440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 4, 1994 02:32 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Demonstrated SDS to Bob LaRue at PG&E.
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0201 - PG&E Materials & Fleet 415 973 1043 fax 8087
020101 - Mr. Bob LaRue, P.E.
020102 - Project Manager; Room 741 Mail Code H7A =415 973 5072
SDS Marketing, Demonstrations
Remembering (linked records)
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 77. While waiting for Bob to
050602 - return so we could start the plot on the CDWR schedule, I noticed he
050603 - had a book on his desk about Deming and TQM.
050604 -
050605 - I set up the notebook computer and did some work on the notes of the
050606 - meeting with Bob. When he returned, I asked if he would like a
050607 - demonstration of SDS, and how to implement Deming's idea about:
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050610 - Plan, Do, Study, Act.
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050613 - I explained the POIMS concept of an "automated management cycle":
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050615 -
050616 - Plan Perform
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050619 -
050620 - Report
050621 -
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050623 - Showed how SDS implements this, using records of Bill's CDWR
050624 - project.
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050626 -
050627 - Bob thought SDS could be helpful in his work. He was suprised by the
050628 - amount of writing in SDS records, but recognized that SDS lets people
050629 - write as much or as little as they want. It just makes it possible
050630 - (empowers managers) to generate and retrieve information and ideas
050631 - much more efficiently. I explained the POIMS concept of "converting
050632 - information into knowledge."
050633 -
050634 - Did an example of looking up instructions on using MS Project, ref
050635 - SDS 1 line 199, since Bob mentioned today he does not have a
050636 - manual, and so has learned the new features of ver. 4.0 through
050637 - experimentation. He said this method results in forgetting how to
050638 - do things due to the dynamics of the work day, and the need to get
050639 - things done quickly. Even with a manual, there are lots of subtle
050640 - things not in the manual that need to be remembered.
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050642 - Bob said SDS linking and Subject Indexing could be helpful for
050643 - capturing and retrieving related information.
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050646 - I explained that to implement it, would require me providing training
050647 - and support for several months, as I am doing for Bill DeHart (see
050648 - Bill's evaluation reported at ref SDS 2 line 82.
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050652 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"