHart visited the site of the three plants on Oct 11
170616 - and observed some site grading appeared to have been perform-
170617 - ed. There was no equipment and there were no construction
170618 - crews on site, ref SDS 12 line 192.]
170619 -
170620 - The scope for and progress on CDWR tasks #8 and #9 need review
170621 - for integration with PG&E's schedule. If CDWR task #9, which is
170622 - PG&E schedule task DH3D, begins on the scheduled date (940102),
170623 - and the scope is unchanged, then PG&E's work may be unaffected.
170624 - At this time PG&E plans to build, energize and test the transmis-
170625 - sion line independent of CDWR tasks, per ref SDS 7 line 160.
170626 - Joint analysis of this plan will occur in November, per ref SDS 7
170627 - line 344.
170628 -
170629 -
170630 -
170631 - Pipeline Progress
170632 -
170633 - Ed said work is progressing on the Devils Den - Polonio Pass pipeline
170634 - (CDWR task #1; PG&E schedule task DD3D) at the rate of 8 - 10 sections
170635 - of 40' pipe per day.
170636 -
170637 - This is a significant improvement over the prior report by Bob
170638 - Grotheer on 940922, of 2 pipe sections per day ref SDS 7 line 168.
170639 -
170640 - Accordingly, CDWR expects to meet the completion target of 950630
170641 - shown for its task #1 pipeline reach #1, which PG&E understands is
170642 - the section from Devils Den to Polonio Pass. PG&E's schedule is
170643 - based on this understanding.
170644 -
170645 -
170646 -
170647 -
170648 -
170649 -
1707 -
PG&E Schedule Report to CDWR, 941002p.mpp
Energize & Test
2605 - Summary/Objective
2606 -
260601 - Bill DeHart showed PG&E's schedule, ref OF 1, prepared using Microsoft
260602 - Project 4.0. This is a large scale plot that was given to CDWR for
260603 - further review and comment to insure adequate coordination.
260604 -
260605 - It applies CDWR's schedule discussed at the Aug 18 meeting, ref
260606 - SDS 1 line 333 (this is Action Item 3, ref SDS 1 line 109), and
260607 - applies CDWR's request to schedule PG&E's work independent from
260608 - work on the pipeline project, ref SDS 7 line 158.
260609 -
260610 -
260611 - Schedule Notes
260612 -
260613 - Bill explained that the standard schedule submittal includes a set
260614 - of "Notes" keyed to the activity numbers shown in the schedule
260615 - graphic. The notes explain the scope of schedule activities,
260616 - interaction with CDWR and other criteria.
260617 -
260618 - There are several minor corrections needed in the schedule. PG&E
260619 - will submit to CDWR a corrected schedule in standard form (8.5 x
260620 - 11) that includes the notes.
260621 -
260622 - PG&E requests that CDWR review these notes and comment where
260623 - necessary to avoid conflicts and delays.
260624 -
260625 -
260626 - Completion Targets
260627 -
260628 - Bill explained that PG&E has scheduled to perform its work so it
260629 - will meet contract completion targets. This recognizes PG&E's
260630 - work will complete prior to the completion of certain components
260631 - of the CDWR's pipeline project, including plant switchyards and
260632 - transformers, as discussed at the Schedule meeting on Sep 22, ref
260633 - SDS 7 line 90 and at ref SDS 7 line 249). It also reflects the
260634 - need to begin the work on or about Feb 3, 1995 in order to avoid
260635 - adverse environmental impacts.
260636 -
260637 -
260638 - Scope & Construction Time
260639 -
260640 - The need to begin the work at a time that is environmentally opportune
260641 - (Feb 3, 1995), and the fact that CDWR will not be ready to receive
260642 - power until on or about Jul 26, 1996, is beyond PG&E's completion
260643 - dates (Dec 30, 1995), in combination with the fact that much of PG&E's
260644 - work can be economically constructed within a 6 - 8 month period,
260645 - requires further thought on work scope and timing by CDWR and PG&E.
260646 -
260647 - PG&E and CDWR plan to meet in November to work on these issues, ref
260648 - SDS 7 line 344.
260649 -
260650 -
260651 -
2607 -
Transmission Line Design, PG&E
Final Drawings from CDWR
3205 - Summary/Objective
3206 -
320601 - Bob Masuoka followed up Action Item 1 at the meeting on Aug 18 (notes
320602 - at ref SDS 1 line 276), requesting that CDWR submit the final con-
320603 - struction drawings on the pipeline and applicable portions of the
320604 - plants, so that PG&E's engineering is predicated on accurate design
320605 - criteria.
320606 -
320607 -
320608 - This confirms Bob's comment at ref DRP 4 line 15, in transmitting
320609 - CDWR's preliminary plans, received at ref DRP 3 line 18, as ex-
320610 - plained at ref SDS 3 line 238.
320611 -
320612 - The information is needed by the end of Nov 30, so PG&E can
320613 - incorporate into its engineering. [See follow up at ref SDS 12
320614 - line 175.]
320615 -
320616 -
320617 - Bob McDougall indicated CDWR will submit this information to PG&E.
320618 -
320619 -
320620 - After the meeting, Lori Brown provided a set of plans and
320621 - specifications entitled:
320622 -
320623 -
320624 - Pipeline Reach 1 - Devils Den to Cholame Valley
320625 -
320626 -
320627 - ...these appear to be the bid drawings in that the last date
320628 - shows addendum #2 on 931004 which is just prior to the bid
320629 - opening date of 931223.
320630 -
320631 -
320632 - CDWR can submit a letter to PG&E stating these drawings show the
320633 - final grades, or alternatively submit any revised plans that materi-
320634 - ally alter the grades as shown for Reach 1.
320635 -
320636 -
320637 -
3207 -
3208 -
CDWR task #1, Pipeline Reach No. 1, by CDWR
Devils Den - Polonio Pass PP
Stake for Construction
Construction, Devils Den - Polonio Pass PP
3907 - Summary/Objective
3908 -
390801 - Lori Brown asked about the need to have final grades restored in
390802 - PG&E's construction right of way, prior to beginning construction, as
390803 - shown in note 20 for PG&E schedule task DD2H Stake for construction.
390804 -
390805 - Jeff Little said there appears to be a good deal of spoil (excess
390806 - mounded earth and debris) from the pipeline construction opera-
390807 - tion. It is unclear whether this material is necessarily within
390808 - PG&E's construction operation area, however, ordinarily it is
390809 - prudent to restore final grade prior to PG&E construction opera-
390810 - tions in order to avoid extra expense and delays. PG&E intends
390811 - to accommodate CDWR's requirements to the extent possible,
390812 -
390813 -
390814 -
3909 -
DWR's Land Acquisition Activities
Legal Descriptions
Right of Way Easements
Easement Terms
5507 - Summary/Objective
5508 -
550801 - Followed up Aug 18, meeting, ref SDS 1 line 344. CDWR reported receiv-
550802 - ing legal descriptions from PG&E, per ref SDS 8 line 415, to assist
550803 - CDWR in obtaining easements.
550804 -
550805 - Alan Davis said CDWR staff visited the project site last week. They
550806 - expect to complete appraisals in 2 weeks.
550807 -
550808 - CDWR is concentrating on obtaining easements in environmentally sen-
550809 - sitive areas. Veronica has reported that meeting the schedule will be
550810 - tight.
550811 -
550812 - Bill DeHart explained PG&E's plan to begin constructing the trans-
550813 - mission line at Arco sub and work toward the Devils Den plant (task
550814 - DD5D2) then will continue from there to Polonio Pass (task DD5D4).
550815 - This is the most efficient way to proceed, indicated in PG&E's
550816 - schedule submitted in the meeting on Sep 22, ref SDS 7 line 146.
550817 -
550818 - Easements are needed to support this schedule.
550819 -
550820 - PG&E requests that CDWR advise of any specific difficulties or
550821 - changes needed in the schedule (per discussion at the Aug 18,
550822 - meeting, ref SDS 1 line 394).
550823 -
550824 -
550825 - Mike Rumsey advised that CDWR has started negotiations to obtain
550826 - easements for PG&E's work from Arco to Devils Den. Mike indicated
550827 - easements will be available in 2 - 3 weeks.
550828 -
550829 -
550830 -
5509 -
Distribution System, Tanks 2 and 4
Right of Way Easements
Tanks 3 and 5 and Chorro Valley and
PG&E coordinate with CDWR on information
6207 -
620701 - Alan said CDWR needs more information on the Distribution System work.
620702 -
620703 - Mike Rumsey asked which part of the pipeline is common with the
620704 - Distribution System?
620705 -
620706 - Jeff will inquire and advise CDWR on this.
620707 -
620708 -
620709 - CDWR is coordinating with J.T. Haas on getting easements.
620710 -
620711 -
620712 - PG&E needs information on tanks 2 and 4.
620713 -
620714 -
620715 - Jeff said permission to enter on some properties has been rescinded.
620716 -
620717 -
620718 -
620719 -
620720 -
6208 -
Permits, GO 131-D
Determine Requirements Legal Applicability
6906 -
690601 - Bill DeHart pointed out new tasks in the schedule for GO 131-D work,
690602 - following up discussions on Action Item #8 at the Aug 18, meeting,
690603 - per ref SDS 1 line 443.
690604 -
690605 - Bob Masuoka submitted a draft task flow chart, entitled:
690606 -
690607 - Anticipated Project Process
690608 -
690609 -
690610 - Bob advised PG&E will submit a filing on Nov 1, using information
690611 - used by CDWR for the pipeline project's EIR permit. He requested a
690612 - "clean copy" of CDWR's EIR documentation, to support this filing.
690613 -
690614 - PG&E expects this filing will result in being able to proceed with its
690615 - work (staking, DD2H, and construction, DD5D2) on Feb 3, 1995, as
690616 - scheduled to accommodate environmental concerns explained at ref SDS 7
690617 - line 381.
690618 -
690619 - [This was followed up at ref SDS 13 line 105.]
690620 -
690621 -
690622 -
6907 -
Environmental Documentation, DWR
Biological & Cultural Survey
Amend EIR, by CDWR
Fish & Game Amended Opinion on PG&E
8507 -
850701 - Mary Boland submitted an environmental report. Bob Masuoka advised a
850702 - cultural resources survey will be submitted within a few days.
850703 -
850704 - This pertains to Action Items 9, 10 and 11 from Aug 18 meeting.
850705 -
850706 -
850707 -
850708 - Lizard Protection
850709 -
850710 - Mary said the work from Arco to Devils Den pumping plant is outside
850711 - the Lizard protection fence. Therefore, it is important to start
850712 - construction in this area prior to Feb 3, so it can complete prior to
850713 - mid-Apr, 1995 when lizards will come out of hibernation.
850714 -
850715 - She will be the monitor to inspect the area in advance of construction
850716 - to minimize impacts on at risk species.
850717 -
850718 - CDWR will have the Fish & Game opinion revised to approve PG&E's
850719 - work in this area.
850720 -
850721 -
8508 -
8509 -
Engineering, SLO Hydro Plant, Control Room
Transfer Trip
9005 -
900501 - ..
900502 - Transfer Trip Design
900503 -
900504 - Jivat Gidvani submitted questions on behalf of PG&E Engineering, to Om
900505 - Lakhotia, and met with Om separately after the main Progress Meeting
900506 - to discuss the following points:
900507 -
900508 - 1. PG&E requires ungrounded (floating) dc power supply. Since,
900509 - CDWR's 48 Vdc power system is going to be grounded, PG&E would
900510 - prefer to have ungrounded 125 Vdc supplies. The dc power
900511 - requirements are:
900512 -
900513 - a. One 100 W, 125 Vdc circuit for transfer trip receivers (RFL
900514 - 6745)
900515 -
900516 - b. One 50 W, 125 Vdc circuit for Remote Terminal Unit
900517 - (Westronics RTU)
900518 -
900519 - 2. PG&E will also require one 15 A, 120 Vac, 60Hz circuit.
900520 -
900521 - 3. The following wiring between CDWR and PG&E rack mounted
900522 - equipment is to be provided by CDWR:
900523 -
900524 - a. From CDWR AC/DC distribution panel to the terminal blocks
900525 - on PG&E 19' rack.
900526 -
900527 - b. From CDWR breaker (115 kV and 4.16 kV) status contacts to
900528 - the terminal blocks on PG&E 19" rack. (For RTU)
900529 -
900530 - c. From CDWR 115 kV circuit breaker control panel to the
900531 - terminal blocks on PG&E 19" rack.
900532 -
900533 - (Trip signal from transfer trip receivers) The wire size
900534 - for the control wire is not to be less than #12 AWG and
900535 - for RTU not less than #16 AWG.
900536 -
900537 - 4. PG&E will require control room layout drawings indicating
900538 - assigned space for PG&E equipment.
900539 -
900540 - ..
900541 - Om agreed to the requirements 1 to 3 above. On point 4 above,
900542 - Om said that CDWR is preparing control room layout drawings, and
900543 - expects to submit a copy to PG&E by the end of this year.
900544 -
900545 - [This may have been obviated by change in CDWR's plans on 941208,
900546 - per ref SDS 14 line 447]
900547 -
900548 - A copy of sketch CDWR-1, Rev. 1 was also given to Om Lakhotia. (For
900549 - Information only)
900550 -
900551 - These understandings are set out in Jivat's notes at ref DRP 5 line
900552 - 26.
900553 -
900554 -
9006 -
9007 -
Transmission Line Engineering - Grounding Study
Safety (Touch Voltage)
Pipeline Coating Integrity
CDWR submit information for induction study
9607 -
960701 - Followed up discussions on Action Items 16 and 17 from meeting on Aug
960702 - 18, at ref SDS 1 line 832.
960703 -
960704 - After the main Progress Meeting today, Lori Brown provided a set of
960705 - plans and specifications that show information on pipeline coatings
960706 - which were requested by PG&E in order to evaluate the CDWR's question
960707 - about impact of induced current on the pipeline coating.
960708 -
960709 - This was submitted to Maria Ly later in the day.
960710 -
960711 -
960712 -
960713 -
960714 -
960715 -
960716 -
960717 -
960718 -
960719 -
960720 -
960721 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"